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About kinski

  • Birthday 02/14/1982

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  • Location
    Philadelphia, USA
  • Interests
    music, music, puppy, husband, reading, movies, puppy, husband, music. not in any particular order :)

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  1. oh gee thanks mum, i guess this will do seeing as you never sent me a birthday card!
  2. mum, it's time for me to come clean about something.... when i used to walk ailsa, she would pee and i would bring her straight back in, i couldn't stomach the thought of picking up her doo doo... now when i walk kinski, i have taken to picking it up in 2 pieces of kitchen towel, his doo doo is so small i hate the thought of tying it up in a bag for it to sit for centuries. then we started walking the neighbours pit bull, his doo doo was the size of kinskis head! no problem picking that up. but in a carrier bag. i guess it never bothered me with kinski cos he's my baby.... xx
  3. wow, i bet the adrenaline was pumping!
  4. nice. kinskis favourite pavement treat is chewing gum.... oh, and he ate a live cockroach the other night. stu wouldn't let him give him kisses for a day or so after
  5. kinski


    is class even relevant now? i think i'm technically middleclass (dad is a retired policeman) but i work in a crappy mall in a crappy city for a crappy company. so i see myself as working class. but really, is it all relevant?
  6. what a terrible thing to happen, what an absolutely awful way to die. it's too bad i came on here and read the comments about the police. like ailsas mum (also my mum) has pointed out, not all police are bad. i'm so sick of it. i have heard this my whole life, cops are scum, cops are pigs. does anyone know ALL the policemen and women out there? i don't. i'm sure there are a few a$$holes out there. i know my dad is a good person, i know that his friends are good people and if it was their station this probably wouldn't of happened. go ahead, blame all muslims for 9/11. i doubt i'll be on this board as frequently, i've read far too many juvenile comments like "Not surprized at all. If the police can get away with blatently killing people (thinking of the de Menezes case et al), why would they be bothered with just a dog There must be the occasional good officer, but the majority just seem to be the scum they profess to protect the public from "
  7. my OH and i live in a one bedroom flat in center city philadelphia, which is one of the reasons we opted for a boston terrier (small, not very active and rarely barks). he has more than enough room and we all spend quite a lot of time outdoors. when he's inside all he does is sleep, so how much space does he need? people are always commenting on how happy he his so i don't feel like we need more space. but then, i think he'd be happy living in a cardboard box, as long as he gets to cuddle inbetween us!
  8. kinski


    this is my favourite pic of him, he was like this for a good 20 minutes!
  9. hayseed dixie? thats awesome. i myself am an ac/dc fan and when i worked in the 'country' section of HMV i always slipped in a bit of hayseed dixie. enjoy!! oh and mum, don't call my dad an old fool. what does that make you, you've been married to him for over 25 years!!!!!!!
  10. we haven't had that problem with kinski. if he's asleep, he's on your knee. or behind you, pushed against your back. or by your side with his chin resting on you. are you going to try and encourage him to sleep on your knee? useful in the winter!
  11. hey mum, kinski and arran will probably be around the same size! funny how kinski is older than his uncle though.... he's soooo cute!
  12. urm, what does r m f mean? you have to be lying mum, never been to ikea!!!!?????!!!!???? me and stu went to ikea yesterday, to buy a nice luvvly butchers block thingy for $80. ended up spending $177 on stuff we just HAD to have. like a mortar and pestle, egg slicer, apple slicer, squiggly edged mirrors, couple of lamps to replace the 2 we found in the street..... i don't even remember what else
  13. kinski

    Dogs Names

    at first we were going to call him baxter but i was on a boston terrier forum and there was already a BT called baxter. then we thought winston really suited him. 2 days later, i'm at work talking to a new girl and tell her i got a boston. "oh, i have a boston" she said. i said "what's his name?" she said "winston..." we finally settled on kinski (it took us almost 2 weeks). he is named after a german actor called klaus kinski both my husband and i like, and we thought he looked like a kinski. if/when we get another dog he will probably be called herzog
  14. i do remember!!!! awww, no he won't kiss like that, he has a big ol' tongue and he covers you is slavers, it's brill! and i wasn't kissing lots of boys you cheeky moo
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