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A Lady Contacted Us Regarding Rosie Buttons - Saying Shes Fine?


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No Rudi, a lot of people know about my dogs and knew about Rosie passing over to the bridge, and i havent spoken to this lady as she been on a course with Tony Stockwell. The other night she contacted me via email and said to ring her re rosie, and we spent over an hour on the phone, she said Rosie is very happy and very well cared for now and is safe but the sadness her brother went through made her cry and she said hes attached himself to Rosie so that when we light a candle for her light a candle for him, he sits behind rosie but rosie has transmitted all the love she got from us and hes starting to come forward.


It was very interesting and I really hope its true, i have never gone out of my way to find someone but if i had carried on i would have become very very ill and it was like Rosie was looking after her mum even though not here in body form...


Thank you for explaining. I'm glad you know that Rosie is safe and that she knew you loved her :GroupHug: :GroupHug:

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When i lost my Taz (cat) i searched high and low for days and nights - someone contacted me, said taz had been in a fight and had run and didn't know how to get back, that she was with a little old lady who would not let her out, that this lady had a bungalow and a side door with an iron railing (like the disabled places have) and she was standing at her side door talking to her neighbour opposite about Taz and that taz had hurt her front right paw - i went cold - everytime taz had a fight she'd sit on the coalbunker holding her front right paw up (it was weak).

I also had a psychic phone reading which was very accurate esp when they said a guy with blonde hair called Matty said hello and he's fine now - they found my friend Matty (note we called him Matty not Mat or Matthew) in the river 4 weeks previous to me having the reading.

I'm going to see colin fry next month and i think where there is belief there is hope.

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