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Advice Wanted

ailsas mum

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I wouldn't take him to training classes, it could be more than he can cope with at the moment and it could make him worse.


Ttouch helped Joe when I took him to a TTouch Workshop with Marie Miller, if you pm me your email I can send you some information on TTouch.


If he is bad going to the car you need to get him to associate good things happen with the car but if he is too frightened to take treats then you need to start further back. Can you feed him near the car? You can then get closer and closer until you are feeding him in the car. It may be worth a try.


I use Serene-um or Stay Calm for mine to steady them down, find they both work well but Serene-um needs time to get into their systems.

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I would love to do Ttouch with him, unfortunately he just needs to look at a car and he starts to throw up :( so getting him places is a nightmare.


Bless him. I normally go to people to do TTouch - saves me having to tidy up first. That said, I'm really really busy just now and am not able to take on any new clients until August. But if you want to try TTouch after that and haven't found anybody else, give me a shout.


You could also try Val Borland who is on the TTouch website - she's based in Ayrshire but she does travel a lot. She's fab. And there is Carol Chalmers in Dundee who is also fab.


You could also buy Sarah Fisher's book - Unlock your Dog's Potential which is well worth a read.


I wonder if Arran might possibly find it difficult to keep his balance. Car sickness is sometimes a balance thing in dogs just as it is in people.


Was the training class you went to held on a slippy surface? So many of them are but it can make it hard for dogs who find getting their balance a bit difficult - especially puppies.


Also, finding other dogs hard can be linked to poor balance. A friend of mine has a young male setter. He's a lovely dog. Was very well socialised and always loved all other dogs. He has a problem with his back legs - vets, including several specialists, can't find anything wrong but he is often in pain and very weak in his back end.


Since this problem he has found other dogs hard. If they run up to him, especially from behind, he can lunge at them. He's totally fine with dogs he knows and regularly welcomes dogs of all different shapes, sizes, sexes (neutered and unneutered) onto his property. But with new dogs, he is defensive especially if they come up to him fast.


Very understandable - his balance isn't good and he can be knocked over easily so it's no wonder that he feels the need to protect himself.


TTouch is great for helping with physical balance so can be especially helpful for dogs who's balance isn't so good.

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Poor Arran, he's a wee bag of nerves as soon as he steps out of his house :( , I was in the car today with Arran, Clair, Terri's daughter was driving...............I can understand why he gets so car sick :sick01: , Clair's a bit of a "boy racer" I don't get car sick ( anymore) but even I was feeling a bit peculiar, so it's no surprise Arran now views all cars with some trepidation.

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Thanks Tracy :flowers: , his balance seems to be okay but I just might not have noticed if somethings wrong, I will certainly keep an eye on him and see if I can spot a problem. Jane's right about him as soon as he goes out of the door he's a bag of nerves, she took his lead yesterday to see if perhaps it was something I was doing, he behaved exactly the same with her as he does with me :( . Poor lad I feel really sorry for him. I'm used to my daughters driving so it's something I never thought about, he was bad in other cars before he was in hers though {{ sigh }}

I've had a p.m. from someone who's used some of the products from the company I was asking about and she feels the stuff she bought helped. They can't harm him so as a start I'll try them and see.

Thanks again everyone :GroupHug: .



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I can recommend TTouch too.... It did help alot with my dogs fireworks phobias and with their aggression (my two tend to resort to becoming reactive when somethings up). We had just started again before teknos accident, as pudding was being quite snappy and ending up in a couple of fights with other dogs who didn't like being snapped at.... this also started tekno off thinking he was needed as backup and it was quite chaotic at times and my nerves were shot.


This was all in the months after pudding broke her toe, and the ttouch really helped, she is much more reliable now and if someone gets told off its cos they deserve it.. and its a telling off and it stops there..... I guess I have also relaxed tho, without the fear the teknos going to race over and join in.


Now teknos allowed out on little walks I have to hide away, because he is not good on the lead with other dogs approaching him (he is fine on the lead around dogs as long as they don't directly come up to him) but of course all his friends are going to want to say hello to him.. so I am sure we will use ttouch to help him along with this and get back in the swing of doggie life again and remind him he doesn't need to use aggression.


Just to add as well, both different practitioners have used have come to my house.

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