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Kats inc

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Everything posted by Kats inc

  1. Morning I just had a very confusing call from a friend then we discovered she'd actually phoned the wrong Julie Upshot is that her dog has hurt her back and is paralysed in both back legs though which is horrible Dylan the devil kittencat can also do this,little that he is.It isn't much fun being woken at 3am to heavy rock music which is what my radio alarm is set to
  2. Am currently giggling at a site I've just looked at from another board I post on Kitten huffing
  3. Inhumane isn't it I also received the same email Even in this day and age when we are supposed to be so advanced as a race we carry on doing barbaric things like this.I will never understand it.
  4. Evening I think someone has put that 'Hotel for Pooseykatts' sign up outside my house again. I currently have a visiting tabby and white cat, a visiting ginger cat and a norty interloper from my neighbour who is Wrigley a very fluffy black and white girl who always seems to be hungry and may get a worming tablet in her next meal I think one of them is a unneutered male,probably tabby and white as that horrible tom cat pizzle smell seems to be lurking round the cat flap
  5. Hope you're on the mend soon Alicia
  6. Morning My friend has sent me lots of beautiful photos of his stay in New Zealand this morning.I am mostly jealous.I am also sorting out his off duty for his return to work as it seems to have been fecked up.Good job another friend works in the same A&E department as him
  7. I've still got 4 cats that need boosters too Might as well have paid my wages direct to the vet this month
  8. Morning Had a vets appt y'day with Mimals,he is pleased with her,wants to see her in another month.Cue relief for me that he is optimistic we have another month Snotty sneezy cats continue....they've all had it now except Mimals and Tilly.It obviously makes them feel just like we do with a heavy cold.Although I strongly suspect Bert and Harvey believed they had man flu No news re work and the ongoing saga It's a year now since that silly bint assaulted me.
  9. Anti-rabid thoughts on the way for you and Domino Sam
  10. Morning Sunny here....feels like the first time I've seen the sun in ages
  11. Dylan is hideous on JWB,strange isn't it Trust him to be different. The fish one gives him horrible squits.
  12. Lots of good thoughts on the way for you. Steroid injections are pretty good and usually work very well so fingers crossed for that.Also just to say that Oswestry has the most brilliant reputation for anything orthopaedic so you're definitely in safe hands
  13. Morning Healing purrs for Cozzie Pooseykatt from us Harvey,Jasmine and Dylan have now joined in with Humph in the sneezing business so I guess it must be a viral thing.No other symptoms apart from sounding vaguely snotty when they eat.I just hope Mimals doesn't get it.
  14. Hello I would allow yourself to be suitably smug about the homework though even if you refrain from twatting her one And be grateful you only have the one white hair Ah fabulous Jemima is in the litter tray and will no doubt shortly be trying to dig her way down to see my friend who is currently in New Zealand
  15. Just adding to that about the go cat Dyl's worst diarrhoea is if he manages to get his paws on go cat especially the duck variety and interestingly Donna who runs the rescue says her cats with sensitive tummies are worse on go cat too.Again the duck variety is the main culprit,the one with the purple label.
  16. Yay for Jasper and all of you for helping him My Bert was a roaming tom cat but is now a completely domesticated pouf and from the early signs I'd say Jasper may follow in his footsteps Dylan has a sensitive tummy and is best on science plan sensitive diet bics and wet food and any of the high meat food with no wheat/cereal additives in it.No whiskas or felix muck for him
  17. Hello It's gone very foggy here all of a sudden.Better than yesterdays persitant snow though. Humphrey hasn't stopped sneezing for 3 days,I think he has a feather from his christmas present toy stuck up his schnozz. Not been around for a few days so hope everyone is ok
  18. BBC news article He sounds an amazing dog and I can see why they want him out of harms way Miiiiiiiiiiiindyyyyyyyy he's a labradorrrrrrrrrr
  19. Morning Alex you should go to your reunion.I went to mine a couple of yrs ago and it was brilliant fun! I have a house full of cats snoozling up to radiators. Squitty kitty Tilly seems better today
  20. Morning My friend is supposed to be travelling to Heathrow today ready for a flight to New Zealand tomorrow,I do hope he makes it ok Bit of a rubbish time to have such major travel plans,it sucks really Tilly has puked in the night and is a bit squitty today earning her nickname of Tilly Trotter Will be keeping a close eye on her I think. Jemima is still eating well but you can really see her liver mass protruding out now
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