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Everything posted by LisaLQ

  1. Just out of interest, have you checked your cellar/attic/wardrobe for one of these?
  2. Too big for a mouse, deffo a rat - a young one.
  3. Thank you very much everyone Blu's been very clingy (to be expected, and tbh it's welcomed as we could use the cuddles!), and keeps standing by the front/back doors as if he's waiting for her to come in. Last night he curled up on her bed, sniffing it - I think he thinks she's turned invisible and is going to jump out at him and tell him off! Bless him - 77kgs of pure thick and soft, he's got no idea what's going on. Or maybe he has? *sigh*
  4. Mine is Sky, who passed away yesterday. It's used on another *ahem* well known forum against my wishes (I asked for it to be removed when I was LOL), and many people dont know she actually is my dog. Her obit is on the Rainbow Bridge board now...
  5. Eeeh heck, this is breaking my heart but it has to be done. Sky joined us in May 2001. We'd lost Buffy a year earlier, and I'd sworn never to have another dog as long as I lived - evidently I dont cope well with grief. Mick went to Tia Greyhound and Lurcher Rescue with a friend, to have a look - for them - for a dog, and came back looking rather sheepish. Looking at his feet quite a bit, he explained how he'd fallen in love with a little blue and white girl called "Geri" (after Geri Halliwell), and she'd followed him round while they looked at the other dogs and she'd taken quite a shine to him. He said, in a very quiet voice (with no direct eye contact!) that he'd reserved her, and she'd be joining us in a fortnight. Well...needless to say I wasn't best chuffed, but I knew he was hurting over Buffy too and wanted him to be happy - so I came round to the idea, even got a little excited (dont tell him I said that though). She did join us two weeks later, and that's when I fell in love. The name did not stick, Mick has a brother called Gerry, so we had to think of a new one - and being the most unimaginative people on the planet (what's blue and white? the sky!) - she became Sky. She was found on an allotment in West Yorkshire, tied up, couple of scars on her legs, an old break that had healed in one, and pregnant. Who could do that to a dog I dont know, there's no excuse with any dog - but this little loving lady - who knew her commands, was clean in the house - and apart from having a love (ahem) of cats/small furries, she was the ideal pooch. Now - we've been through a lot together - I wont go into it all, but without sounding incredibly cliche - she was one of the family, part of the fittings, meant to be. Not just like when people say "oh yeah our dog is one of the family" - she actually was. She moved house with us twice, she looked after me while I was ill, she went through me having the triplets (and them growing up into the noisy 5 year olds they are now). She inspired me to start the Groovy Greys site in November 2001, she mended my heart after the loss of Buffy, and then some. I'm not saying she was perfect. She had her moments (ha - to say the least!). But she wouldn't have been her without them. I loved her so much. We all loved her so much. We still do (past tense seems wrong/too final at the moment). Life is empty without her, my heart is broken and I dont know if I can fix it. Love you, you daft old decrepid cranky old b*tch. Sky in the early days: Too much Chrimbo tipple Degraded Beautiful Naughty This summer before she got ill The day she passed away... Eating a chew - so hard to see her so ravenous and never getting full up Who knew eating was such hard work? Her poor swollen belly So tired :cry: RIP Sky - love you forever, we'll meet again.
  6. Thank you everyone. Blu is acting a bit bewildered, he's definitely not his normal noisy self today but it's to be expected. They had a love/hate relationship (eg. he loved her, she hated him!), she was his rock (he's not happy when left alone - not destructive or noisy just a little stressed), and he taught her that not all dogs would take her bossy cr*p. I'm feeling like I'm missing part of me, Mick's silent...the kids were so incredibly upset. I dont care what anyone says - there's nothing peaceful about letting your dog go - it's like being torn to shreds, put back together, then repeatedly torn apart again. People keep saying "you've done the right thing", but it doesn't feel "right" - it feels so incredibly wrong. Who's going to give me pokey elbow cuddles on the sofa, attempt to nick my tea, or give me dog kisses, or who am I going to complain about old age with now? Who's going to get in my way and under my feet and on my nerves? Sorry - got a bit soppy there...
  7. - What's wrong Sky, can you smell something bad? - Yes. You and all the other commoners in the house. RIP you snooty old cowbag.
  8. Sky went to the bridge tonight, and took my heart with her
  9. Thanks so much folks, we got home late morning/lunchtime, but I scoffed something and went straight to bed :lol: Joe's finger was fine - no problems, we'll see how well it's taken on Monday when he has it cleaned and the dressing changed. It's so wrapped up we cant see anything but a mm or two of skin through the hole in the end - but I can see it's pink which is a very very good sign! They're not expecting any issues. He had a rough time in surgery, hence us taking so long to get home (he had to stay the night on a nebuliser and IV antibiotics as he "aspirated" - threw up and breathed it in - during the op, the anaesthetist said it was very touch and go for a few minutes). They were expecting some lung damage from the acid in his stomach contents (which incidentally wouldn't have been there if his digestive system hadn't shut down due to stress), but his chest x-ray was ok - I have to keep a close eye on him as they obviously stopped IV antibiotics for him to come home, and the oral ones he's come home with are specifically for his finger rather than his chest, so he could relapse - but at the moment he is perfectly fine, completely normal, no coughing or anything - no complaining either, he's been so good. The only noise he made was when we woke him through the night for his nebuliser, and that wasn't because of the actual treatment, just how rude of us to wake him! *lol* They had to make sure his temperature and heart rate came down and his saturation levels went up before he could come back, a good night's sleep (well nearly lol) fixed that so we came home late this morning. Sky however is not going to recover. Her lipase levels came back at 480-something, when according to the vet "normal" raised levels should be under 200. The fact that her liver is proven to be failing suggests, as it's the nearest organ (apparently), that the enzymes have already begun to digest her other organs. Lipase levels tend to rise very slowly (again just going on what I've been told), so by the time you have even a small amount in your system, it's generally very serious. For her to have over double the normal upper limits of "raised" would suggest she is in the severe end stages, and in a lot of pain (and like Joe, soldiering on without complaint). On top of this her thyroid is showing signs of an issue there, and the vet believes all this together could even be signs of a tumour. He has said to come back from one of these illnesses is very tough, but three at the same time (and possibly more issues as we're still waiting some blood results) is going to be virtually impossible. He said the pancreatitis alone is something most dogs would not survive this far along. So we have her on the low fat prescription diet til Monday (starting tonight as she's had to be starved for a while), she's on pain meds and also her usual previcox/vivitonin still. Coming home from hospital was very hard for me today as I can see how much she's deteriorated though, so we're going to spend the weekend saying out goodbyes and letting her know how much we love her. Hmm. Emotional time. One saved, one not. Anyhoo - I would like to say (well, we would like to say) a big thank you to everyone from various sites who's posted, pmed, phoned, texted, emailed and sent messages via Kathy also - it's all been lovely of you guys
  10. These last two days have been really rough. We've had the results of Sky's blood tests, some more have been done, and one has come back - all so far confirm she has severe pancreatitis (off the scale lipase levels), liver failure and problems with her thyroid (plus one or two other potentials depending on other results). She has to go in to see the vet tomorrow to discuss treatment options. It was going to be tonight, but we've also had health issues of the human kind - one of the triplets (Joe, 5) managed to 90% sever the end of his finger so we've been at the hospital (well, two technically as we were transferred from Airedale to BRI) waiting for surgery since yesterday lunchtime. Sadly due to BRI being a cr*p hospital (not the nurses or doctors, just planning/theatre wise), it's still not been done and he's had to come home to go back in tomorrow and go back on the waiting list all over again :roll: He's been prepped for surgery 4 times since yesterday evening, he's been starved etc - he's been a true angel, not even had any pain relief. So tomorrow I have to get him back to the hospital while Mick takes Sky in to the vets. Obviously depending on what the vet says, it is likely that we'll opt to make her comfortable and bring her home til we can all say our goodbyes together. Fingers crossed (pardon the pun) Joe will have his surgery tomorrow, and his 48 hour wait wont mean he's lost the end of his finger. So please - I dont believe in higher beings but if you do - some thoughts/prayers would be really useful right now.
  11. Wee was average for a dog her age, blood tests back on Wednesday morning. If her wee was ok does that mean it's not diabetes?
  12. Thank you - my feelings are to keep her with us forever no matter how, but it's her feelings that matter. I'm a firm believer that she'll tell us when she's ready - as it is, it's not today so I'm very grateful!
  13. Thanks for the support Whilst I appreciate the sentiment, we are taking this very seriously. As far as I know kidney failure is irreversable, not "easily remedied", and leads to a slow painful death, specialist diet or not. Besides, it is up to our vets and ourselves to decide how serious this is - it's not something that can be conveyed via an internet forum. But thank you for trying to help
  14. Sky recovered really well from her first vestibular episode, but she's never been her "normal" (abnormal lol) self really. She's a lot slower, sleepier, doesn't have her giddy half hours any more - and has got even more grumpy (when we didnt think that was possible lol!). She's been drinking progressively more and more over the last week or two, and this week she had her first accident indoors in 7 years (all over my bed, we thought the roof had leaked - no word of a lie!). Then last night she had another vestibular episode, she's recovered very quickly this time - but we had her checked over at the vets and she is showing signs of either diabetes or kidney failure. So she's going back in tomorrow to be tested for them both (wee sample required, and a blood test). We were heartbroken last night as we've come to the realisation that, we're possibly going to have to make "that" decision soon. Anyhoo - I'll update as soon as we know anything...
  15. Hiya Claz - I dont know whether Kathy's said or not, but AFAIK the rescue rats are now cancelled, so I dont know whether you'll want to come all the way up just for some dog food?
  16. Ooooh no worries, I'll hang on to it for you then (Kathy's literally just over the road)
  17. Can anyone recommend a local rescue for me to email about this sack of dog food I have going spare? I'm not up to date with who's where (or who needs it most, etc), and although I've not asked yet, I dont think Tia would make much use of puppy food. I've posted on Lurcher Link with no interest, so I'm going to start emailing round local places to see if someone wants it. I'd rather not freecycle it when a rescue might make good use of it. If anyone else is interested in a 15kg unopened sack of CSJ puppy food - free to collector (rescues/fosterers with pups only) you can email me - details on the swap shop board. I need it gone asap as it's sitting in my hallway (my house isn't exactly uncluttered as it is!)
  18. Hooray, those crossed fingers worked - they are now on their way to their lovely new home Thanks folks!
  19. These two have just found a lovely new home and are currently on their way home now
  20. Well, two days on and things are looking up. Suka and Miki have someone coming to meet them tonight, please keep your fingers crossed for them
  21. Thanks ever so much, they really are even more beautiful in real life Sadly, no interest in these girlies yet - not even one email or call. Fingers crossed someone experienced will spot them and fall in love soon
  22. Here's a couple of naff pics of Suka (black roan) and Miki (champagne roan?/PEW). They're about 3-4 months old, very inquisitive but not keen on being handled. They're coming to me for treats, but it's very early days. They're going to need an experienced patient home, but they will intro to other girls fairly easily (they're in with my two at the moment!). Anyhoo - here's some pics: Miki (means "little"): Suka (means "fast"): Suka and Selkie (who is most definitely 100% never not ever nuh-uh up for rehoming lol): As you can see, they're teeny weeny dainty girls, and the pics of Miki dont do her justice (she does have a very faint blaze - we think - but it might be a moult). They will need a special home who have plenty of time and patience to bring them around who is prepared for it to be a long haul. They're still very young (as you can see - Selkie is nearly 16 weeks and double their size - but she's a breeder doe) so will come around - they just need that time. As I'll be having a litter here in the upcoming weeks, they could do with that home soon.
  23. Contact/organisation details: pm me or email [email protected] Location: Keighley, West Yorkshire Number of rats: 2 Sex: female Age(s): 3-4 months roughly Name(s): Suka and Miki Colours: black roan and champagne roan/PEW Neutered: No Reason for rehoming: unwanted pets Temperament: shy Medical problems: No Will the group be split: No Transport available: can bring to YRC Leeds show in July or new owners are welcome to pick up or arrange rat train Other: These two beautiful tiny girls were dumped on their original fosterer when their owners got them after watching the Ratatouille film, but then got bored of them. They then gave them to someone else, who then passed them on to their previous fosterer and now to me. So they've been passed about quite a bit, and really could do with a new loving home to settle down into. They are nervous and do not like being handled, but will come for treats and a tickle, and are young enough to come round given time and patience. Because of this, we are looking for an experienced adult home where they can be given this in abundance. They will intro easily into a female group. Suka Miki
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