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A year ago today, well about twenty minutes ago to be exact the vet came to send you to sleep for the last time. I cant explain in words the sadness I feel that you are gone. You were the most beautiful and gentle soul, everyone who met you loved you, even people scared of dogs loved you. So precious and beautiful and loyal, a beauty inside and out.

I cant believe you are gone even now..a year? how did that happen? feels like you were just with me on our fianl walk around the lake, smiling and tail wagging even though you were suffering now, what a happy girl you were, you brought so much pleasure and joy to all of us. Feels not long since we rescued from that awful man who tied you up alone ALL day and night, that was 11 years ago did that go by so fast, I had you and then you were gone.. :( :(


I love you Tasha and cant describe how much I miss you EVERYDAY... not a sighthound but she was one of a kind and Im sure you all would have fallen for her like everyone did who met her. :wub: :wub:




They will not go quietly,

the dogs who've shared our lives.

In subtle ways they let us know

their spirit still survives.

Old habits still make us think

we hear a barking at the door.

Or step back when we drop

a tasty morsel on the floor.

Our feet still go around the place

the food dish used to be.

And, sometime, coming home at night,

we miss them terribly.

And although time may bring new friends

and a new food dish to fill,

That one place in our hearts

belongs to them...

and always will.


~ Linda Barnes ~











Love you ALWAYS, miss you SO much xx Mummy



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