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Amanda Jvv

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Everything posted by Amanda Jvv

  1. Am thinking of you Mindy. I know it's difficult. Allow yourself a moment today to grieve and then focus on all the good memories.
  2. She tries to play/ harass Oliver & Polly. Polly is 15yrs old and just has to look at Maya and she gets the message to back off. Oliver (13yrs) however (twice the size of Maya) runs away screaming like a girl. Once in a while he will hit her back. Sometimes she just wants a cuddle and quietly climbs in bed with him (much to his horror). I always wonder if another kitten might be what she needs? Someone to play with that has as much energy? But I could be wrong and the poor thing will just get bullied!! Any suggestions?
  3. Funnily the least patient dog George! She regularly 'cuddles' him and he takes it. He even defleas her and she lands up full of dog slober. The other morning when Tony had left for work I woke up to find George, Charlie and Maya all cuddled up in his side next to me in bed! It was too cute to get cross about. 'Doggy Cuddles'
  4. Thanks that what I thought but she keeps licking at it and it's nearly long enough to twist around my little finger. Iw ont be taking her back to the vets though, she hates me enough already since she discovered what vets do They said she growled at them all day long
  5. aaah thanks. From the first photo I have of her you would never have thought so.
  6. Well time is flying and Maya is now nearly 8 months old. She was spayed 3 weeks ago and the nurse seemed to have taken a lot of fur off! But she was pretty much on her toes bouncing around the next day. I always wondered why we started with a grey stripy cat to end up with a black cat - I can see why. (Cheryl did you paint her? ) Underneath she is a variety of colours but where the red/ brown colour came from I don't know!! Our once stripy cat Now multi coloured and shaved! Excuse the scar face - Oliver has finally been standing up to her! There seems to be a stitch hanging out. How long do they take to dissolve? And my favourite - she has some white fur on her feet and two white tips of toes! She is very naughty but oh so cute. She looks big in the photos and although she is big compared to how she was - she is still tiny compared to our other cats, one of which is quite small. But what she lacks in size she certainly makes up for in attitude! She loves to spend her day playing in the garage and pulling all my vegetable seeds out of their pots! Her favourite past time is racing us up the stairs by climbing two flights up the wooden bannisters! When you get to her she sits looking all sweet and makes a funny brr/beep/purry noise. She is quite a character! Hope you enjoy the update and advice on the hanging out stitch would be appreciated!
  7. I'm thinking the dogs would probably enjoy it more with them than with us!! Thanks for the link - will definitely look into it. It may be far from where are staying (2hrs) but might not be so bad compared to some of the touristy places we may wish to visit. More links please. I am at a loss and google is not that helpful today Thanks.
  8. We're off on holiday to a holiday park on the Lizard Peninsula in Cornwall, for a week in September. Will be our first holiday for a long time and we are of course taking the doggies with us! However there is one day where we'd like to do some touristy things that the dogs would be bored with and more so not permitted. Rather than just leaving them at the holiday park alone for a few hours I wondered if anyone could recommend a dog kennel that do day boarding nearby? That way they would be stimulated by new surroundings, doggies and walks and we could enjoy the sights without fretting about getting back on time. Any suggestions wise fugees? Dog friendly walks/ touristy suggestions also welcomed!! Thanks.
  9. Excellent news and the best part of what everyone said is that it's all true!!
  10. Having spent many a night pondering what to do myself. I eventually had to weigh up the chance of something major happening. It really is a gamble and it makes you mad you are damned if you do and damned if you don't! See I wonder if mine having had a fatty lump - if I excluded that - everytime he went for a test of a lump if it turned out to be fatty I'd be saddled for the whole bill test included? They really do have you over a barrel.
  11. So sorry to hear about Catherine and Wally. What a lovely idea to frame the pics and keep a feather. By the way your daughter Emily is gorgeous! She has such a pretty face and looks so happy & comfortable with the chooks! It's lovely to see.
  12. My heart jumped out of my chest at 'human meat' and had to read it again Do you feed trotters, chicken necks ect all raw??
  13. I'm afraid everyone has suffered the same story with M&S. Each year my premiums get progressively higher. 20%, 40%, this year 65%!!! I had to make a decision to keep it or cancel. I cancelled the cats and the George as none had previous claims, however Charlie did so I had to choose between keeping him on M&S or nothing as we'd have exclusions elswhere, (granted only teeth and fatty lumps) but I suspect there will come a time when I cancel Charlies policy all together. Right now I dont feel I have another option. If you do cancel, I just would say have a back up plan because like others have said you'd hate to chose treatment based on affordability. If you do choose to leave there are plenty of places you can get glucosamine cheaply. Is it worth getting a quote for insurance elsewhere and having some exclusions?
  14. I've had another 4 replies. All pretty long winded mostly for in some way or the other.
  15. I'm so sorry!! Like you say he is happy enough under the tree. Tomorrow is another day All my good thoughts are being sent his way!
  16. This is the reply I got. Can someone tell me in plain english what they said I funnily understand what REACH is as we actually deal with this at work however since I am clueless about the background of testing for and against etc the rest just gives me a headache. I sent the std letter everyone else has. Thanks Thank you for your message, about the proposed EU-directive, 86/609/EEC, which appears to be one of the Commission's better proposals of recent years, carefully balancing the welfare of experimental animals against the value of scientific and medical research; but, with REACh swinging into operation now - and requiring millions more animal-experiments than ever before - the situation will inevitably deteriorate. In other words, this proposal is an ineffective solution to a problem, which the EU itself created. If you wondered why the 1000 white rabbits, which protesters placed around the building here, for the first reading of REACh, did not re-appear at second reading, you need look no further than the EU's 2007-budget and the list of grants to bodies "promoting or performing research into humane experimental methods", and still doing very nicely out of the EU-taxpayer, thank you very much! But there was another dimension to the deal, and this directive is it. The democratic-process may be mocked, in this way, and the animal-welfare lobby may be susceptible to bribery, but the UKIP is not susceptible to ransom-demands (vote "yes" to save your furry friends!) because the EU is not accountable - except to a conspiracy of EU-governments - and, therefore, none of its legislation is legitimate, even if some of it seems less than oppressive and destructive. However, since all EU-legislation extends the powers of the EU's autocratic system, none of it can be seen as other than undesirable. Infinitely better, from the point-of-view of animal-welfare, than a new, palliative directive, would be the repeal of REACh; but the EU will never relinquish any of its "acquis communautaire", and REACh, which gave the EU enormous powers over industry and commerce, is one of its most prized possessions. This leaves us with only one solution. Repeal the European Communities Act! I was particularly interested in your recognition that some experiments on animals are indispensable to worthwhile research (which does not include registration for REACh) This recognition is in accord with expert opinion, but is swamped and muted by the power of (mostly EU-funded) lobby-groups. The same situation pertains in the realm of climatology and, indeed, in the realm of politics, such is the might, not only of the captive lobby-groups, but of the captive mass-media and the captive, incumbent, political parties too.
  17. I've finally caught up! WOW fantastic news. Cant wait to see my photos!
  18. Wow!! I just saw her youtube videos as well Happy Belated Birthday Mollie!
  19. Gorgeous photos!! Funnily both George and Charlie have the same white splodge on their tails. Their other fur is practically over it now days but it is still there and very coarse in texture compared to the rest of the fur.
  20. Thank you! I knew wise fugees would know
  21. Hi My cats & dogs are due to have their flea & worming treatments done (am not so religious at this as manufacturers suggest!). My vets are so expensive and I belive you don't need to by frontline etc from vets anymore. Does anywhere has some recommendations of cheap places online and I can buy these? Which are the better brands? Thanks! Amanda
  22. That is an evil pup. You should definitely give him to me so I can rescue you from the torment
  23. I doubt anyone would ever call you selfish It's a good start for Polly and she is now one step closer to her forever home because you know what type of home she needs now.
  24. I agree on that and its a very selfless thing to do to put the animals best interests first. I sincerely feel for those people and they are out there in these difficult times.
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