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Everything posted by Whizzie

  1. I may be joinging this thread soon - but first we have to finish all the Christmas chocolates, shortbread, cake & buscuits that are still here
  2. A 3 day week at work so far & I am really tired. Maybe it is the dark mornings. I thought I had lost Toffee this morning & she was right next to me all the time! Please send blus skies, sunshine & warmth. I have just been told about a new arrival at Milton Keynes Rescue where I dog walk at weekends - a young collie, possibly deaf. I think it will be hard popping that one back in his kennel
  3. Back to work today for me and we've just been for a very dark walk. The good thing aboout working between Christmas & New Year though is that today doesn't feel quite such a shock to the system & I know I can have my holidays later - hopefully when it is light & warm & sunny
  4. A belated Happy New Year to everyone. Ours was quiet with only a couple of short bursts of fireworks to upset the dogs. We had our Christmas/New Year celebrations with my brother's family plus my parents yesterday & I am still muchly annoyed and upset. Those of you who know me will know that we had 3 dogs until losing Jester to lung cancer just over 7 weeks ago. We had to get up early & walk Toffee & Hobie as they were not welcome & "presents before lunch" was dictated to fit around the children's naps. On arrival we got a tiny bit of mud on the carpet from our shoes which my brother insisted on scrubbing immediately which didn't exacly make us feel great. My first present was 3 rope dog toys - I felt like I'd been stabbed through the heart opening that. How insensitive can you be! As we sat down to dinner the wine he'd selected was called "Jester" - I'd never seen it before and felt like I was in the middle of a living nightmare with a cunning plan to drive me insane. I am so glad that day is over.
  5. So sorry Cher Run free Pixi
  6. We had a oourier turn up at work who'd had similar experience. We gave the poor chap a hot drink & a shortbread biscuit before he went on his way. He was so grateful he almost cried - everywhere else he'd been met with moans & sarcasm. My drive to work was bad enough & only 6 miles!
  7. I'm so sorry you've had to say farewell to Bernard Bunny. What a stunningly coloured boy his was.
  8. That's a familiar feeling. Sending Thank you for looking after Joe so well
  9. Thinking of you today & having lost 2 of our dogs within the last 18 months, I have some appreciation of how you probably feel, Millie was such a beautiful girl, both inside & out. Your photos are lovely. It's awful feeling you have been robbed of time you deserved & could reasonably have expected to spend together
  10. My 2 Amazon items arrived today I am all done now - unless I buy myself any pressies for myself from hubbie because he hasn't got round to it! I hope everyone's parcels arrive soon
  11. Sending more especaiily to the Squirrel households. Gracie is a legend and will be a huge loss to those nearest to her & foe entertaining the rest of us too x Run free little Fudge You will join many much loved friends at thebridge including two very specail ones of mine
  12. I am still waiting for my 2 Amazon items Both despatched 9th December
  13. :GroupHug: for you & Tess. Our dear Misty, now at Rainbow Bridge, snapped her cruciate when she was over 10. She made an excellent recovery aftr her operation, despite it being one of the messiest breaks the vet had seen. That was 2 weeks after we were advised to avoid any non-essential surgery de to her heart murmur. Thinking of you today
  14. Sending to all those who have lost friends or relatives, are poorly or are otherwise in need of them. That's it really. I'm still feeling reclusive but will false smile my way through another Christmas lunch. So far most have been diabolical foodwise so I hope today's is an improvement!
  15. Here in Bucks I'm sure our problems are minor in comparison but I am awaiting a book & a CD ordered from Amazon just over a week ago. Oddly something I ordered since has arrived. I hope your stuff gets through to you before the next round of snow does.
  16. It was a double elimination last night and Gavin & Scott went leaving Pamela, Kara & Matt in the final. Matt was the last one to go through & kept in suspense for ages. You could see how badly he wanted to make it to the final. I think Gavin & Scott expected to go.
  17. Where I work we have postal deliveries of audio books in Yorks (large trolleys). We have been receiving less than half our normal volume. We have been e-mailed to advise that there are 21,000 Yorks that have been stranded in northern England (not all for us I hope!) and 71 articulated lorries with 24 Yorks each stranded around the Kent area. These ay all be moving by now but it will take a while to clear. Amazon have adjusted their order times for their free delivery service and added between 1 & 3 days.
  18. Run free Korky So sorry Kazz
  19. Happy Birthday I think I may be a day too late
  20. I work for Calibre Audio Library - a national charity providing FREE audio books by post to people who can't read print. We have over 19000 members - many are visually impaired but Calibre also helps people with severe dyslexia and other disablities like MS where they may not be able to hold a book. We offer books on MP3 CD, USB memory stick & we still do cassettes too for visually impaired members. There are 8000 titles in the library. Apologies for the plug, but it is with good intention. If we can help then please let me know. As I said, our service is free - you just need to buy a suitable player which we can advise on. There are some excellent players for memory sticks which are only about £30. Liz
  21. Audio Books & something to play them on? I am struggling with inspiration for my own mother too.
  22. Please send my best wishes to Lynne & let her know that she will be in our thoughts I remember Todd - he was indeed a true gentleman & a great ambassadog for the Oldies Club
  23. Meg Free entertainment for you anyway. For Misty any toy would do Jester was selective & would pick a particular one. Toffee prefers to recline when indoors - walks are for exercise and only a certain type of ball will do, others are looked at distainfully. Hobie has a a range of toys he likes but he never takes one from the box. There are alway toys around the house, behind the sofa etc
  24. Well done to you both I'm sure Kiera has earned that snooze
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