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Thrush In Feet......


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Every hoof I've ever picked out has had that 'aroma' - I'd always assumed it was normal horse foot smell, kind of inevitable when you think of the gunk that gets in there and the anerobic environment.


I over heard somebody today telling some one else that it was thrush! Now ofcourse I knew horses get thrush, and that it's not pleasant, but is that what I've been smelling all these years and nobody's told me?


Help :unsure:

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Kane has thrush pretty much year round (can't imagine why in this warm dry country we live in :rolleyes: ) but I think you'd know if your horse had it, your farrier for 1 would of commented on it and if you'd left it untreated you'd certainly know!!


I am very careful about the management of Kanes hooves but I've yet to completely get rid of it! He has a strong smell but also a thin black line around the area of the frog, sort of tar looking.


I use FreshFrog daily which is fab stuff and if in the winter he gets a really bad attack I'll ask my farrier to cut as much frog as is safe and then use Hydrochloric acid in a one off treatment (very very carefully!!!) using a shringe (sp!!) and only on the infected area. Then he has to have his feet scrubed for around a week daily with hibiscrub or some other antiseptic cleaner.


Are your's kept with other animals?? Only ask cos the other day one of the girls on the yard was in a right panic cos her horses feet were absolutely stinking to high heaven...turns out it was a lovely lump of sheep pooh!!! :laugh: :rolleyes:

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