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Everything posted by Phoenyx

  1. JulesB reminded me that most people never 'met' Henry when he first came to us.... Henry arrived in February 2004 afer a frantic dash to meet the dog warden to pick up a greyhound that had been dumped at a vets to be PTS... This is what he was like when I collected him:
  2. Happy Gotcha Day Sir H! Love the 'thpeshul' pic!
  3. PM me your email address Marion and I'll send you the high res copies
  4. Especially for his Aunty Marion, the lovely (and rather old now) Henry
  5. Maisy is certainly cute! ...and she is NOT staying here
  6. Sorry I've not been around much but you may remember this little girl: Maisy was unwanted by her owners when they did a flit from their rented house and she ended up landing on my doorstep along with 3 emaciated young rabbits. The rabbits all survived by the way but nothing was ever found of the other missing rabbits and guinea pigs After a good exam and xrays by our vet we now know that Maisy is indeed a dwarf, with stunted and bandy legs that seem to go in different directions to the rest of her a lot of the time! Her whole body is oddly proportioned but she seems fit otherwise and her heart seems to be fine. She's now been spayed too. She's completely oblivious to the fact that she's not quite 'normal' and she is a typical boisterous little staffy who loves to play and chew stuff.... especially the other dogs who have now decided that she's is actually another dog and is great fun to play with (apart from Jonathan who's scared of her, Henry who doesn't really 'do' play and old Guinevere who can't be bothered). Even big stoopid Merlin has started to try to play but she keeps tripping him up instead Maisy's little legs don't have quite the energy and stamina that she seems to think they have so she keeps tripping and falling over. She has callouses on her knees, skinned toes and scrapes all over the place but she doesn't seem bothered at all. Stairs are a bit tricky for her Her little feet were very swollen when she came in, with splits between her pads, but they're a lot better now that she's getting out and about in the garden and has some decent food and attention. Her skin has improved a lot too! A few more pics for the 'gremlin' fans: Maisy is still young, around 18 months, and for now her condition isn't really a problem for her. As she ages though she will probably have problems with her joints and she may not live to be very old. She really needs a special home, she's fine here for now but we really would love to see her go to someone who can spend a lot more one-on-one time with her and preferably with other dogs. Maisy is besotted with Storm, our tripod staffy/greyhound cross I'll keep you updated and I MUST get the website updated with all the newbies this year
  7. Hi folks, I really need to do a full update on Maisy, will try to get new pics sorted out tomorrow night
  8. Mel, I am so sorry to hear you've lost Foo I'm sure Foo will always be with you in your heart Thinking of you
  9. Phoenyx


    So sorry Sleep safe Oscar
  10. Sky, 244, 9.30 NOW!! Repeat of the documentary about Alan and Endal
  11. So sorry Loobie Sleep safe Mia
  12. Little old wobbly, creaky, cantankerous, madam Amber left us today She collapsed this morning and her back legs stopped working. She went to sleep at lunchtime, being fed treats of chocolate buttons. She would have been 15 in June and had been with us for 5 years - a heck of a lot longer than anyone thought she'd ever have. Sleep safe little girl, you were very loud and very demanding and we loved you to bits. So glad I was here today when you collapsed and so glad you were able to go comfy and happy.
  13. All three are eating enough food for 10! The little brown one is still very, very thin but a heck of a lot brighter than last week. They're only young bless them
  14. I'm not sure what the correct term of the condition is but Maisy has the form of dwarfism that produces deformity of the bones, the vet is concerned that there may be some discomfort for her in her back legs/hips expecially but wants a full xray picture of what's going on with her joints etc. All her legs a shorter than they should be and she tends to run about with front legs straight and out at an angle most of the time. Her back legs seem to bend at odd angles at the hips and the knees when she runs and her ribcage is an odd shape too. Maisy's leg muscles are big and out of proportion to her limb bones. She's a happy little thing though
  15. She looks fairly normal from the front.... the back end is another matter but trying to bet a photo is a nightmare!
  16. Certainly Giving Steve a wash: and showing just how small she really is:
  17. Yep, when I find the spare USB cable cos a certain stumpy lurcher has chewed my normal one....
  18. What time shall I drop her off? 7am tomorrow ok for you? She is seriously cute, although my vet did do a double take when she turned round and saw her on the exam table tonight with a 'What-the-feck' look on her face
  19. OK then, an update! The rabbits are all still here, the one I was most concerned about is still very weak but eating properly again, the other 2 seem to be fairing a better. Hopefully they've been caught in time No sign of any of the other missing animals though Maisy has been to see the vet tonight and is definitely a bit of an oddity! She is a dwarf, with overall deformed bone structure and dis-proportioned muscles. Her back legs are of the highest concern though, especially the hips, and we need to have full xrays done. As Maisy will need anaesthetic we'll get her spayed at the same time - vet thinks she's not far out of season and we need to make sure she hasn't been caught Op is booked for 6th March (the earliest appointment I could get ) so until then we have a lodger. At least Dylan isn't scared of her anymore and they're started playing together.... tis a rather odd sight
  20. Oh, poor little soul She looks happy despite what's happened to her, I hope she finds a home soon
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