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Everything posted by selina

  1. What sort of dog is it, I know some breed rescues/welfare organisations can sometimes help with this sort of thing.
  2. I formally requested Sir Bailey's confirmation to use the email on The OC website, his reply Of course the OC can my my scribings on the website..... I'll tell my people to contact their people about splitting the image rights, promotions etc If you'd like to meet Ball Bouncing Bailey and throw a ball for him, his request is not to far though as he gets out of puff these days, you can come along to Brean Sands, a mini Oldies meet and greet next Sunday 11 May at a time to be confirmed due to having to confirm tide times, you can meet his ever dutiful maid and butler as well but Bailey requests that you greet him first and foremost as is his right for being ever so handsome.
  3. Ball Bouncing Bailey was one of my foster dogs from The Oldies, I think you'll all agree his email writing skills just show what a huge character he is. Hi Selina, I just thought it was about time I wrote to you and sent you some pictures of my extremely handsome self. Monday was the anniversary of when I hired my maid and butler, so I told them to prepare a party with a cake and sandwiches and all that. It was a small affair, just the three of us and my maid's parents. The first picture I've attached shows the cake they had made for me, and the second one shows me cutely reminding them that those cheesy Doritos on the table are in fact MINE. See how I have my paw on the table so they get the message? Idiots! The third and fourth pictures were both taken this morning and show me doing what I do best - exploring outside and then relaxing after a hard morning's walk. I've instructed them to drive me down to Brean again as I had such a good time last time. - I know I look a bit shaggy in the pictures but I'm booked in for a spa treatment at Poochie Kuts on Wednesday, so those hot Somerset chicka dogs won't be able to resist. Speaking of which, your friend Lucy is really cute - she could play ball with me any time <wink>. My butler likes Bob too, but he's nowhere near as handsome as me. Anyway, if you are around on that week, you're welcome to come and say hi - knowing my butler I'll have good knowledge of the Brean pubs by the end of that week. I'll leave you to get on with your hard rescue work now. love, Bailey
  4. selina

    K9 Knitters

    Just wonderful, well done you knitters.
  5. He appears to be doing really well at the moment, he gets us up every night but that's just him wanting a wee cause he's old and can't help it, but he hasn't had us up all night so far this week, fingers crossed. In himself he's absolutely buzzing, playing lots, barking whenever he gets excited (typical welshie behaviour) and seems to be enjoying life, the tablets are certainly doing something for him.
  6. Thanks everyone. I'll have a research on the aktivait and when we go back to the vets next week I'll see what she say's. He slept right through last night, it makes you wonder if there is anything wrong when he does that, bles his little welshie paws. As others have said, the only good thing about it is, he hasn't got a clue and that really is a blessing. If I can feel the pain and he doesn't then I'm happy, tired but happy
  7. What a great article, that should get you a lot more publicity and support, great stuff!!!
  8. We've been back and forth to the vets for a few weeks now, first with the pancreatitis and then the colitis and then with him being generally unsettled at nightt (and only at night) and constantly asking to go out during the night and not doing anything when he's out there, except sometimes chew grass and I've had it at the abck of my mind for a while that it was going to be dementia but didn't want to admit it to myself and then today my vet finally came out and said it. I know it's not the end of the world but it did kind of hit home that he's an old boy and there's only so much I can do for him He's been put on vivitonin, so fingers crossed it helps him settle down a bit and the disease is very very slow, without him suffering.
  9. Of course you can Cindy, you'd be more than welcome to, let me know if you want to stop over the night and I'll get a bed made up for you and the reds
  10. Trish is collecting the old Springmobile, now known as Trish Trudge Mobile on Thursday, it's the end of an era for us, but we are so happy that it gets to help such a wonderful cause, we'll definitely be meeting up with Trish for part of the walk and I don't know about a cooked breakfast (I don't think she'd trust my cooking) but there will definitely be a hot bath and a foot soak waiting for her here. Edited to say I'll get some photos of the Trishmobile being handed over.
  11. I'm sulking doesn't look like we can go, it's only two weeks before the welsh springer spaniel rescue camping weekend and we've already booked and Rob can only get one in four weekends off work so I'm going to have to say No for now but if a miracle happens and he hasn't got any work nearer the time and there is a space left then we'll see. I'll be watching this space .
  12. OK Let me solve the problem. I'll rehome the cushions.
  13. Number of adults 2 Number of children 0 Number of dogs 3 Whether you will be camping or caravanning. Campervan with awning.
  14. The lovely Jacques is going to his new forever home this weekend and Storm is now reserved pending a home visit (I do believe one of your transporters is very much interested in him)
  15. Ok I'm feeling a little less elfish this morning and have got fingers firmly rossed this woks out for him, come On Jack spread your love
  16. Half of me is very very happy and the other is sad because I'm selfish and I'd love him to come here but know he can't I'm sure by tomorrow I'll be
  17. How's he doing? I still can't stop thinking about the dear boy, I really really hope someone falls in love with him soon and can offer him his forever home. Please give him a huge snuggle from me.
  18. I'll spnsor her £10 set amount and she and her fiend and her dog are all welcome to stop off here for light refreshments if its during the day or they can all share the spare room for a sleepover. Wishing her all the luck to get a camper van, any idea how long she is expected to need one for?
  19. My Mum did take me and the bruvvas out for a walk today, we go for walk's every day but she brought her black box that does take piccies wiv her today, this meant we all had to be good and behave, which meant being a Welshie i got up to lots of mischiff I's good at dat. Mum says when I was poorly you all sent's lots o positive thoughts and that meant I got better quick, fank you, all of you, here's some pics of me and the ovver trubbles, I mean Springer's. Rufus thinks he can run fast but look at me Mum throws treats in da long grass and we has to find em, its fun seeing who can get the most (tis usually me, cause I's good at it Rufus likes posing and so does Titchy monkey that's when he's not sneaking peeks at Mum to see if he can bog off quick Mum called us all togevver and got us to look good as The Trio. and lastly this is me being all fit and well and happy. Fank you everyone, til da next time Ollie Welshie Springa
  20. oh bugger, I've just ordered two INAH leads from the general store, if I'd known The OC was the chosen rescue i would have got them from there instead. bugger bugger bugger!!!!
  21. Thanks Dirtychicken, a friend of mine is posting me down some of the dorwest herbs tree barks powder to see how he gets on with it, it's pretty much the same but thank you for the offer. I'll get the camera out cause he appeared to be feeling much beter this morning, his bark is back much to the dismay of all the local dog's
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