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Protest Ideas And Feelings


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I have decided to put this thread in conto as i know there will be alot of varied ideas and feelings. I also do not want people mixing this up with the serious bsl protest dates etc.


basically I have to design a protest blue print. I've chosen the Deed not Breed for a number of reasons including raising awareness (I will present these ideas to a group of 600 students) and personal feeling as i have dogs that would be affected by the proposed laws.


so now i'm asking your help. If there were no law restrictions like the Breed Not Deed group are facing now, what would be your way of highlighing and protesting against possible new legislation?

how would you protect your family of pets? what lengths would you go to? how do you spread the awareness of the few to the masses and then on to make government take notice and then act in our defense?

i would like all ideas and emotional feelings, but without the use of violence please. i already plan to show the youtube films of peoplle wearing electro control collars.


At this point i will stress that no names of forum members or the forum name will be used in anyway. it is completely and only for the use of ideas.


i would appreciate if no one opposes anyone else ideas, as it is purely hyperthetical and some people feel more strongly than others. i would also appreciate some realistic answers. i'm sure all of us would like to kick Tony Blair around for a while and see how well he responds to people, but unfortunately i cant get him to take part!


thanks for reading and i look forward to your colourful ideas.



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Thats a tough one.

Im not one for violent protests and believe that "type" of display gets negative media attention. How can you defend the bull breeds with a bull like attitude?

I dont think I would do things much differently than DnB are doing already. I think the only positive way is to the show the breeds positive charectoristics, their loyalty and friendliness when kept and cared for properly.

Also with the term "bull breed" some dont realise the full extent on what breeds of dogs that covers, though staffies and pit bulls spring to mind, they forget the smaller, and larger breeds also covered by such a round up term.

At Liverpool we met a lady that thought all dogs should be killed. ALL types, sizes, breeds colours. She didnt know why.

I think its important, as a defense, to know your rights. Not to feel pressured by police uniforms and half trueths.

I would defend my dogs as I would any other member of my family. And to the grave if needs be. They would have to shackle me before doing so to my dogs.

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