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Pictures - I Hope

Ruthi (borrowadog)

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More of what my husband calls my 'pornography'





Very full of herself and loud in her opinions.






This is the quiet one, but please remember everything is relative! But she is always the first to go back to bed after a meal and a play.





The adventurer. If someone has run to the other end of the kitchen, it'll be my boy!


And Yes! they are running now and playfighting :fight:



If you are interested in adopting then contact Rescue Remedies although they won't be leaving here for a month or so. However, we are expecting a lot of interest given that they are half cavalier.


For anyone thinking of fostering puppies be warned, worming them is GROSS. :sick01: :sick02: :who-let-rip: :who-let-rip: Also you can kiss goodbye to any trimming on your shoes, and I am expecting my jeans bottoms to be in shreds before they leave! I've given them some bits of knotted fabric (so they can be easily washed) but my legs and feet are favourite.

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