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Everything posted by gremlin22

  1. ordered the equafleece should be here tomorrow. he's in west yorks. will try post a piccie once he gets his new togs. he's had his test results today too, it wasn't mange it is some immune system disorder..poor boy. we're hoping meds will sort it.
  2. oo the equafleece looks interesting. that might work as it covers some of the legs at least. poor boy is such a state! when we get something sorted i'll try post a pic ta fugees, i bow before your mighty awsomeness!
  3. ok all you knowledgable fugees.. we have a dog in our rescue who has had severe mange. He has been treated and is now just waiting for the skin infections to clear up and the many many wounds on his skin to heal. unfortunatly it is driving him crazy and he is constantly scratching and is tearing his own skin! we want to get him some sort of breathable full length bodysuit, not just to stop him damaging himself but also to keep the many scabby areas clean. It needs to be a fabric that wont catch on the scabs, it needs to be breathable so his skin heals right, and it needs to be comfortable to him. i have found these on the net but they are only in the states does anyone know of any uk vendors of these or can anyone make something similar themselves? the dog is a dally x lab but has the size and build of a dally.
  4. i know people who have been threatened with a shovel to the head if they didn't stop interfering with the hunt ( they were laying false scents, not being violent), and others who were attacked with the shovel, anyone who can do that to a human is a violent person and has no buisness being allowed to own weapons of any kind. hunting is horrible in my opinion and as far as being an effective method of population control goes, it's just Bo***cks. I appreciate chickens get taken, there must be more that can be done in terms of fencing though, i know foxes dig but surley a couple of feet under ground for the fence would be enough, or better at least and secure hutches at night. foxes don't usually hunt in broad daylight. I also agree that a marksman would be a kinder method of population control where it's safe to do so, but not the idiots on hunts with guns or the terriermen, it needs to be properly trained marksman, licenced and held accountable if they screw up. it's already banned, but they still hunt becuase of loopholes..they will do whatever they want in the end and god help us if the tories get in!
  5. tough to become a fosterer and be guaranteed bomb proof dogs. i know of an rspca branch that does a fostering scheme for older dogs, i think they charge £5 na month but they pay vet fees or subsidised vet fees or something. must be other places that do the same. Suspect as others have said tho there would need to be someone accepting overall responsibility for the dog.
  6. don't suppose the rescue can be named? am shocked they will make no attempt to get her back, they'll have 6 more like her in a few months at this rate
  7. you do get pedigree dogs in rescues, not all breeders will take them back, in the last year we've had dalmations, cocker spaniels, labrador retrievers, husky and alaskan malmute pedigree with kc papers. also a few alleged pedigree shi-tzu's..hasten to add those "pedigree" papers did not mention kc anywhere.. hope this girl gets help.
  8. she's in sommercoates, derbyshire area according to the post if that helps
  9. can anyone crosspost this elsewhere? i can't join certain other forums cos i only have yahoo email.
  10. does anyone recognise this poor akita girl? apparently from a rescue, who want her spayed and wont release papers until she thick as S**t owner wants to breed before then.. does anyone recognise the dog or have any contacts in this area? please get the dog back before it's too late
  11. my dog has the cosy pet one, it's great. she doesn't pull half as much since being on that. It looks the same as the fleece lined one on the dog games page. She even wears hers for agility and it doesn't affect her movement at all.
  12. can you e-mail me a booking form please. ta! jrm78uk at yahoo dot co dot uk
  13. asking work if they will fund it:-)
  14. was wondering the same myself. poor poor girl, and poor owner, he must be so shocked.As for the sky reporters comments about wanting to know why the breed isn't banned, when will they ever learn..would they be writing that if it was a labrador? i thought you could be charged for the behaviour of your dog even if you were on holiday and the dog was with someone else. wasn't there another article a few months ago? don't get the manslaughter bit tho.
  15. Am quite impressed with the way it's being reported, am glad they said the dogs were after the nappy not the baby.
  16. go somewhere else to do dog does agility..for fun but she's not done bronze award. She had to do an intermediate obidience type class, not competetive obidience stuff or anything just normal pet stuff, and there was no test it was just a case of the trainer being happy she was safe to be around the other dogs in an agility environment. Some agility classes don't even require you to do this first and they just have a basic agility beginners class. Agility made a huge difference to my dog for giving her a bit of a challenge and a lot of fun. Go for it!
  17. i think smaller dogs tend to start with seasons younger as a general rule...obviously there are exceptions, it's usually 7 months onwards tho, might be tho.
  18. Daft idea as others have said. The admission of liability thing is similar to what happens if you have a sign on your house reading "warning dog lives here" or "caution dogs here" .what if someones dog just happens to have a green collar but it isn't a colour code one..then for friendly with people and kids..children should not approach a dog they don't know without asking..ever..and it's up to parents to teach their kids this. my dog may be friendly but i wouldn't want some noisy little kid charging over to her and pulling her fur, and i wouldn't want a collar on my dog that makes parents think it's ok to let their kids do that.
  19. wow.... "We think that a requirement for those in social housing to have their pets microchipped and neutered would go a long way to reduce the number of dogs available and consequently the number of dogs seen at our animal hospitals and centres." i totally agree microchipping/neutering would go a long way to help but i'm not sure only applying it to people in social housing would help, i think that would just increase the negative perception a lot of people already have on people/dogs in this situation.Also whilst blanket neutering would cut numbers, if everyone had their dogs neutered unless they were a licensed breeder it's a fact that the genetic health of dogs in general will dramatically suffer.Whilst we all know there are way way way too many dogs in stray kennels and rescues up and down the country it would be a strange world if everyone's pet was a pedigree dog. i dunno..i'm confused..i'd love to see an end to strays being pts because they have nowhere to go, and i'd love to see an end to dogs being free to good home so any idiot can get one without having to think about it first, i'm just not sure that wiping out the mongrel is the way to go about it.. maybe two types of dog for people with no intention of breeding which requires vet proof your dog is done and chipped. and another more expensive one if you intend to breed ( considerably more expensive) regardless if your dog is pedigree or not but still get dog chipped. the expensive one only lasts a year then needs renewing or you can neuter your dog and get the cheaper license that will last for life of the pet.if you let your dog get pregnant on first season ( becuase some people won't neuter before first season) then you pay the breeders license fee regardless for that year. sorry think i went off topic a bit
  20. what is the advantage of a sloped back dog? why was it selected for in the first place. the old GSD's like in celestes post had straight backs, someone intervened and made them slanty backed. why if not for looks? i don't see any advantage from a physical point of view.They were originally a herding breed weren't they? or descended from at least and i don't see many collies with a slopey back.did i miss something?
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