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Do Your Dogs Have Any Odd Habits?

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lol Dylan :wub:


Henry makes loud sighing noises when he is bored :happy:


He also has this strange habit, which I can only put down to his itchy skin, where he finds it necessary to rub himself on the nearest thing - whether it be a person or an object. He makes noises as well well going 'mmmmmm mmmmmmm mmmmmm' :laugh: He was doing it in the gravel at Helly's on Saturday



Arche does the same thing but it's not itchy skin, he lies on thr ground outside or the doormat, full length and err umm :unsure: rubs a part of his body on the floor whilst grunting :ohmy:


as witnessed at Frodsham dog show last sunday :laugh: :laugh:


Cliffy greets me when i get home, then runs off to bring a toy back to me, but the thing is he never lets go and wont release it when i pull on it, it's literally a show n tell, then he takes the toy back where he got it, and the other thing he does is when he is on the counch on his back having tummy rubs, if you stop for a second to drink tea or change channels he boots you with his back paw to say 'oi dont stop, carry on please' :biggrin:

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When we are waiting at the station for the train home, Vicky (foster dog) likes to lick Hugo's manly bits verrry slowly and lovingly, I am used to it now but we do get some strange looks. :rolleyes:


Hugo has to grab something with his mouth when he knows he is going out for a walk, I leave toys in the hall for this purpose or else he would grab my leg. He also likes to move his bed (large cushion) from room to room and will spend ages telling it off if it isn't arranged just right :wacko:

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George has a big padded bed down beside my bed. He won't sleep on it unless it has his crocheted blanket laid over it. Tho I have a couple more crocheted blankies it has to be this certain one otherwise he goes and gets on his sheepskin rug :rolleyes:



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as soon as I show any signs of waking up in the morning Kizzy jumps on my bed and makes a strange noise that sounds just like hello! she then grabs any bit of clothing that she can find and takes it on to the landing where she drops it! strange girl. :biggrin:

If Ebbi gets excited she makes strange growly hummfffing noises like a bear and playfights with Kizzy. x

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When we get up in the morning , or on returning home from work or being out, Spike always picks up a soft toy. He holds it in his mouth and waits while we unlock the door, then he goes outside and has a wee. :unsure: (still with it in his mouth) Then he will either drop it and leave it, or bring it back in. :rolleyes:



My Harvey does that too :rolleyes:

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