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Everything posted by joshnbecks

  1. Sarah runs EGAR where Maya and my girlie Grousie came from We live down south so doubt we would be able to make a walk.
  2. my GSP from Sarah @ EGAR This was the pic I saw when I first fell for her 4yrs ago!! more recent - in the garden 2 weeks ago looking pretty
  3. oOOOoooo look at him - my Girlie's double!! Grousie Grousie came also from Sarah at EGAR Waiting for some pics of Maya...............
  4. my peps was an epileptic - wasnt a problem most of the time. Hope it's just a one off for you and Salada She probably was starving after the fit as most epi dogs are and best to keep that blood sugar up lots of info and support can be found here PFK website - epi section
  5. joshnbecks

    Very Sick Dog

    UPDATE Have just spoken to Sarah, Bogey is doing much better, he is eating and the bruises on his belly have all gone. He is still very red around the eyes and ears but he is alot better than he was. The blood results came back all clear with just a couple of enzymes being out but the vet said nothing that would cause the symptons he had. Please continue to send healing thoughts his way Sarah really does appriecate them becks
  6. joshnbecks

    Very Sick Dog

    Sarah is offline atm due to internet service problems but I know she will appricate any healing thoughts anyone has going for Bogey
  7. Grousie has worn hers since she got run over and considering the op she had to have she hasn't even a limp now......if I leave it off for more than 24hours you can see the difference in her. I recc. bio-flow over some of the cheaper ones as they don't affect microchips.
  8. If I want a post updated or picture changed for whatever reason I pm a mod who is always happy to help
  9. All credit goes to you Sarah, Glor is here now because you had the faith and insight to go every step of the way where others doubted.........just look at his picture Fingers crossed a home can be found so Glor can lead a normal homelife just like Sophie
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