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Cat Food


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My friend is bringing her cat over from the States in a week or so after 6 months of waiting due to quarentine rules (B came over here unexpectedly so Mollycat was not ready and had to go through rabies vax etc whilst staying with a friend).

At the moment she's fed Iams light hairball control but it's not sold over her. B is bringing some food over for here but obviously needs to swap here onto something available here.

Any ideas for a low calorie (she's a middle aged house cat!) hairball conrol good quality dried food?

Thanks :flowers:

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I used the James Wellbeloved light for Bert for a while and he liked it.However he still ate everything else in sight so the light bit didn't work really.He is such a gutty pig.However on the taste test it went down pretty well with all the cats,they all seemed to like it,even those that don't need a light food.

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Royal Canin do several million cat foods (and we've tried pretty much all of them), the ones that would be relevant to your friend might be;


Light 40 (bog standard light food), Sterilised 37 (light food for neutered indoor cats), Intense Hairball, Indoor 27 (light-ish food for indoor cats) and Indoor Long Hair 35. Pure Feline no 4 Wellness is good for hairballs too.


The Horde are currently on a mix of Sterilised 37, Digestive Comfort 38 (stops Mao vomiting it back up) and Pure Feline 4 as Homer does really badly on foods other than RC. We've tried everything available on the market over the last 4 years and I even gave raw feeding a go but it's RC or nothing for Homer. :rolleyes: :laugh:


I've heard good things about Orijen too but they don't do a specific light food.

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