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Sarah B

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Everything posted by Sarah B

  1. Morning all I really, really wish we could, but unless we win the lottery so we can build a bug shed at any new place there is just no chance Congratulations! Why? Surely as long as all wibbly bits are covered it shouldn't matter what people wear I am wibbling a bit - have an appointment at the Rheumatics hospital in Bath on Monday afternoon - that means getting a train as parking apparently is a nightmare. Got a friend coming with me though to make sure I don't get on the wrong train/get lost/stay wibbling in the nearest pub.
  2. Can anyone tell me of any rescues in the Trowbridge (Wiltshire) area? I know of Bath Cats & Dogs home but are there any others? Thankies in advance
  3. Hello all and for those who would like them (not had a chance to catch up)but hope everyything is OK with all the Fugees. OH's Mum has moved my Furminator and lost it. I am this close from throwing a tizzy fit. She has been moaning about the amount of dog hair on the floor and for the moment there is sod all I can do about it. She gave me a rollocking for leaving me things lying around - FFS they were on the grooming tools pile next to the dogs biscuits and dog kibble box....where I was told to put them..... *takes deep breathes and thinks of running waters, rustling leaves...*
  4. Morning all for people who is snotty/poorly/cold/wants a hug anyway I appear to have a Prince Scooby starving to death - I just had some rice cakes with spicy Granovita paste (bit like Tartex) and he ran through his entire trick reportoire, then jumped on the side of the chair, sighed, and rested his head on top of my head while dribbling slightly Too good to share though so now he's sulking with a toy. Was a good girl today and started the car up and let it run for 20 minutes - I haven't been able to drive anywhere due to either being snowed in/having OH's Dads' car stuck on the drive/being icy and not being able to go out anyway but apparently today there is no ice in town, so I may be able to go in for supplies of the tofu kind I may even walk I luffs my car - it started first time whereas the Peaugot has had several days where it wont start at all
  5. Is nummy, specially if you have the proper mango chutney with big chunks in it Its too icy - I have to use a stick to walk so add ice into the equasion and its not pretty! Fell over outside the back door the other day - I couldn't get up so was flailing about like a drunken octopus on the floor til OH came and rescued me
  6. To add - The only thing to dip your chips in (cant do eggs anymore ) is.... ...Mango Chutney! Its nummy
  7. Afternoon Happy new Year and stuffs Not caught up yet but for peoples in need of Its cold and snowy and icy and mingy. I haven't walked Scooby in days cos I can't get out Luckily OH's Dad takes the dogs out anyway but I want to walk my dog Scooby is currently on the cats cushion in front of the fire. He doesn't seem to realise that the cushion is only half the size he is - he looks like he's melting off the side...Ellie is on the sofa behaving for a change. Been trying to sneak Scooby into the kicthen for a quick training session, but when I shut the door Ellie starts screaming and I get told off by OH's Mum. I explain I want to train Scooby but get told whats the point - he comes back when I call him and he sits when I tell him, thats more than enough. Trying to explain that Scooby enjoys clicker training and we do it for fun just gets blank looks. Oh and then evils as training dogs 'circus tricks' is cruel.
  8. I have three - Do something different - sorted, signed up for a counselling course that starts in a couple of weeks Do something worthwhile - would love to get back into dog rescue but no-one wants me! I can't foster or scrub kennels due to my FM (yes I have contacted all of the places you would expect to contact in the past few moths and people have said they would get back to me and never have ) so I need to think of something else to do. Do something about my FM - I wrote a chart yesterday of symptoms, how I deal with them, how the make me feel and what I could do to improve them and *may* have had a slight tizzy fit. Will be going to see Dr next week (had more blood tests done last week) and will show her the chart then demand if not fixage at least more help! I cannot accept that I am going to be 'disabled' and unemployable for the rest of my life! I only made three otherwise I would have forgotton them.....
  9. for Max, Keira, Nog and anyone I missed The shed can't physically be moved - it was a garage with foundations with concretety bits and everything that now has two floating rooms inside which have the bugs in. I have spoken back to her on several occassions - was actually rude at one point (I was having a really bad day and was in agony) and for about 48 hours after it was much better. But I can't turn round and scream at someone every other day just to get on - I can't live like that! Today I've been staying out of her way, as has Marky and his dad. Marky and his Dad say she does like me - or else she wouldn't have asked me to move in with them.
  10. Have you got any Border Collie ones available? Will you be getting Airedale ones in? And how much is P&P?
  11. Come to Wales! Still get snow but not quite as extreme lol - and its beautiful. Plus you're in the middle so if you want to go anywhere else you're not too far
  12. I would love to! Unfortunatly that would mean leaving behind a huge custom-built bug shed and all the animals, so its just not an option as we haven't got several grand to build a new one somewhere else
  13. Thanks for the hugs Yep spoken to him and his Dad but its just the way she is - a grouchy old woman who's only joy is pissing other people off. I kind of feel sorry for her - she's never happy, just sits and watches the TV whilst occasionally screaming at us or the dogs. I don't know how a person can live their life with that sort of 'ugly' inside of them. Meh. Its a standing joke at the pub - we can't have people over either cos she moans at them too.
  14. I only buy my OH a Chrsitmas card - I then put the money I would usually spend on other Chrsitmas cards into the Help for Heroes pot. Saves me writing out more than one card too....
  15. Belated Xmas for those missing loved ones, poorly peoples, owchy peoples, peoples caring for other peoples, and general people in general Feel really crappy - haven't taken HRH for a walk in days because of the ice (OH's Dad is thankfully off work and walking him for me) and to top it off my Dr said out of the blue I need more blood tests to check what I haven't been tested for - now I had bloods taken about a month ago and they tested for pretty much everything then - arthritis etc - so meeping a little bit Also realised I have made a HUGE mistake in moving in with my OH - I love him to bits, he takes care of me and makes sure I'm OK. His Dad rocks - does lifting stuffs when Marky's not about, walks Scooby etc etc. The one thing thats not so good is OH's Mum. She is fine one minute and making my life a misery the next - she threw my laundry basket across our bedroom (I NEVER ask her to do my laundry, she goes in every day and just does it. I get told off if I try and use the washing machine) She makes snide remarks then is fine. I use dthe upstairs toilet the other day after the put cleaner in it - it had been soaking for a while and I needed a wee so I scrubbed it with a brush properly, used the loo, flushed and wandered off to hear her screaming I had used the loo AGAIN and she had to clean it AGAIN (hey I just cleaned it already ) Marky and his Dad have both just said - ignore her, walk away, go use one of the bolt-holes (bug shed or snake room) go to the pub etc etc but at the moment I can't really go out as I can't cope very well with the cold and I don't want to hide upstairs in my bedroom as Scooby isn't allowed upstairs, and I want to spend time with him A family friend has talked to me about it and given his opinion - he says OH's mum is one of those people who thrive on making other people as miserable as possible, and she's not happy herself unless she miserable and moaning about something. Mammoth post, really sorry
  16. Sarah B

    My Boys

    Now there's a sofa full of gorgeousness! :wub:
  17. Positive healing thoughts being sent for this beautiful boy.
  18. for poorly/sleepy/otherwise irked peoples. Scooby is trying his best to tell me that he NEEDS my rice cakes with Toffuti and Fakin' pepperoni slices or he may well starve to death. He is resting his head on my left hand so I can't type. He has also just poked me with a foot. Is it possible to have a rice-cake-and-above addiction? I ate a whoile packet of rice cakes yesterday without realising it
  19. Thats good! *spits Coke over PC monitor*
  20. Karen - get a duvet, sit under it, and arrange collies on/around you. If you ring them again start mentioning the words "BBC" and "Lawyer". That works! We have had a teeny tiny bit of snow - as in its settled but you can still see the pavement. So how come when I just went to Tescos, people where buying huge cases of beans, 12 loaves of bread etc etc? Something I dont know about? We're hardly snowed in FFS. I only wnet in for a bottle of Jim Bean for my Dads Xmas pressie and some rice cakes. Some stupid bint ran into my leg with her trolley. I of course went ape and screamed at her whilst waving my stick manically. It really, really hurt and if I had gone over I would not have been able to get up again. Stupid woman.
  21. So sorry Alex Run free at the Bridge Millie
  22. Hello Fugees. I am stuck between a huge rock and a bloomin' hard place. That is all the news I have.
  23. Candles lit for all mine and the one that should have been.
  24. to those in need - not had a chance to catch up yet. Got a tinterview for voluntary work in a bit...mass wibble-on....
  25. Bet that looks good on his CV!!! If I applied for a place and got on I would hold up signs/shout about/have a banner with info on about the amount of dogs PTS every year, the need for neutering etc etc. But no-one wants to watch a fat bird with a stick shouting about dead dogs and why its their fault they are dead...
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