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Everything posted by bebe

  1. With all this talk of my dogs playing in the garden on the non-doggy-chat forum, Just thought Id share these pics I took today. "Come on Mum!! Throw the ball already!" "Quick, if we kill the rubber chicken, we might get a new toy tomorrow!" "We know we have to wait in the down untill you tell us to move, Mum, but we,ve been here since last Tuesday!!"
  2. I think Cookie is adorable. I was gobsmacked at the Judge saying "oh, thats a real Staffie face coming out in her there", and also the other Judge saying "thats what terriers do"...all this being said as Cookie was barking and growling. It wont affect Cookies chances of a home because shes going home with Julia , but talk about giving a dog a bad name . Another black mark against staffies. People remember negatives more than positives and all the good Cookie has done in promoting staffies has been wiped clean because of one stupid cameraman and 2 stupid comments. Cookie was scared and shouldve been allowed to see what was behind there, wont she associate that area of the studio with that "scare" now? But I think something good did come out of it, it showed Julia scoop Cookie up into her arms in the middle of it with no fear what-so-ever of being bitten, and she handled her confidently I think. Casper, well, I felt sad for him . He was let down. I just hope it doesnt affect his chances of getting a home.
  3. Think yourself lucky Marion. My builders said they,d be done by last December and its now April.
  4. I feed my 2 on raw, but I do cheat a bit , I feed the natures menu frozen, tripe, chicken heart etc, and the blocks of tripe lamb rabbit. I also use chicken wings for George, Ty wont touch them, and although Ive too ordered from Landywoods, AMP is only down the road from me so its faster and cheaper. Id never ever feed them commercial food again, they both look amazing
  5. Divine retribution Kathy. Pity you couldnt actually see him getting wacked on the snout, imagine the humiliation when you stood by and did this....
  6. I read that as "looks like a Pug" ..I was going to reply saying this one looks like a bulldog chewing a wasp, but didnt want to be cruel to dogs He is very very VERY chatty
  7. Mariks replacement has just come. He has no teef in the front. none. He also talks very fast and lithpth. It was easier to understand Marik. Better go take him a coffee and a custard cream to suck on.
  8. bebe

    Feather Fun

    I only said where I was because I know you have a thing about "toilet humour" Nige. Usually its Ty starts it Marion, but George can claim this one for his own, I know that because Ty was sat at my feet in the bathroom OMG!! Alex thats much worse than mine!! Yep. Butter wouldnt melt.
  9. bebe


    Glad to hear Dylans perked up a bit Kazz
  10. Ange, Ive got one of those, they are sooo comfy, and even when both dogs jumped in there with me last summer, it didnt tip over or anything Kathy, are you going to post the pics? I like it since RMF has been a bit quieter, I can ALMOST keep up. a bit
  11. See, it pays to say how you feel sometimes Because of you, a dog now isnt going to go thirsty.
  12. bebe


    Major hugs for you Kazz My thoughts are with you and the lovely Dylan, you know where I am
  13. bebe

    Feather Fun

    I was on the loo, and could hear ripping noises coming from the bedroom, in the few seconds it took to go and investigate, my room was covered in feathers! It looked like a gaggle of Geese had been slaughtered in there, how so many feathers can get into one pillow I dont know. George was very pleased with himself
  14. bebe


    I,ll be thinking of you both Kazz. And like others have said, you know my number if you want to talk. x
  15. bebe


    No experience, just sending hugs for you both
  16. Im so happy for you both Laura. What a mega relief for you, you,ll have a much better sleep tonight, special hugs for you and of course the beautiful Salada
  17. My face is gone all lopsided It looks like Ive melted down one side
  18. I managed to watch it tonight for the first time I want Cookie. And Chump. Who is that with Casper????
  19. Oh, how CUTE is he?? . He looks like he might be a bit norty too Terri , he,s got a bit of a look in his eye Im sure Ailsa is watching you both and feeling at peace, seeing you so happy
  20. Poor Nellie. RIP little babies
  21. bebe

    Skinny Poppy

    OMG, thats a drastic difference! Poppy must feel so much better, what a relief for her She does a very good woe-is-me face
  22. Ooooh, good point Anne Please dont drop dead Em, look after that baddie-finger cos I want Tys muzzle finished
  23. I agree too. They shouldnt be allowed to do this, its in bad taste and disrespectful to those that lost their lives. But also, like you highlighted Kathy, what message is that giving out to the Iranians? If there is a "next time", they are less likely to release hostages knowing that they could sell their story, so its making a dangerous situation even more dangerous. The MoD shouldve put a stop to this in no uncertain terms.
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