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Everything posted by Angel155

  1. I have fat balls crushed in a bowl and whole ones hanging from branches and things.
  2. Birds in my garden have just been given the left over christmas cake................better for their waistlines than mine!!
  3. I'll join you there!!! Steve is driving my mum home to Plymouth. Luckily it is motorway travel near enough the whole way.
  4. Welina came in a couple of nights ago with a missing front shoe too. Had a look in the field, think it woul have been easier looking for a needle in a haystack. Sent the lovely farrier a text this morning asking him to pop in if he was in the area......he text back to say he would be here at 1.30
  5. Great photo Joe, I have been waiting all day for it..........although it has now made me go a little
  6. Hope Mia is ok Alex Anyone venturing out today please be careful
  7. Here are my snowy pics It is a bit deeper now though, these were taken early evening yesterday before we lost too much light.
  8. The radio has just informed us that Lauren's school is closed today. At least that means we can have an extra hour or so in the warm. Just went to make a cup of tea and got back to bed to find both dogs and hubby sprawled over the bed, so I am perched on one square foot of bed.
  9. Just when we make the decision as to when my mum will go home so we can get back to "normal" (Thursday) the snow starts to fall and we get severe weather warnings
  10. Sorry to read about Casper The good angel on one shoulder says just ignore him, however the devil on the other shoulder says add him and then write on his wall what a total and utter **** he is and why on earth would he think you would want to be on his friends list!!
  11. What a fantastic start to 2010 for Dogstar
  12. He is lovely.........hope you have lots of good times with him
  13. Great photo San, I like your resolution to take a photo a day. Maybe we should have a photo of the day thread in the pictures forum??
  14. Now Xmas and New Year are over I am now looking for a job. Have handed in applications to Morrisons and Tesco.
  15. I think you need an industrial sized pack of cotton wool and bubble wrap for turning Loki out Clare
  16. Happy New Year!!! I am full of cold, so went to bed at 9 and woke at 11...........considering going back to bed now as I have been getting evil stares from Sam as he came to bed with me and cannot understand why I am up!!
  17. I have missed the Refuge!! It is amazing how you don't miss things until they're gone.
  18. I have peeled the potatoes, parsnips, carrots and sprouts. Stuffed the turkey, drank some wine (hic) and am now chilling out. All pressies are wrapped (there weren't that many). Enjoying a nice cold beer and considering a mince pie. Merry Christmas to all my Fugee friends. Special for those of you missing someone special at Christmas xx
  19. Horses all fed so here are the photos My noo bird table and my wonderful hubby (he is 6'2" so you can see how high the table is)
  20. Table is up, photos are taken. Will upload when I get back from putting the horses to bed
  21. Happy Christmas to you and your mum x
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