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Anne Grose

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Everything posted by Anne Grose

  1. Oh my goodness - have I been so there. It is the scariest moment of your life. I too had good recall dogs when it happened to me. I dread to think what would happen now if it happened to Barty. He is a nightmare with animals. Well done Fee on having the presence of mind you did - and also going back to warn other dog owners. NICE LADY !!!!!!
  2. Cannock isn't far from me and now that Snow has fixed my account I am back on The Refuge. Can I come on whichever day you choose. Barty loved his last fugee walk and he loves Cannock Chase
  3. Sorry content collie for some reason the refuge has stopped sending me emails which because I have been away I only just realised. It is very simple to make one with only one leg hole - contact me by pm and I will make you one
  4. Well, what with everything that has been happening in my life recently, I have completely forgotten to update this link. Anyway, I started at 10st 4lbs with an aim to lose a stone. Yesterday, I was down to 9st 9lbs, so I just have 5lbs to go to my target. Still would love more sponsors and hope that you are all still cheering me on. Anne
  5. Of course, I still haven't sorted out my login details so this has been posted by the wrong one. Sorry it is me really. Anne
  6. Sorry got my log in wrong. The post above was from me - I don't know how I have ended up with two accounts on here. Anne
  7. Laura - while I am still happy to be involved in the team, I don't want to be involved in organising team members and application as my mum died last week and I have enough to cope with at the moment. Anne
  8. Awwwww bless. Don't their stories make you want to cry. Just because they aren't perfect - chuck 'em out. That's how we got Barty - who is the loveliest dog that you could wish for. OK he isnt physically perfect and he has a lot of problems because of that, but for goodness sakes, the love that he gives. Bella will be the same, probably one of the most rewarding dogs you will ever have. I love rescues. Sometimes, I wish Chloe had been easier but I will never give up.
  9. Yes, I cook the oats into a lovely creamy porridge. My dogs love it made with milk
  10. We are BARB panel members too !!!! Small world. We are going to use our vouchers for a recordable DVD after Christmas. If you are homecooking for him, try oats they are excellent for putting weight on. Good porridge for breakfast, that'll stick to his ribs.
  11. We have the ashes of our first two dogs in lovely wooden boxes - Merrie sits in the sunshine on th windowsill as she loved to lie in the sun and Stitch resides on the shelf of the whatnot behind Nick's chair because that was his favourite place to lie. Both caskets will come with us when we move to France and we will find suitable resting places in that house when the time comes.
  12. Sounds like Freecycle or ebay will be having a call from you. Good luck
  13. Celeste, have you tried Landywoods for their frozen minced meats. This is the company I use for my dogs and 1lb of tripe is only around 39p and lamb about 40p a pound. Going from memory so not massively accurate, but here is their website That would cut your food bill down. As you know when I travel I mix their minced meat with Orijen but when at home they get this for breakfast and then more rmb's for dinner.
  14. Barty always takes my slippers to bed with him if I am out. He and Merlin have a lot in common. Sending even more healing thoughts for the little man
  15. oh poor Merlin. Lots of healing thoughts on their way. I know how awful it is after back surgery because my poor Barty went through it all 4 years ago. Hope all turns out OK
  16. No advice as to experience with using this but just a little with perhaps how to acclimatize her to it. It must feel quite weird - does she adjust to new things easily or not?? I would treat it like any other new thing and put it on and then feed her treats to take her mind off it. Do this for just a few seconds at a time and then build up and hopefully she will learn to accept it. Hope it works for you Anne
  17. We won't be offered audition dates until we have put in a formal application with details of all our team.
  18. Sent you the info by email Anne
  19. So sorry to hear of Ollies passing. Sweet dreams old friend. You will be sorely missed.
  20. I don't know - I haven't heard anything from Laura since last week
  21. Bless, I never realised he ended up back with you !!!! Happy gotcha day little man
  22. The DAP collar is with them all the time rather than having to rely on them lying the right place. That's the theory anyway. I used the DAP inroom diffuser when I introduced my last two rescue dogs and that seemed to work fine. As he is now doing other things I think he most certainly is finding his feet in typical terrier fashion. Work on your relationship with him, so that he knows you are to be looked to for guidance and not to ignore. Use very high level treats with him - cheese, roast chicken or steak. Rather than boring old packet treats from the pet shop. Alfie won't be able to resist
  23. Well, there is one boy I have had my eye on for ages and would have like a shot if my husband would let me. He is the from the same breeding as my lovely Barty and is the gorgeous Dudley, who is a Lurcher Link dog.
  24. Number one - DON'T PANIC !!!!! If he has separation anxiety then he obviously has some fear issues. He has also only been with you for a very short time. What does he do when post arrives, or the door bell rings - does he rush to it barking?? While you are sorting this I would have Alfie on a lead, that way you can control his behaviour and teach him how to behave in a calm way. Personally I would work on this by calmly teaching him that when visitors come to the door he sits quietly while you chat to them and he does that until the door is shut. If you can find someone to work with you by ringing the door bell and you going through the sit, treat, good boy - chat to visitor - good boy, treat - goodbye - good boy, treat - sit - shut door, Good boy, treat. OK off you go scenario, then it will make the strangers easier. If not you are going to have to do your best with strangers. Shutting him in another room is just going to make it worse IMHO especially if he has separation anxiety anyway. DAP is brilliant - did you get the collar because I understand these work the best
  25. I have seen some research that says it can damage healthy joints and shouldn't be given as a preventative measure. It should only be given to dogs that have problems. I will look out the reference and send it on to you.
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