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Sol Summer Solstice Auction


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Our summer SOLstice auction is now open :partytime:

SOL Summer Solstice Auction



It ends on Sunday, 28th June at 8 pm.


This year all proceeds from the auction will go to PAWS in Spain.




PAWS have been having a rough time lately. The recession has hit Spain too and so people are dumping more and more dogs. Many of the people abandoning their pets are British citizens leaving Spain to find jobs back in the UK. And of course there is still the steady stream of Podencos and Galgos abandoned in horrendous condition by hunters.


PAWS needs all the funds we can raise. These are truly desperate times and it would be a tragedy for the current dogs and generations of future abused dogs if PAWS was forced to close its doors.


We have some truly fabulous items to auction this time including coats, collars (some from the very generous elricc :flowers: ) artwork, holidays and a very special leather & Swarovski crystal sighthound collar :biggrin:


You do need to be a member to bid but anyone joining will be processed as quickly as we can :flowers:

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