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Everything posted by Xandra

  1. aaawww lovely She looks so much happier and healthier already
  2. Books are sooooooooo much better than films. If I have read a book and then watch the film I'm always really disappointed. I try to stick to three at the most
  3. Xandra


    Good thoughts for Bow and everybody who helped her
  4. Hope she gets a lot of time to enjoy her new home!!!! Flora
  5. You obviously got yours from rescue then tut tut No fostering either, they are quite happy in kennels. But you can buy some Have also heard it should be the healthiest way, and warm water is very bad for the hair. You wont get me doing it though, unless I ABSOLUTELY have to!! Hope Bow will be on the way to Granma squiggs tomorrow
  6. I'm a breeder Have just set my money up to breed baby money, and there wont be any neutering going on!!!!!!
  7. Happy Birthday gorgeous Codie!!
  8. The police sounds very dodgy in that article!!!! Just said in the paper this morning that the fund have decided not to pay for Mccanns legal defence as it would not recognise the spirit of the generous donations.
  9. Lovely dogs Especially like Purdy as she reminds me A LOT of my friends dog that we used to live with.
  10. Glad it was good news for Flora More positive thoughts coming her way
  11. Positive and healing thoughts for Angel
  12. Me too I wanted to become a detective, went from Famous Five to Nancy Drew, Sherlock Holmes and Peter Wimsey We were a whole little group of detectives in school, but never did manage to stumble upon a crime to solve
  13. Disappointing, especially after Marley & Me, that had a great story was very funny and you really felt his love for the dog. Don't know which book was written first, but WO just seems a bit like trying to make money of the succes of M&M with a not very well written book... Think a lot of people here have faaaaaar better/more interesting stories than that to tell. And didn't feel he did a whole lot of good for the common perception of rescue dogs either. Hope you are looking forward to reading it now.
  14. I read that when I was in school, for some special projekt or something, brill book! At the moment reading Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee ,Don't shoot the Dog and Arctic wild. So far the first one is very good and informative and quite sad. Have only just started the other two, most of you will know don't shot anyway, and Arctic Wild has some very good reviews. HAve just read Animals in Translation, animal behavior form an autistic perspective. Interesting in some areas disappointing in others and a bit misinformativce too, even though there are some very good ideas in it.
  15. And your pictures are (as always) absolutely stunning too.
  16. Lovely spotties!! I don't think the pictures are bad either One always tends to always be overly critical with oneself I definitely wouldn't want to see pictures of me on a ridinghorse, lol. And trotting and walking on the racehorses is not that pretty either, or so I've been told...
  17. my inbox is fooooked wont send messages and wont delete messages, will do most other things, grrrr
  18. They have grown a"little" bit since last pictures!!!! How many centimeters do they grow a day?
  19. Does anybody want a bit of heat? We could do with loosing some, it's 9pm and 35ºc and 80% humidity outside, :heatexhaustedemoticon: tomorrow morning is gonna be a killer :anotherheatexhaustedemoticon:
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