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Everything posted by lurcherdan

  1. Last Friday, 16th November was SWT's second anniversary. We grew SWT up from just £20! So far this year we have granted the following: Dog Rescue Ireland (Rose, Emergency Fund) - £200 Kimba (Tigre Appeal) - £800 NEGLR (Coats) - £49.50 GLWR (Valentine Auction) - £750 EGLR (Sponsorship) - £150 GLWR (Toby, Emergency Fund) - £250 Deed Not Breed - £150 Greyhound Gap (Lottery) - £400 Whitehall Dog Rescue (Emergency Fund, Cassie) - £250 Orchard Greyhound Sanctuary (Summer Auction) - £920 GALA - £300 Greyhound Gap (Scarlett) - £500 GRWE (Lottery) - £300 TOTAL = £5,019.50 (if my adding is correct!) And of course Tailends with monies from the auction... All this would not have been at all possible without all of the support people have given us in the form of time, money, goods, skills and moral support. A special thanks to the Refuge and all its members for their support
  2. Thanks to all you kind people - your support has been very special to SWT
  3. Lurchers just love to investigate! . I hope the sores are better soon
  4. I can only echo Wendy's thanks to all who donated - thank you so much Refugees
  5. I think Donna (Lurcher Lurcker) might have some pics with small furries Is it just greyhounds or all sighthounds?
  6. lurcherdan


    Lily's looking great
  7. Signed and cross posted to Sighthound Welfare Trust
  8. Looks like they enjoyed the sun . Well we've got to make the most of it whilst we have it!
  9. Thank you all . Well will provide an update for you as soon as we have one from the rescue
  10. I hate meeting black labs. Molly as with all dogs is fine with them and loves to dance around, Izzie will usually bark at it and Fin will try to keep away, but might start if the dog comes too close (he also suffered from fear agression). They are very much better with females and not so bad either with neutered males. Lots of people around this neack of the woods agree that their dog hates black labs!
  11. A big thanks to all who have donated - people have been so generous
  12. How do you mean Laura? The address is - [email protected] - are you sure that you have the .uk at the end (have had problems with this before)?
  13. *Warning: Graphic Pictures below* Earlier this month I had an email from Bernie at Dog Rescue in Ireland. The lurcher was found in Co. Wicklow in a deplorable state. She had sarcoptic mange, bleeding from the mouth and blisters all over her, with hair only on her head and some of her back. It was decided that Sighthound Welfare Trust would be able to help out by sending £200 from their emergency fund towards the veterinary and rehabilitation costs. A couple of days ago we had this email from Bernie: Many thanks for your kind donation of £200 . sorry for the delay but im a one man operation here and practical stuff with the kennels is priority. I havent lodged the cheque yet but will next week. I got a few dogs off to the UK this and last weekend so Im a bit emptier. Rose is coming on fine, her blisters have dried up and she has stopped bleeding under her neck as this was very bad. she is due another bath later so Ill send you a picture . She has cheered up no end and is a quiet happy girl. She will eventually go to the UK like they all do. Only scum babgs want greys and lurchers here. In fact I think she is a small greyhound.I dont know what we would do if we hadnt got help from the UK. You are all so good to the Irish dogs. Again many thanks, I really appreciate your help. Will send you update. Bernie Wright. With these lovely pictures A big thank you to all on SWT forums, and all you Refugees who have supported SWT with fundraising and donations that allowed us to provide the funds up front, and respond immediately . Obviously our ability to respond so quickly in these situations depends on the funds that we have available in our Emergency Fund. The fund is a pretty new thing and we hope to be making good use of it for 2007. Will post an update when we next get one
  14. I have been asked to post this here for a member on Sighthound Welfare Trust: Last week I found a lump on Lily's jaw and she went to the vet to have it looked at. The vet took a smear from the lump and did a blood test, but did say that he thought it was simply a swollen saliva gland. I've just had a phone call from the vet, telling me that the results of the smear are back and are inconclusive, but that there were two granules in the smear that MIGHT be related to lieshmania. The vet told me that the blood test would be more conclusive, but the results won't be in until next Tuesday. Depending on the results of the blood test, they will want to take another smear for analysis. Some of you will remember that I lost my precious heart dog Frodo due to lieshmania in August, and I am now asking for any prayers, chants, witchcraft, whatever, that Lily is going to be all clear. I should say that Lily seems absolutely fine, happy and bouncy and energetic. Here is a picture of Lily:
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