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Everything posted by BilRed

  1. Sorry to hear your son has hurt himself but it could have happened in many, many different ways, I don't think you are right to blame Free Running. If I had kids I would be actively encouraging them to take it up! The Free Runners emphaisize the importance of learning basic skills thoughly in a controlled way before tackling bigger obstacles, maybe you should talk to your son about what he is doing and see if he is tackling moves that are too much for him at his stage. There are workshops held around the country where he could be coached by professionals, including many of the heroes of the sport. Free Runners have a philosphy that goes hand in hand with it about facing up to your fears and tackling obstacles in your way (generally in life) with determination and creativity which I think is very healthy, as is their emphaisis on looking after your body by eating correctly etc. and avoiding injuries which I think is good for any young person. I would much prefer that the younger generation look up to the master Free Runners than relatively talentless singers glorifing gang culture, drugs and guns.
  2. What does "level behind" mean please? Hope he's OK.
  3. At one point I owned Jackson, the hugest GSD you can imagine, fortunately he was very friendly. So one day spotting a lovely couple and their two kids posing for a photo by the lake in the park he hurtled over to say hello taking the direct route straight through the water getting covered in stagnant mud on the way before surprising the family by leaping at them from behind like the creature from the black lagoon and straight over the heads of their children (they were all crouched down) spraying everyone in water and smelly muck, the photos must have been a picture! They said it was alright and attempted to laugh it off but I don't think they were too pleased. Did I mention he was the long haired variety?
  4. And so they should! They are wait to turn you into a scary painted clone. :-o I don't understand why anyone is bothered about looking tanned though? I'm not trying to be offensive, I just don't get it.
  5. There is a special glass framers use to protect against UV damage, it is a little more expensive than normal glass, it will help but still best not to hang in bright light.
  6. Furminating's really addictive!
  7. Yes, I have one and they really are as amazing as they look in the promotional video's. I've found with my elderly GSD it is a real boon as he still blows his coat but it seems to not come out well of it's own accord. The Furminator makes really short work out of stripping it out which is much more comfortable for the old chap. The amount of hair that comes out is really mind boggling!
  8. I'd go and see my family. I can't bear to be around them because of the way they treat me but I miss them.
  9. I once met a girl who had just had her OH's name tattooed on her arm and was proudly showing it off to everyone she could and explaining that she had had it designed so that she could change it to something else when she wanted too. I wasn't sure whether to feel most sorry for the OH or his baby that she was carrying at the time. Nothing like commitment is there! Julie C: Nice tattoo!
  10. You can certainly get cardboard coffins which would be fine for me. Once upon a time I was quite happy with the idea of donating organs or my whole body etc after I died but these days such horrible and unnatural things go on with cloning and genetics etc that I just want to be enitrely burnt. I have a right to die when I die! The funeral bit I couldn't care less about though.
  11. What is the idea behind this diet - what do you have to do? I've not heard of it before.
  12. I once met a Dobermann who was been walked by your average height guy - 6ft ish maybe a bit taller - and his Dobe was nearly up to his waist! I can imagine Reno going the same way. Gorgeous dogs though!
  13. Excellent post Scots Lass! It is very difficult to be fair to all, at least in this country we try.
  14. Of course they can have SA. I often feed cats for other people who say 'Oh she's alright on her own' and find that when I go round they are more interested in having a fuss than their food.
  15. Awwwww Good luck Dexter! He looks like a GSD x Rottie to me
  16. Sarah Fisher of Ttouch fame does groundwork with animals which involves leading (or riding presumably) them over a variety of different obstacles. You could easily make a course just out of what you have around the place. I know she has a book out for horses so you could have a look for that. These groundwork exercises with dogs make a lot of difference so I would have thought the horse ones might be interesting.
  17. Dawn, very well done to you for finding the compassion to even consider fostering a breed that you were frightened of. I'm sure she will reward you for that for every second of her stay with you - however long that maybe
  18. It does doesn't it, just what I think of as an Edinburgh house.
  19. On the idea of keeping the cat in at night, ignore if that's not the way you want to go: Could you provide some entertainment for the cat while crated? Thinking about it, I would imagine it will take a little while for a cat that has been used to being very active at night to take on a new pattern of behaviour. I can't really remember whether I initially had problems keeping mine in at night. You probably have to regard it as a puppy - will take time to settle down at night. A microwavable heat pad might help too.
  20. When I was having this problem with my cats I read an article somewhere that claimed you could cut the kills by at least 80% by keeping them in at night. I didn't believe this, especially as mine were hunting a lot during the day. However I ended up trying it and found a dramatic reduction in kills, including during daylight. It went from at least 3 or 4 animals a day, everyday to a couple over a six month period. Apparently their killing things instinct wanes alot if they are not out at night. It is much safer for them not to be out hunting.
  21. I have to admit that I've looked at this and thought that it seems a bit odd, it doesn't quite make sense somehow. I haven't signed.
  22. Mine have a tag with my mobile number on and then a brass barrel tag with all details, apart from their name, the paper slip is sealed with sellotape. My theory is that if someone actually finds and holds the dog they can get to the info in the barrel. My mobile number is the only easily accessible information, it is equally relevant wherever we are but doesn't give away the area I live in.
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