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New House


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Fyfe stone fireplace?? Is that what its called? I don't think I can type what I've been calling it, but I can now tell everyone 'we have a fyfe stone fireplace don't you know?'


I'd not thought what it was going to be recycled as yet.... but we need alot of hardcore to sort the stable floors out!


Yes George was going to be making a guest appearance in what will be Wendy's room, but now I may have to put him up in pride of place somewhere else.


We've just go back from meeting our neighbours and having a drink in the pub. The village seems pretty pleased about our plans and quite a few have offered help. Met one of our neighbours who is a TV Camera man, seemed quite interesting.


i will be taking lots of pictures, I'll need to remind myself of the pain and suffering that we're due to start so whenever anything major comes up in the future it seemsl ike nothing compared to this. :biggrin:


I don't think it will really feel real until we get the keys, its not really sank in yet, as I never thought it would happen . :unsure: :biggrin:

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