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Everything posted by hertsgreys

  1. I seem to have got a job Only part time but makes me feel I am at least making an effort Quite pleased actually.
  2. WHAT??? Harry is gorgeous. Thoughtless ignorant rude woman. For you and Harry.
  3. morning, been up since 7 scrubbing dog **** off stupid white bedrom carpet as Harry had an accident (his first ever in 5 years bless him) and I opened the bedroom door in the dark without seeing it and smooshed it all into the carpet and under the rug. Saw The Golden Compass last night, was very good. Lu is on vivitonin because I insisted despite the vet saying there was 'nothing that could be done' for dementia except prescribing some kind of special and doubtless expensive food, which she said was more of a supplement than a medication. Anyway, am going to try him on it for a few weeks and see what happens. Claire, I took Eugene for his booster, he now weighs a whopping 4.1 kilos, verging on the lardy. Am watching Jeremy Kyle
  4. my husband owned the entire house, I still changed the locks, at one point told him not to come round, he did, I would not let him in, he called the police. They were not interested.
  5. Am taking Lu to the vet tomorrow, think he's showing signs of dementia, he's 12, anyone have any experience of medication for this?
  6. I'll second that. For her and you too.
  7. but did you come downstairs to let dogs out without your glasses (like I did) and tread in dog you-know-what and then hop about trying not to be sick whilst finding something to wipe it on (dog's bed in the end) so you could get upstairs without getting it all over the stupid white stair carpet and stick your foot under the bathtap which promptly scalded you because the hot water had been on all night and doesn't seem to have any kind of thermostat so it just sits there and boils away in the tank? I did Millie had had a bone the day before so it was particularly vile. bleurgh.
  8. aargh fireworks. Harry running round the hous roaring his head off telling them to go away. Luckily the other 2 not bothered. Eugene (cat) busting a gut to go outside but he's not allowed. Dog over the back left alone in the house to bark herself hoarse Also, longshot but does anyone know how to get a job with no experience of nuffink, no qualifications and no references? Serious question. I did have an interview for a job last week but not heard so at least proved to myself interviews not too scary cos I did it.
  9. the one greyhound and galgo and terrier I have now are all ok with fireworks but having had dogs in the past and especially greyhounds who are not good with fireworks, my heart really goes out to you, I know I used to be completely on edge this time of year worrying about how the dogs would react to fireworks. Seeing my greyhounds terrified made my blood boil and even the thought of it still makes me feel sad and blub even though they are no longer here
  10. hello, not been around much. Got back from the Isle of Wight last week, had a really lovely time . We stayed here: which was great, completely home from home and very dog friendly so can heartily recommend it if anyone would like a dog friendly holiday on the IOW. We took Harry and my son looked after the other 2 (who were totally spoiled by him, his girlfriend and her parents who turned out for walking duties) Harry was a total star and met his new 'in-laws' when they came over for the day, who were so impressed by him they invited him down to stay at theirs next time we go which was pretty amazing as, while they don't dislike animals at all, they are not particularly 'doggy'. Will try and upload some pics later if anyone would like to see them? Walked dogs round Fairlands Valley Park in Stevenage today, overheard man say at top of voice: 'look, look, THAT'S what a greyhound is supposed to look like!' Hope he didn't mean Lu who is 12, ropey looking, has no teeth, a toe missing, the end of his tail missing and limps on 3 legs! Perhaps he meant Milie? She's not even a greyhound! Guess he was not to know. Lovely day for walking though.
  11. Have booked our holiday, we are off the Isle of Wight for 4 days at the end of next week! First holiday for me for 25 years so I think I might just possibly deserve it
  12. Am planning a holiday so just thought I'd ask if anyone has any recommendations for self catering cottage type place on the Isle of Wight which will take one dog. Have had a look on the internet but just getting confused Thanks
  13. RMF : Eugene (cat, known as a mucky bugger since kittenhood) yesterday managed to dip his tail in (cold) cooking oil, then paint large parts of the house , including floors, in said cooking oil. Said cooking oil, despite attempts at wiping it off him, has since worked its way over various parts of Eugene, who, being Eugene and therefore mucky, is not making too much attempt at cleaning it off and who now looks like a grumpy hedgehog and is a bit miserable about it. Claire you know how good you are at running Eugey under the tap? Can you come and sort him other RMF. New Mr Hertsgreys has just made my son's lunch for work tomorrow, fabulous tortilla wrap things. Gobsmacked anyone has that much patience and they looked so nice I really would like one!!
  14. woken up early by husband ringing doorbell, he tried phoning but mobiles were off (well wouldn't that TELL you something??!!) so he drove 15 miles to ask could he borrow the camera. Too stunned to tell him to sling his hook. He has no shame, just comes round on the scrounge like butter wouldn't melt. Dogs have had a nice walk though so that's good.
  15. just wanted to say hello to everyone cos I don't join in much but I am here a bit
  16. Hello, just got back online yesterday after moving house. Well things are actually ok here!!! eek what's gone wrong??? Moving was hell, really hot day, just 4 people, 2 cars and a van and a lot of trips back and forth but it worked out in the end. Dogs ok, cats ok, son ok, he went to Wolverhampton last night to pick up his new capri so is in v good mood after all the crap he's been through recently. Came down this morning to find 16 missed calls and 3 voicemails at 3am from the b&($*&^d husband's girlfriend cos he'd gone off in a moody strop and she was 'worried'. Face...Bovvered..?? Anyway no hope of catching up so I hope everyone is ok.
  17. Have keys . Can't believe it. So son have gone to get the van and we can be off. Might not be around for a bit after today till I get internet access sorted at new place. Thanks everyone for the well wishes
  18. looks like I will be getting keys to new house this afternoon. Hardly dare think that let alone type it. So stressed I can hardly breath. Will have a whole set of new problems then but at least will have a roof over us.
  19. Well, finally exchanged contracts on the house last week, have to be out by completion next friday. Am in the process of trying to rent somewhere, have to pay 6 months up front as have no refrences, can't get the money for it till completion, that's even IF they accept us to rent it. Still, can't think about that at the moment. Just got fingers crossed. Am frantically trying to pack up a whole house. Asked b&^%$£*d husband to come round yesterday to help move some very big furniture downstairs, he seemed amazed to be even asked and said he was supposed to be going on holiday, alright for some, oh and he couldn't see anything wrong with going on holiday despite the bloody mess he's got everyone into because 'he wasn't paying for it'!!!! Still he did turn up, bashed his fingers moving stuff through doors and cut his leg on the loft laddder. Good.
  20. yesterday was the last date we could exchange on the house sale before mortgage co are within their rights to repossess. Exchange didn't happen. It hasn't happened today either as far as I'm aware, no idea why not. Have driven 60 miles looking for b$%*&^%d husband, He was sorry he didn't answer his phone this afternoon... he 'fell asleep' Well I'm glad he CAN sleep. I need to rent a house. I have no money for a deposit or rent, no job and no references.
  21. Having done well with the car I've now got half my life for sale on ebay. Also been to the court to swear my divorce affidavit thingy. Getting rid of all my old crap !
  22. Sold my car on ebay for loads more than I thought it'd go for Can buy my son's car off him now and he can buy his dream car .... a capri !!!
  23. Goood luck! no need to wibble I've sold loads of paperbacks on ebay before tis very easy. Have actually got my 4X4 on there at the mo as I can't afford to keep it But it's doing well and the auction ends tomorrow so fingers crossed it all goes smoothly.
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