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Mrs B

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Everything posted by Mrs B

  1. :biggrin:Very randomly - because I'm in a rush and know I'm going to have a 'challenging' day so this will probably be my last chance ............ Many congratulations to Dogstar on their 3rd Birthday. Hope you have an amazing day, and enjoy yourselves - may all your competitions go well. In such a short space of time, you have achieved truly outstanding success.
  2. And I ready posts like this and feed my guilt complex!
  3. Mine normally move for "nudge on bottom with foot" Just off to change into something marginally less slobby and then round to the pub for dinner. Hope there's something yummy on the menu.
  4. Yep, I think you could be right - we'll see how much podgy tummy flab there is next time we meet!
  5. For anyone who missed it, I've put a link to the Show Report here - Wiccaweys Show Report Keep watching this space, I fear that at some point in the future there could well be a video of me demonstrating to the Show-Goers just how rowing should be done.
  6. Well I'm back. And just in case you've missed what I was up to last week, here's the write up - Rowing Challenge Linky I guess this now means I can discuss my training again, although I appear to be following a completely different path from everyone else here! Typical! I think I have found some fellow trainees in the last couple of weeks though. It appears there is a whole on-line community seemingly obsessed dedicated to indoor rowing, where there are on-line competitions, actual competitions, blogs, training logs ....... it goes on and on. So, I am now a member of a "virtual" Rowing Team and have entered one or two on-line challenges along the way. It may not have been entirely what I was setting out to do, but this does give me the means to have a training "partner" without going through the impossible task of actually finding someone! What's more, many of the challenges take into account my age, sex and weight, so I can compete against 20 year old male heavyweights for example. Anyway, enough of that for now. My first challenge is to see what my training plan for the next five weeks is when that's handed over to me tomorrow. I know for sure it won't be easy! And I want need to fit in a straight four minute row before the end of the week so that I can enter a Challenge Series. Then there's a 10k to do before the end of October ......... Everyone bored yet?
  7. Mrs B is back again - sort of. As I said a couple of months ago, I didn't want to say anything about my weight on here until after my Rowing Challenge was completed in case it gave anyone any inside information on how I might do. So, to the facts. I last declared where I was just before we went on holiday - when regrettably I put on 4lbs (mostly be eating gorgeous food though). Since then, I have been concentrating so hard on training that it has been quite difficult to lose weight, as I never know whether I'm going to training morning, noon or night, and it's been intensive enough for me to need to have "fuel" in me to make sure I can do the training (my excuse anyway). One thing for sure, if I don't eat 'good' foods, it soon shows up in how I perform during training! However, I have lost the 4lbs, and another .75lbs. Not sure how I will get on in the next five weeks, with more training to do for the Finals, but I'm back on the "declaration" wagon again.
  8. Would Sirius like to reveal his secret mission is to join me at the Finals of my Rowing Challenge now? Obviously Sirius would be very welcome to join me in advance if he would like some extra training before the event. Oh, and erm, Sirius will need to behave, as he will have to share my bedroom for the weekend, and erm, Mr B can't come.
  9. I have posted a full report about my row here - Rowing Race Linky
  10. Firstly apologies for not having given all the gorey boring fascinating details of my rowing on Thursday before now - year end is approaching at work, and year on year it seems to cause people to go into a manic meltdown to an increasing degree! A few boring bits before we come to Thursday. As you know (or if you don't you do now), last year I rowed my 500 metres in 2:05.5 - and then I settled back into doing no training at all - until the Challenge was announced at work again this year. So on 3rd August I rowed my 500 metres again, and achieved 2:07.4 - as I'd moved from heavyweight to lightweight (not that any allowance is made for this in this competition, but normally heavyweights and lightweights row in different competitions, 'cause heavyweights are faster), I was already at a disadvantage, and on no training I was not unhappy - but set out to train to the extent that was allowed for this competition, in this class - an hour a week. I was more than ably assisted by a colleague who does athletics training and coaching, but who was also doing this competition, who prepared a training programme for me. Yep, anyone who decided I was in secret training was absolutely correct. There is a surprising amount you can do in an hour a week, when this is taken up with interval training and the like. I frequently wondered "why" I was doing this, but the promise of pennies coming in to Wiccaweys and the Dogstar Foundation did help keep me focussed. And so on 11th September, I rowed my 2nd 500 metres - 2:03.9. I was now officially faster than last year, and had improved by a whole 3.5 seconds since the beginning of August. The last part of training was being tackled, and the guy who set the programme started to say "you'll be under 2 minutes on the day". "No way" says Mrs B - an improvement of another 4 seconds - I think that's a bit And the day of the Challenge dawned. The condemned woman ate a hearty breakfast of an extremely huge bowl of porridge - partly because last year I kept little food down on the day of the race, and I really didn't fancy rowing my socks off on an empty stomach. Arrived at work, passing the Canteen where the punishment was to take place, sat at my desk - first sign, I had "gone off" coffee. Water, water, and yet more water. Went off to watch a "new friend" race - fit lass doing the 1,000 metres. Back to stirring paperwork, and having my "trainer" say "you WILL go under 2 minutes" - then off to watch one of my department do the 1,000 metres - lesson - do not think you can go to the Gym the night before and do a heavy workout, do no rowing practice and expect to find the 1k "easy" - he made it - but I shouted at him lots. And some seriously bad news. The first two heats around the country at my level had been won with 2:13.7 and 2:09.6, so I knew that, short of serious cramp or some disaster, I was on for that. Now the top time for my heat in Lincoln was showing at 2:00.01 - I had NEVER rowed that fast! Lunch time was approaching - managed half a sandwich, off to my Gym to get changed and do a warm up there, then straight over to the Canteen - walked in - and just about everyone I had "invited" to watch me, plus a couple of lasses who were competing who I'd just come to know, had all turned up to watch me - it was my intention to have an audience - nothing better than not letting yourself down in front of an audience I've decided! Another warm up, and this was the point at which it became impossible to put this horrible thing off any longer. As I took up the handle, my hands were shaking so much that I was having serious doubts as to what was going to happen when I actually set off! My "trainer" was situated in the region of my left ear (I believe this is called coxing!), and the screen came up, Ready ..... Attention (on the way out maybe?) ....... Row! I have to be honest and say that much of the next part was a blur. I had a definite race plan in my head (sorry, this is another boring technical bit) - set off sub 2 minute pace, perhaps 1.55, but being careful not to go too fast or I'd burn out, for 125 metres, sub 2 minutes to 250 metres, begin to flag and hurt and go over 2 minute pace, but try like mad to keep it as near as 2 minutes as possible whilst wondering why on earth I was doing this to myself, hit the final 100 metres, downhill all the way (funny water in Lincolnshire you know) and go for bust, I mean broke, I mean .......... well, you know what I mean! My "trainer" had had other ideas and wanted me to set off at 1:50 to 1:55, and as the target was now 2.00.1, I knew that my only chance of winning was to go sub 2 minutes all the way - part of the problem being that the first four strokes until you get going at pace are always below race pace so drag the total time down. I was struggling with the screen on my machine - I am used to a full screen set up in a particular way to suit me - but for the race it was fixed to a split screen, and I couldn't focus on the information I needed about timings, strokes, and everything else, and was following the voice in my ear! Not to mention an awful lot of shouting and encouraging behind that! I kept being told that I was inside 2 minutes - did I believe it - not really, I was convinced I couldn't be going 4 seconds faster than I ever had, and kind of thought I was being told something to keep me going. And boy was it hurting. That was it, the metres were showing "0" at last, and I had absolutely no idea at all of how I had done. I'd seen 2:00 something on the screen on my machine, but that was it, and I had far more interest in glugging down some water and getting my feet out of the wretched foot straps. Then I looked up at the big screen on the wall - 1:58.1 - I seriously just couldn't believe it - I felt like one of those athletes who suddenly realises they've won a gold medal and a world record - in fact I kept thinking I'd mis-read it, and that perhaps it was 1:59.1 or something. Even the guy who trained me who has said he really did think I would go sub 2 minutes on the day, has now said he thought it would be just under and didn't think I would be that fast. So, a serious case of floating on air for me, and a belief that doing the "Rowing Song" at the Wiccaweys Show (for any who saw it or heard about it!) must have been just the extra training I needed to get that magic time. My "trainer", needless to say, made it to the top of his heats at the end of the day, making it look completely effortless - and then cycled home! And there's more. Having won my heat, I have now been invited to the Finals in Bristol at the end of October, when I will be up against the fastest person in each of ten other heats which have been held, or are being held around the country in the next couple of weeks. An all expenses paid weekend for myself and Mr B ........... except Mr B has to work that weekend I think that Mr B has realised that I will be going on my own come what may though ......... not that I have any competitive streak in me you understand! Many, many thanks to all of you who played "Guess the Time" - I'm always pleased to do what I can to raise any money at all for Wiccaweys and Dogstar to support the amazing work they both do - I know that only small amounts have been raised, but know every small amount adds up to help you. And special thanks to Helly on here for helping me with posting various things, and, for encouraging me lots and lots and lots behind the scenes as well. And as far as the English Channel goes, Diane appears to know much more than she's letting on about this training lark, as I did indeed row across the English Channel, and I will certainly arrive back this week, having actually rowed 70,961 metres since the beginning of August! And the winner of my Guess the Time Competition is Yantan with their guess of 1:59.7 who will win my box of cakes - although I have serious concerns at the moment about postal difficulties, so need to do some checking into that before anything perishable goes in the post. Oh, and, there were a couple of photos taken, although the photographer has said that it was all over before they had managed to set themselves up properly They are seriously bad, one in particular, however I'm hoping they will be posted here today. And as for Sirius. Well, what can I say? I think he was nobbled and someone warned him that this Rowing Regatta lark was more about serious pain and exertion than Pims and polite conversation, so he found some convenient parcel to hide behind in some Sorting Office or other. However, in a fit of self confidence, I did arrange with Dogstar to put in a secret booking for him for the last weekend in October, the weekend of the Finals in Bristol, so I am hoping he will come and spur me on to even greater things then - and Sirius, you now have five weeks to get yourself into shape for this - if I can do it, anyone can! And I guess that's it for now folks - training begins in earnest tomorrow for the Finals.
  11. I thought it was lunch time hours ago - not that I've had morning coffee yet! Going to have morning coffee and write up my report on my Rowing Challenge and announce the winner although they probably know already! Then I can have lunch. 23 years ago now I was just going into Church for my wedding. Mr B is currently at work (although there is promise of a meal out tonight )
  12. Oh noooo. Sorry Cheryl, completely missed reading your post.
  13. Personally I think he heard what he was expected to do during the visit and went into hiding behind the biggest parcel he could find. Any chance of any piccies being posted of what Sirius missed? Pretty please? I know I have to write my report too, but was going to try to link the, er, agony, with the blurb!
  14. is seriously nervous about 1.30 pm today

  15. I may be ever so slightly nervous about 1.30 pm today.
  16. Thanks for the "good lucks" everyone - I may just need them! 1.30 pm tomorrow is the magic "hour" (well, here's hoping it really isn't an hour) and all "guesses" must be in by 1.00 pm. Will try not to do too much Oops inside your head - think that pace may be a tad too stead. Mrs Squirrel will be posting evidence that "I did it" tomorrow for me.
  17. Thank you very much clever Mrs Squiggs. If there's any dodgy photos available, I'll send those to you too. ;)
  18. Any more for any more? This is taking place at 1.30 pm tomorrow. For the sake of fairness I believe all "bets" should be placed no later than 1.00 pm. I know exactly who's time I think is currently nearest what I will be doing ............ and I'm not saying. I would very much like some technologically minded person who could help me round about 2.30 pm tomorrow if they could post below - if someone volunteers I will e-mail a copy of my susstificate to show the winning time. My "report" may take a while longer - end of year looms at work and appears to have turned everyone into serious loons!
  19. Mrs B

    Face Of Whiskas

    Voted earlier - couldn't resist the whiskers.
  20. Well I know where I want to be, I know where I might be, and I know where I could "dream on". And I'm not telling.
  21. I just use "sports" water bottles - any sports shop sells them - maybe with their logo on, maybe not - hold around 500ml of water in a rigidish plastic bottle, screw off top, with the "pull up" (no I don't know the technical jargon either) top. I find them robust enough to stick in the freezer for an hour or two so I have lovely iced water, and the tops don't leak. And, as I'm obsessive about washing them up properly every day, I am happy that the germs on them are mine. I am about to be given one next week (cue, Rowing Competition ) so guess that they're a couple of quid each.
  22. Have been popping in and out in between sorting stuff out post Wiccaweys Show - which was fab (the Show that is, not the sorting out). And already, it seems, we are planning for the next one ..... and there is talk of a lemon drizzle cake tasting competition! Currently trying to collect together a few mad photos of Mrs B leading the "Rowing Boat Song" which was performed very energetically - and resulted in my friend busting her calf muscle running to join in. Ow! And the camping was brilliant - haven't camped for years, and took to it all over again like the proverbial duck. In between running around, I unexpectedly managed to win a bottle of champagne - I had no idea I was so good with marbles. Auntie continues to bemuse the Hospice staff - on three occasions we have been told to "expect". The latest is her demanding porridge for lunch, and insisting that she be told all the gossip and scandal - and demanding to know when she can go home - which is not so good, as realistically that's not going to happen.
  23. Can't believe I missed this. Hope it was a wonderful birthday. Tigger and Daisy say they their Auntie Mags
  24. I am really not here. I am so shattered, I have achieved little this evening, just keep thinking about going to get so kip, and am about to force myself to go to bed. I appear to have volunteered to do 'something' to "Oops Upside Your Head" at the Wiccaweys Show in order to raise pennies. I am slightly concerned as this seems to involve singing and white trousers. Somewhere along the way a 3 legged dog has been introduced, who I belive is leading this with me. I really don't get this at all. Rightly or wrongly I have left the organising of this escapade to 'others' who are then instructed to tell me what I am to do - I'm still busy working out a packing plan for the car. Please note, I have been on nothing stronger than unpressed grapes and Diet Coke tonight! I MUST go to bed. Night.
  25. Couldn't believe it when I logged on to read this. Do get better soon Alicia - and just hope that you are feeling better as soon as possible.
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