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Everything posted by purple_mog

  1. *sigh* Andrew (soon to be ex-husband) came down on May 12th to go through the house stuff with me (which led to a week of him arguing how much everything cost, and I gave up when he started on about the handles on the wardrobes....) and when he was down we agreed a date for him to bring a van down for the rest of his stuff, being 23rd June. I ought to be annoyed, frustrated or something at the email I have just recieved today saying that he hasn't arranged anything about the move and actually is probably too busy to sort it now, so are there any other good weekends? Instead I just feel resigned. A small part of me would really like to mail back saying that thats a real shame, but his stuff will be waiting out on the front step as of next Saturday as we agreed. The rest of me is debating between do I go for the earliest weekend I have free, or pick one that doesn't particularly mess up my plans? I want his stuff out the house, its the next step in getting some headspace around the whole thing for me. hmm - pondering now commences.....
  2. ello one of my collegues at work was talking about how much she and her partner want to adopt a lab retriever. They've been turned down by some of the big rescues because they work full-time. They both earn a fair bit, dogwalker not a problem (and I know some great ones round York now), and although they'd love a pup have accepted that will have to wait. In the meantime I started to talk to them about the wonders of an older dog.... So - I *think* Wendy and Toblie are both lab/retriever rescue people?? Loooking for contact emails and websites I can pass on please! thanks Mog Finn & Farah
  3. am working from home this afternoon but Farah is bugging me to play with her, and she's sooooo cute Off to make her a kong for distraction value! (would much rather be on that beach with the hounds though)
  4. evening all have just finished work for the night (half a survey analysed and two presentations written) and now off to tackle some of the ironing yeuch hope everyone sleeps well
  5. oooooh - we've been to Hardcastle Crags too, gorgeous! Any thoughts on doing a fugee meet up there sometime?
  6. morning all - off to nurse my sunburn ooops! Hope this is the first day of a wonderful week for everyone
  7. morning all bit sleepy but good sleep, off with dogs to Hob Moor I think, then must tackle the ever encroaching jungle of my garden Hope Bowood day is fun
  8. *sigh* think I have worked enough now - off to run a bath Of course my bathtime reading material consists of: -Making Learning Happen: A guide for post-compulsory education - need to read for my uni teaching course - Fascial Plasticity - a new neurobiological explanation - need to read to prep for the talk I am doing on Tuesday about myofascial release (a newish kind of hands=on physical therapy) oh joy and perhaps later I will call the no longer new but still the man in my life, who is currently collecting his daughters (he gets them every other weekend). Kathy - have you tried using WitchStick? Only I've found it actually worked faster on spots and things than T-Tree or Lavender (my normal helpers)
  9. evening all just had quorn green thai curry - mmmmmm - and chocolate cake with ice cream. skived off this afternoon with the dogs for a long walk down by the canal so working at home this evening to ease my guilt.....!
  10. is a PC still needed? I have an oldish but servicable one in the loft complete with monitor etc - runs XP happily??? (am in York)
  11. *feels as though wandered into the wrong thread.....* hmm - moving on! Morning everyone All is well in the house of Mog - dogs are happy and snuggly, I have been to gym like a good girl, and have a dinner date tonight with the lovely Carl. Spent Monday night walking our dogs together (gorgeous Visla called Sahara) and Finn actually liked him - which is pretty good for him Have not much time these days which is why I'm not around much....but still love popping in to check up on you all!
  12. my first date in about 6 years (marriage kind of happened!) went really well There was coffee and chatting for about 4 hours in a good coffee place in York including watching the sunset over the river. And it was remarkably nice to be the focus of someone's attention. Did have the all important 'what are you looking for' kind of conversation and he's okay with just dating for a while, but did say he hoped to change my mind. And he asked to kiss me goodnight after walking me back to my car, and that was rather nice too! And asked me out again for Monday night! Its like being a teenager all over again, only much more fun! And most importantly he likes dogs, has had rescue dogs and currently has a gorgeous Visla called Sahara
  13. afternoon all very tired here after spending far too long nattering to new people on msn and stuff last night - we are liking on-line dating sites very much! Hope poppy starts to pick up soon and the merle boys are looking super handsome
  14. morning all having to work late tonight so decided to take this morning off and go to the gym, walk dogs etc. Just going for a shower now *small confession - have signed up to a couple dating sites and have had lots of emails. its a bit overwhelming but rather fun!*
  15. hello weekend fugeeees and hello Bert - I would rescue you but not sure you'd like living with my doglets
  16. hmmm - perhaps if I use the electric sander and give it rounded corners??? very rounded corners oh well - time for revenge - dog brushing time
  17. would anyone like a dog?? free to a good home: one small merle collie girl, slightly hard of hearing and with a voracious appetite for EVERYTHING I left them for a whole 1.5 hrs usually I crate Farah, but have been trying to leave her out for some bits when she seems sleepy and settled bleedin dog has chewed three out of the four corners of my lovely solid wood coffee table - why on earth did she do that!!!!! I mean it - anyone want a free collie dog - excellent at hole digging and woodchipping....
  18. Morning all *whispers* I think I lost another pound!!! and in more important news I have been to a closer gym this morning which quite randomly will give me much cheaper membership because I work for the university of york no idea why, but £25 a month is much better than £33-38 per month So am going back this afternoon for my induction and joining up thingy - of course technically I'm working from home... for Guin the Slug - hoping she's doing well
  19. afternoon fugeee folks glad to hear Dylan is doing well and sending some more good thoughts just in case. Very busy day and still need to cook dinner for friends coming over. We are having mozarella, basil and tomato salad to start, followed by butternut squash and sweet potato stew with lots of yummy green salad and no desert because I am being virtuous.
  20. morning all just off out with dogs and then for a swim
  21. you need to recondition yourself to associate thesis with nice things - like chocolate cake? Perhaps sitting a chocolate cake on top of any print-outs/data stuff you have so far? Then reward self with a slice every time you finish a small section/paragraph/word (from one psych to another!) RMF: think have done enough work now, off to investigate dinner options and contemplate raking up the grass.....
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