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Everything posted by wiccaweys

  1. I forgot to mention that apparently on Planet Sparkle, 30 mins on one of these Leaves you feeling like you've spent the weekend on one of these: so she was telling the latest beau during a phonecall I wasn't listening in on, at all, in the slightest, or heckling during......
  2. wiccaweys


    So, so sorry Laura. Run free Shooby.
  3. You would be very welcome Jacky. Gorgussss pics of Loki!
  4. MWHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :biglaugh: I've just hurt myself! Ahhhhh, thats obviously the stumbling block..... the 'badger' was actually an ex-rabbit too....
  5. This is a BADGER This is a RABBIT It is not a Badger with big ears. Hope that helps. Lovvvvve you!
  6. Brillant Karen, well done you. I've lost 6 stone now.
  7. Poor little loves. Safe now though Lesley, and I'm sure Debs will have them coming round.
  8. Is anyone else going down to this?
  9. Thinking of you both, good luck Dolly.
  10. wiccaweys


    I'm so sorry Mel. Sam's words are just beautiful, and have me in pieces. What a special little soul he is. Run free dearest Digby.
  11. Oppphs. San is made of tough stuff, she is very good at flying through the air. Did she happen to have a carrot about her personage at all? Lady T informs me this can lead to accidental San flying incidents...
  12. wiccaweys

    Fox Poo

    ........ dowse MrB in it and then kick him out for crimes against the birthday girl.... which he will pay for muchly at the weekend. Failing that, I usually find lovingly rehoming the offending dog does wonders for getting rid of the smell......
  13. and here's another. Give us a shout if you want Mog, Paul will sort you out - in a website kinda way of course! LOL!
  14. Awwww Kane, what a good boy. PS - You look very handsome. love and snuffles, Lady T
  15. OhhOhh, have made space. Sorry missed this until now.
  16. Who is that gorgeous giant?
  17. Excellent news about Finn. Lady T to Kane...
  18. As long as Kane doesn't headbutt you first San, you will be fine..... Hmmm, now why would Lady T be phoning Anglesey?
  19. She was going for the Farrah Fawcett look (showing her age....) San's camera is extremely easy, so much so that you can take zillions of pics with it.... mostly of her bottom!
  20. Happy Birthday Ange, have a lovely day! :partytime:
  21. This is Lady Tara. I need some advice. I *think* I am being abused - by a Jack Russell puppy! Her name is Pocket Rocket and she pretends to be my friend! She is very small, and I might have accidently nearly squished her, but as soon as she squawked I lifted my tootsie up and said sorry. That was just after I'd moved in and I haven't done it since. Rocket said she knew it was an accident, and we were Best Friends Forever still. She said it was her own fault because was too near my feet so I couldn't see her. I think she may have been fibbing, because things have been happening recently that really just aren't cricket! I suspect she is holding a grudge! Point 1. She nicks my carrots and apples from the house. She know where Mummy keeps them, and helps herself! Obviously I don't go in the house (yet), although I do have designs on the main bedroom when winter sets in. Rocket raids my stash, and then comes racing out the front of the house. She either, a) sits and eats my apples and carrots right in front of me, but just the other side of the fence so I can't reach! b) brings them into my field, pretending she is giving them to me, and then when I get close grabs them again and runs off c) drops them into my water bucket so I have to try and apple bob! My Snoss gets all wet! Ocassionally she will just actually bring me apples and carrots and give them to me, but it is very ocassionally! Only twice a day! Point 2. She brings me toys to play with. Has no one told her I do not need stuffed teddies, raggers and other such stuff! Personally I think she has designs on my field and is trying to move in! Mummy came out yesterday and I was surrounded by the bloody things! Rocket was sat next to me looking very pleased with herself! I did my best grumpy face - which was difficult because I knew Mummy had my secret apple stuffed in her pocket, so I failed and whinnied instead. Point 3. And this is perhaps the cruellest of all!! Rocket teases me and plays tricks on me!! I mean, a Lady of my standing! Outrageous! She goes into the house, and I hear her rustling in the apple bag. Now I have to wait and see if she is going to eat it the other side of the gate, bring it in the field and make me play chase or just give it to me. Ahhhhhh, here she comes..... into the field.......she's dropped it in front of me..... she's stepped back....... she's wagging her tail and looking at me and then looking at the lovely green apple on the floor. "It's all yours Tara"...... she steps back a bit further and waits. I go over to enjoy my lovely green apple - to discover its a bloody tennis ball!!!!!! Rocket runs off sniggering!!!! Gotcha again!!!! This happens about 10 times a day! Then one of those flaming collies will come in and get it. Really! Outrageous! Now, to all my friends and admirers out there, something must been done about this puppy! This is obviously abuse at its highest level! Any suggestions gratefully received. I have tried my own methods of getting rid of the brat, but she always bounces back. Yesterday evening Mum and I were riding through the crop field, and Rocket was with us. She is quite good as a hacking chum, I will give her that. Anyway, me and Mum decided that we would cut across a bit, forget that we were tall - well, Mum forgot, I didn't..... and Rocket is very tiny. Teee heee..... we went bounding off...... and left her ferretting around in the crops trying to find her way out! HAHAHAHAHAHHA!!! She did manage to work her way through the crops eventually and get back on the track behind us, but it was at least a little bit of revenge!
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