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Mrs B

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Everything posted by Mrs B

  1. Looks as if I too will joining the queue for the cloakroom I didn't know about. At least I'll "know" everyone else in the queue.
  2. Can't remember if I've said it on this thread already, and too idle to check back. But I'm going on Friday. I'll be the one covered in white dog hairs - and therefore instantly recognisable. I have discovered today that the train I need leaves at 5.23 am but I doubt I'll have any trouble staying awake for the day! Currently wondering whether Sarah would want me to bring any Tiggerbics .......... Daisybics are currently not under construction, owing to an inability on my part to organise my internet shopping. So, just to recap, you'll recognise me as I'm the white haired woman with the biggest bags under her eyes, which will contain supplies of biscuits - if Sarah wants them.
  3. Well both of mine are raw fed - but I suspect that this might be one step too far as a suggestion for these folks! Just about to ring to find out what time my Landywoods delivery's coming today - although this is the third date I've been given for delivery this month - but that's another story as they say!
  4. Thanks for all your help guys. Love the suggestion that Bakers + Staffies = Monkies! I've passed that one on!
  5. This is one of those friend of a friend situations .................... A hyper 18 month neutered male Staffie is being fed on Bakers - the suggestion today that Bakers might not be the best thing for him to be fed has been taken on board - but the question has come back, "what do you suggest instead?" I do think they will listen to advice on what to feed, and are also listening to the suggestion that they might need some training help. Can anyone suggest foods that I might recommend to them? I know the better types of dry foods generally, but just wondered if Staffie owners might have some particular favourites.
  6. Mrs B


    Don't know if anything on here will help.
  7. Mrs B

    Mange [possibly]

    I'm currently treating Tigger (and therefore Daisy) for mange. Have to admit to taking Tigger to the vets and we've ended up with Stronghold - with a repeat dose to be given in one month. As a warning I would say that this did not give immediate respite to the itching, and Tigger continued to chew holes in his leg. The things suggested to me to try to alleviate the itching were Piriton - which had no effect whatsoever on Tigger and Daisy, but apparently works on some dogs - available very cheaply from the human chemists, and very expensively from the vets. The other thing I have used is aloe vera - principally in liquid form which I've given them twice a day which I "think" has had an effect - at least we now have bare skin rather than blood and scabs, and I think there is less scratching, itching and chewing. Poor little man.
  8. Mrs B

    Anal Glands

    Unfortunately this doesn't always work - Tigger has been eating chicken wings/BARF for just over a year - since he last had his anal glands emptied - and has just had to have his emptied (two weeks ago) again - he wasn't scooting, scratching or smelling (although I admit, I hadn't put my nose up his bottom ) but he had come out in a very nasty rash. Hope Dylan's OK soon.
  9. Just arrived. Having lunch. Salt and vinegar French Fries. Not my usual standard, but the fridge's alternative offering was cottage cheese - nah, too cold.
  10. You can tell you don't live in this limey neck of the woods. Haven't worked out how to clean the outside of the kettle yet! Did tackle the fridge yesterday too (inside only again). OH has been in charge since 6th July, and went away to God's County yesterday, so I was sat on the floor till 1.00 am this morning investigating the contents. Bearing in mind I'm no martyr to food actually being in date when I eat it, there is now only one shelf in the fridge with anything on it. Can't wait to see what he says when he comes home tonight. Probably nothing 'cause I've been on at him to sort it out! Now the radio folks are coming round tomorrow, and the only clean things in the house are the inside of the kettle and the fridge. Better be good - or Mr T might have to withhold his favours from you.
  11. I should have said I only cleaned the inside of my kettle Cindy
  12. Please start practising. I am really, really hoping that you are going to bring some over with you on 10th September. I'll bring the filling, you bring the bread - what d'you reckon?
  13. Flip, I did mine this morning too!!! Kettle, not kitchen. Mind you, it's still gunky - think I needed something a bit stronger to remove the build up which has accumulated over the last, erm ............ don't think I can remember.
  14. Thought that these days they couldn't use these sorts of excuses not to employ you - surely under one of the "Disability Acts" it's banned and they have to make reasonable efforts to adapt the workspace for you? Especially as they didn't say you weren't qualified or didn't have enough experience or something that they could have got away with.
  15. Of course it's a word - take it you've had a long day. "who've" = "who have" I'm sure you haven't anyway - missed anyone I mean.
  16. OK Ellie, Mr T found this one specially for you. Mr T says if he'd known you needed a he'd have come to me for a brush first - oh, and he says don't tell the OH or Mrs T that he's on you!
  17. Absolutely - especially as I'm not hopping into the village for a ditto reason - which means if anyone says you should go to Asda's that means I don't have an excuse not to go to the village. Sparkle, I really feel for you - having been a temp and employed temps. Shouldn't matter what age she is - she should do as she's told - she's the TEMP! She obviously has completely the wrong attitude. Mr T says "would you like a virtual cuddle"?
  18. I hate ticks - yuck, yuck, yuck! We were in Dorset earlier in the year in an area I knew to be wick with the horrors. I jiggled the timing of my Frontline treatment of Tigger and Daisy so that they were treated two weeks before we went to try to give them maximum protection. After every walk they were both brushed and combed, and I would take off by hand every single tick I could find (bowl of water to hand for drowing, although next time I will take the alcohol), and really checked them over carefully. As Tigger is longer coated, they would particularly gather around his shoulders, chest and "arm pits" - but I have to say that the Frontline did seem to work - as I really can't believe that I managed to hand pick off every one. We were caught out last year when Tigger picked up a tick. I visited the vet local to where I was staying for some Frontline spray - they examined him, and were quite happy for me to use that treatment. However, I think I will be investing in a tick remover too!
  19. Yes, yes, I saw Casualty - wondered if anyone else out there was seeing it too. No idea what happened to the Westie Apart from a later mention of fleas.
  20. Pregnant .......................... and PMT?
  21. In a grump so I'm going to And before any man asks, No It Is Not PMT!
  22. Well in theory nothing wrong with camping ......... if you're used to it - although a field could be a, er, challenge if you haven't packed your trowel and stuff. More seriously, what sort of general area of the country are you camping out in. No-one ever comes near me, but if you are, I'm sure we could at least throw you the odd hot water bottle or something (won't offer you house room, OH and pythons just, well just wouldn't!) Maybe someone else could do the same if you are near them.
  23. Hi Supafrisk Do you have a copy of the cancellation letter you wrote? If so I'd write them a polite but extremely firm letter, enclosing cancellation letter, saying "cancelled" (if you need some help with wording, I can easily turn my hand to that). If you don't have a copy, I would still write a polite but firm letter saying what/when/where and any other facts you can remember - especially if you can by any remote chance remember the name of the person you handed it in to. No harm in walking this one round to LA Fitness too - but draft yourself out a receipt, which the person accepting the letter has to sign to say they've received it. I wouldn't deal with the debt recovery people either. All they're interested in is recovering the money (they may have bought the debt too) and just will have nothing to gain themselves by investigating the facts. Good luck. (Posted so I can see if my avatar is still working - only 'cause I'm amazed I managed it!)
  24. This seems as good a time as any to stop and say Go get checked now! Also gives me a chance to see if I've done my avatar correctly!
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