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Seamus And His Foot

Ruthi (borrowadog)

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Back at Christmas time Seamus injured his foot. Vet X-rayed and pronounced it sprained but not broken. We bandaged and lead walked for ages, and by the time we went off to India he seemed to have mended. The dog sitter said he only limped once while we were away.


But since we've been back its been bad again. I tried keeping him on the lead, and it worked, but only as long as we stayed on lead walks. So we went back to the vet. Its definitely the same toe.


He had metacam for 3 days, which made me realise how much pain he'd been in, because suddenly he's a different, cheerful, frustrated (by his lack of exercise) dog. But by the end of the day he's getting worse again, so its only masking the symptoms.


Next step is another X-ray, but the vet warned me that in general there's little that can be done, and the only option is likely to be the amputation of the toe.


Does anyone have any experience of this sort of thing? Should I be asking for a second opinion (there's an orthopaedic referral centre locally).

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Lucy broke her toe, it healed crooked and in the end was amputated. Being a typical drama queen, when the xrays were taken to check things again before the amputation she was found to have arthritis in another toe so in fact the 2 outer toes were amputated together leaving the 2 middle ones. It was very padded but she was putting weight on it in a day or so, and sulking because she was on short walks instead of the normal ones. It all healed beautifully, and although when she was tired there was a slight limp don't forget this was with 2 toes missing, not just one. When she was not tired you would not notice anything, even when she was doing greyhound charging around at full speed (we think this is what had caused it to be crooked in the first place - she broke it, it was healing ok but then we went on holiday and she was doing silly giant circles on the beach and started screaming - probably that is what rebroke it and twisted it).


Apparently it is not uncommon for greyhounds to carry on racing when a toe has been amputated - they simply adapt unlike humans.

Edited by buddyboy
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