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Everything posted by Abby

  1. Do you know I'm pretty sure I do! Haven't tried it, and would need to dig it out of the office so can't get it tonight, but I'll have a look tomorrow (remind me if I don't post it soon!). Nowt else to say as I'm knackered and off to do some serious lounging on the sofa with a BIG glass of vino
  2. Abby


    Give her jowls a really good clean with hibiscrub or something similar if you don't have it. Give them a good smell before you do to see if there is a strong odour (yum!), might be a lip fold infection, cockers with their generous jowls do get those quite easily. While you're at it give her a kiss from me
  3. Abby


    No need for labrador for a spaniel to be like that She sounds just like Clive in that way, he won't come up for air while there's still food to gulp down, he won't leave the kitchen if he considers he's not had enough food (longest he's stayed in there was 30 mintues with the door wide open), and he would consider the notion of self-regulation or 'being full' as sacrilege. I love her shoe fetish
  4. Waiting for picture 3. There'll be lots of chances to have a go but if we wait for every member to see each one we'll be here forever
  5. Thanks guys Unfortunately today is the first day I am back cooking for the pub in over 2 months so not much of a birthday really. Hopefully we will do something nice on Monday.
  6. Abby


    Oh my heart just went thump big time Kizzi is Beautiful! And she looks a happy girl too.
  7. Ooooh this was a toughy! I though Cycas had it but I couldn't resist this one by MIssus Chicken Tikka! Great captions all round thanks guys Next photo from Missus Tikka please!
  8. Strawberries, raspberries and blueberries, all smothered in greek yoghurt and honey. YUM
  9. Ok so I've shamelessly pinched this one off another forum cos it's a goodie The idea is this: I post a photo, and then anyone can post captions for it. Then after a while I will select a winner and that person gets to post the next photo and takes over. No need to say how long each photo runs for, just until there are a few captions to chose from normally. Okey dokey, here we go!
  10. There's a great thread I've seen on another forum that could be fun. One person posts a photo and then other people post captions for it. The original photo poster then choses their favourite caption and that person gets to post the next photo and it starts again. It can just run and run and is always good for a snigger or two. whaddya reckon?
  11. Well, if the meerkat says so.....
  12. Congratulations Alex My laptop is peeing me off right now as it is very busy doing something, which is slowing everything else up massively, and I cannot figure out what it is Also, I have a quandry. I have just sworn to get back onto a healthier diet so I can feel better and lose a bit of excess weight. But, my mum has just given me loads of chocolate for my birthday I have so far today rexisted, and also resisted coffee which I am supposed to be avoiding, but doing the two together is too hard! I am wondering whether in promising myself a bit of chocolate as a reward for going down and doing useful things in the kitchen would be out of order
  13. I am everso excited about a new clematis we bought on Monday. We bought several to go over railings, but this one is a winter flowering one which has red berry / hip type things after. SHould perk the place up if only I can persuade it not to die before then Growing figs sounds impressive. Do they need your nice mild climate (mind you, you had a pretty bad winter down there I seem to remember)?
  14. Oooh greek yoghurt. Yum. My mum bought me a Easiyo yoghurt maker recently and I Love it. Very tasty yoghurt at a very good price. Gawd I sound like an advert:rolleyes: and not even a very good one
  15. for Dex in advance of his little op I am officially sad. I just got excited at being able to order the spare parts to mend my sickly fridge Off to natter with my sister now
  16. Hello Not got much to say really Am trying to work up the enthusiasm to do more painting in the kitchen but I've reached the 'I'm SO bored by decorating' phase so I am procrastinating.
  17. Abby

    July Rmf

    Evening I yam a bit jumpy today. Getting very nervous about my next visit to the consultant which is Monday . I get to find out then how often they will have to scan my arm and how long for. Also need to talk about the complete lack of ability in my arm to go above shoulder height . I know it's only been two months but progress has been very limited. Am afraid the plate is interfering and I think they won't be able to remove it for absolutely months and months . not that I want another op but I think I will need this one Still, I'm hoping to start cooking the end of next week, which will be very good for the pub as we are quiet and turning lots of trade away. Also ranting local at the bar is being tres dull tonight
  18. Abby

    July Rmf

    for Spins and Jazz and AlexMerle for poorly bits I have had a good day so far. Been on a lovely walk with the boys, went out for lunch, done some painting in the kitchen (so feeling virtuous). Am currently avoiding the reprochful look of a starving spaniel and continuing to empty the old kitchen in preparation for gutting Oh and trying desperately to remember to do physio as I go along. I find it impossible to remember to do it all 8 times a day
  19. Abby

    July Rmf

    Afternoon Operation Spaniel Diet is underway, with Clive back on a rigidly raw diet and every morsel that passes his lips weighed to the micro-ounce Needless to say he is devastated and can't understand why I am punishing him by witholding the rest of his food
  20. Abby

    July Rmf

    It's peeing it down here today I am making soup and really should tidy up the flat. The boys are asleep on various sofas in their equafleeces
  21. Abby

    July Rmf

    Being chained to the bed sounds quite good actually Have had a lovely trip to the beach. Kev drove brilliantly, especially considering it's a horrible road for nasty corners and narrow bits Brought back fillet steak for lunch. Yum!
  22. Abby

    July Rmf

    Great news about the hearing Griff - try not to worry about the biopsies This morning I am mostly regretting scrubbing the disgusting greasey insides of the extractor unit. I like that they are now nice and clean but don't like what it did to my arm, even though I did most of the scrubbing with my left hand. Shoot me now for being stubborn and stupid On a nice note we are going to the beach later for a luffley walk
  23. Abby

    July Rmf

    That's great news Jazz Washing. That reminds me. THere is a badly behaved washing machine downstairs with a (now no doubt stinky) part washed load in it. I have a feeling hte springs to the drum are kernackered. Must get OH to sort it after he's done the wall
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