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Mommy Bear

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Everything posted by Mommy Bear

  1. I read that as cows !! (Why don't I have any emoticons ?)
  2. I am taking my toy And I am leaving the country
  3. I obviously need more practice with the "new" Photobucket
  5. It had quite slipped my mind how bonkers Refugees are. Glad to be back!
  6. Happily living in Tiverton (seem to have lost emoticons!). Currently only have one dog, Beautiful Benjamin Bear a brown Newfie rehome. We got him when we stopped moving around and settled here. He is ten years + and we have had him a couple of years. he has some health baggage but generally great for his age. DB heavily into astronomy (still) - darker here than Glasgow. I come on line more often now I have an iPad so you may see a little more of me.
  7. Christmas is coming, the geese are getting fat, please put a penny in the old man' hat..............
  8. Jazz So sorry. A Guid New Year to All.
  9. How hurtful for the giver How extremely nasty of the recipient. It wouldn't have hurt to express a little gratitude for the item, whatever you did with it later. Some people are so self-centred with not consideration for other people at all. To my mind they deserve a good kick up the watsit. I certainly wouldn't buy for them again. One has to wonder how tasteful/appropriate this recipients presents to others were?
  10. Sorry to hear your sad news Jules but glad you had your wish to be with your Mum - - a comfort to you all.
  11. So sorry to hear about Polly. Hope your Christmas is full of happy memories
  12. DB looking at Tablets too. Son (nice computer geek) is Applephobic and wouldn't touch them with a bargepole apparently. Something to do with their marketing and pricing. Recommends Motorola Xoom, Edition 2 now available. Its not cheap but it is a fair bit cheapr than the iPad and has extras and a bigger screen, Would be interested to hear what your decide on. There are lots of other comparison sites as well.
  13. I'm late as usual - sorry your were poorly on your b'day. Feel better soon and have some belated celebrations
  14. I hope not! He bores the hell out of me and there's something a bit creepy about him
  15. Snow. So sorry the situation is no improving.
  16. Hope you are getting the help you need Snow and that your Mum is feeling a little better
  17. So many people are having such a crappy year end. and big hugs to all. Somehow, Christmas coming just seems to make it worse. Positive get well thoughts to all poorly peeps and fugees.
  18. Hi Marion -nice to see you back.
  19. Get Well Soon Toffee girl. Think you might start a trend with that haircut
  20. Tears in my eyes - I feel your loss. Saying goodbye is so hard
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