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I've Lost My 'ports'


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I couldn't get connected and did a troubleshoot thingy/ When it told me to check my ports - they were missing from the list in divise manager.


Messenger popped up and then said it couldn't connect and told me that I had said I wanted to work offline-no I didn't.


I am online now but have no idea how I got here - can anyone advise me please?

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Have you rebooted? Are the ports back after a reboot?


Is this the new laptop? Has it cooked itself?


Have you rebooted? Are the ports back after a reboot?


Is this the new laptop? Has it cooked itself?



Oh - and is there anything in the event viewer? (assuming you are running XP)

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Security is yellow.


Application is blue


System is blue

That's the colours on the left of the long lists of stuff under the different headings.

security is yellow???


Oh dear You should drill down into the security events and see what is going on.


On the other hand audit events within security are yellow - so its not necessarily a bad thing.


Are your ports back after a reboot?

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It says Success audit and it is a yellow key like a door key.


and ports are still no listed in the device manager.

But I am online


Success audit in security is fine.


The ports you see listed in device management have notheing to do with being online. The ports (traditionally ) were the serial and parallel interfaces for printing and interfacing to external devicese etc etc. These days they can be more extensive - with bluetooth connections and such,


It may well be that you just don't have any ports connected and therefore would not see anything - a lot of computers no longer have a serial or paralell port - and unless you have bluetooth enabled you may just not have anything.


If there was anything serious going on I would expect to see it listed in the system events (listed as a red exclaimation mark)


So there may be nothing to worry about at all.

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I did have them listed before when I have gone into device manager they have been there - so perhaps they just decided to hide :)


On the system thingy I have three items (amongst others) that say 'Remote Access' is that anything to worry about?

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I did have them listed before when I have gone into device manager they have been there - so perhaps they just decided to hide :)


On the system thingy I have three items (amongst others) that say 'Remote Access' is that anything to worry about?

In which case there is somethin awry (even if you had no physical ports I would expect there to be virtual ports)


Well its very odd that you only have 3 items - I would expecty it to be brimming with useless info. What does the "Remote Access" one actually say? Are you running the remote access connection manager service? DO you want to? IE do you let someone else connect to your computer to fix it for you? If not in the first instance I would turn that off.

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could you go to a command prompt (dos prompt) and type




 netstat > c:\netstat.txt




then open notepad


open the file c:\netstat.txt


copy and paste the results here




in the event logs.. ignore the security one its not going to tell you anything of use - mainly just log on log off info




its the system one thats going to be interrsting or poss the application one.




open up event viewer


open the system one


click --- view---filter and uncheck all the boxes except error.




open uop some of the events by double clicking them. there *should* be a link to a techie site in the events that will tell you what each one means

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