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Everything posted by doggy.lover

  1. So sorry to hear about your mum Jules. My mum died last saturday from bone & liver cancer so I do have some idea of what you are going through. It's the most horrible thing in the world and my heart goes out to you. After a 2 week stay in hospital we managed to get mum into a hospice for her last two days and I think that helped enormously from both points of view. If you can get your mum into day respite she may find it helps. I'm sorry I don't really know what else to say as I'm still reeling but I do wish you both the very best. Love and strength Michaela
  2. Candle lit for my darling Susie Oct 1998 - 16 Aug 2011 Rest in Peace and free from pain Princess
  3. It still doesn't seem real but tonight after 2 large strokes in quick succession we lost our darling girl Susie She started fitting at about 8.30 but we managed to calm her down and she seemed to be okay but half an hour later she started shaking and lost the use of her back legs. We rushed her to the vet but they vet said she was unlikely to recover fully. We let her go with peace and dignity whilst our hearts shattered into a million pieces :mecry: Oct 1998 - August 2011 I'd like to thank everyone at the Oldies Club who allowed her into our home and our hearts. We miss her so much already.
  4. So very very sorry for your loss
  5. Oh Kazz, so very sorry I missed this as I haven't been about much Sleep tight Bonnie
  6. So very sorry for your loss
  7. Unfortunately due to mum's declining health we have decided to cancel. It's just too far away if anything happens I hope you all have a fabulous time
  8. Sadly we are booked on holiday elsewhere But we wish you the best of luck
  9. We had to wait as hubby was facing redundancy but we now know he's safe so have booked.
  10. We've booked too from thursday to monday .. god help them
  11. What beautiful dogs Welcome to the refuge. I notice you have a caravan, is it a tourer? If so I don't know if you've noticed the camping weekend in the Oldies General Chat thread. It would be great to meet you
  12. Would those of you who have booked mind please pm'ing me your surnames so I can try and book a pitch close by. Am hoping to book by this weekend. Just waiting to hear if my leave has been extended thanks
  13. I have lost 1stone 3lbs since christmas on weight watchers. I'm gobsmacked that I haven't lost interest yet but it's fab.
  14. Scruffy was diagnosed with severe HD at 7months old and was originally put on metacam but soon became immune to it and was put on PLT's at about 18months old. She had a small dose 1mg I think and was on that continuously until she was 5yrs old. Vet wasn't too thrilled at leaving her on it that length of time but it seemed to work for her. Downside was the hunger/weight gain which we are still trying to shift after 2yrs off PLT I say if it works go with it. Every dog is different and reacts differently Good Luck
  15. I just can't find the words I'm so very sorry
  16. That's my rostered long weekend off so depeinding on where you book we may be able to come, if mum is well enough to leave
  17. Oh Nige, I haven't been around for a while and have only just seen this. I'm so very very sorry for your loss. He sounds like such a special boy. Sleep well Archie, rest well earned little angel
  18. If it's at the same place as last year I won't be going
  19. Have you tried the BB Bold 9700 After trashing my BB Storm because it was so crap I was given a Bold to replace it and I love it. No probs with internet and texting easier with qwerty keyboard
  20. Another angel needed by God... hope your journey was swift and sweet Gracie Squirrel, your exploits have amused us all.. to the sad family you have left behind
  21. Oh Cher, How dreadful for you all I'm so very very sorry
  22. What a gorgeous boy so sorry for your loss.
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