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Everything posted by celeste

  1. know only to well what it's like to find a lump, but i agree with you that it could well be a hernia, especially as it's appeared so suddenly, i don't know for sure but it might be an idea not to feed her till she goes to the vet tomorrow, i'm just thinking of the possibilty of a blockage if it is a hernia, might be completly wrong mind, i'm sure someone here will have some experience of this, good luck for tomorrow
  2. Well done Rachel i thought that was lovely
  3. Apart from being a pain in the butt with strange dogs, for me Staffy's have got it all, a nice handy size, not so small that you step on them, but not so big you can't howf them onto the vets table, short clean coats, a hatred of wet rainy days, and a love of sofas, they are completly mad and ready to join in with any nonsense, very trainable and occasionaly clever, they make very good watch dogs without being over the top, i find them very pleasing to look at, when they are standing to attention i think they are just beautiful, coat gleaming and muscles rippling, and best of all they will love you with all their heart and give the bestest ever snogs
  4. My friend actually works for this charity, and we were discussing it this morning, she is well pissed off about it, we both agreed that it was entirely up to the individual which charity they gave to and for this charity to try and make people feel guilty about it is shocking, although the charity is saying it just wants people to think, yeah right,. She discussed it with her other half and had a huge row about it as he sided with the charity, claiming that animals don't have emotions so they shouldn't get so much, oh boy was that the wrong thing to say I asked my OH if he thought they had feelings, luckily for his gonads he answered correctly
  5. curl, she had to run behind the nearest.........
  6. Walk on Bye - Dusty Springfield (i think) and The Stranglers
  7. good one, i was starting to wonder what the joke was till i got to the end
  8. The - anyone who likes Jaffa Cakes needs their head examined bump
  9. The insult my big sister-but i love her really bump
  10. She couldn't believe the size of.................
  11. however, i was disturbed by a ........
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