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Everything posted by chickentikka

  1. Arrrrgghhh .................. that's it.
  2. You sure you don't want a lurgy I've got one looking for a new home I'm giving it til Monday then it's off to the docs
  3. But how many pairs of pink Primark jim jams do you own
  4. aww bless How is your mum doing
  5. Well done Michelle get your nose in the books again, Griff hope the hospital can get to the bottom (scuse the pun ) of your dad's problems - did you bus or taxi in the end.
  6. Hope all is well with your mum Jules Has been a lovely day here today, a bit nippy but nice and bright I am contemplating taking my lurgy to the docs. I get looks at work when I have a coughing fit and my chest is all sore, one colleague had to terminate a phone call cos he couldn't hear the other person with the din I was making - have been lurgified for nearly 2 weeks now and I'm off on holibobs for a week with D&F next weekend.
  7. Happy Birthday (late in the day as usual )
  8. Yuk. just been coughing so much I threw up and nothing recognisable from the past 24 hours
  9. Karen, I hope that your mum is responding to treatment I'm fed up of this bloomin' lurgy it's morphed from a streaming cold into an awful cough. I had a really bad coughing fit when I got home, there's me trying to get a drink of water falling over Dex who's mithering around for a chew
  10. I luffs Mr Jed B Dozer Happy Birthday handsome
  11. Morning tis a bit brr chilly out there
  12. 2 talentless acts gone - about another 8 or 9 to go
  13. I'm making a pasta bake to put in random pots - isn't there some sort of law that there's got to be red wine in pasta sauce so I need to open a bottle
  14. Dear Storm, please watch and learn I bet he had his hat on
  15. Thinking of your mum Karen Have finished the mass clean out. The ickle boy hammie's don't even wake up when I lift them out of bed, tuck them up in a safe box then pop them back in their clean beds. Miley on the other hand is well cross -she's stomping and cussing The chooks are safely locked in their run and Dex and Fleur have a nice chew stick each so I think I can start on 'my' tidying
  16. Oh that's a bit of a bummer Snow - at least you got lunch I'm having a quick break from cleaning out all things furry and feathered, Dex and Fleur had a nice long walk earlier so they are sleeping - which is far preferable to them trying to help
  17. Oh gawd and now Matt is murdering a current fave
  18. Storm totally murdered one of the classic songs of my youth , the man has no star quality whatsoever, I'd quite like him and Wagner to go please. I don't want to see either of them again.
  19. Jazz I'm really sorry, please take care of yourself D&F have had a poofest in the garden so I'm off a'pickin
  20. Have a wonderful birthday Pickle and enjoy your party, you are so lucky to have been taken in and cared for by such a devoted mum who never gave up on you Can we have wheelie Pickle pics when they arrive please
  21. That's me on a real slappy mission but might have to start tomorrow as I'm a bit of a sleepy bear so off to beddie byes with my lurgy and some Night Nurse NN
  22. Some f*cker has scraped Twinkle There was a car parked really close behind her this morning, which has gone now, I shall be on the prowl over the weekend to inspect any cream coloured cars front wings for purple paint. Grr knob
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