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Taiya's Going To Her First Puppy Class


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Well it was quite successful and Taiya took everything in her stride. Mum was doing the training (as it is her dog really - though I will be starting off the agility training due to Mum's other hip needs replacing).


Anyway, this meant I just got to watch which was great. Little pups are so funny and food rules. All pups bar one were roughly the same age as Taiya, which were a yellow lab, terrier, cocker spaniel and miniture snautzer (sp). The other was a very exuberant 8 month old choc lab. So there was quite a mixture.


First exercise after a chat was pups off lead (one at a time) walk in and out of bollards. Taiya was quite happy to follow her tuggy and took it in her stride. The others all used food which worked just as well.


Next exercise was a sit, which all did very well - owners had already mastered that one at home. The only exception was the terrier, who couldn't stand still long enough let alone sit - but eventually got the idea.


The lady was trying to explain why certain things should be taught etc etc, but it was very hard with all the pups trying to get at the others - but also very funny. The little terrier was barking and trying to wind up the older lab, which would then drag the owner out of her seat periodically to try and play with terrier. I'm sure they will all calm down in a few weeks.


It was nice to see all the pups picking up new things and watching them interact with each other.


Will report back after next weeks class.

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Well we had our second class last night.


A new pup has joined - 3/4 collie 1/4 setter.


Everything went well. We did recalls in pairs or threes. Taiya did hers with two others and did run to another lady but then realised Mum was there, and went to her instead.


Next we did a down which we had practised with Taiya a few hours before (though not successfully, but strangely enough she did straight away at class - good girl).


Also did some heel work, though I think Mum should have used her ball rather than food, but she did well and tottered around the hall after Mum.


So another good night without too much chaos - but theres always next week :laugh:

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