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Everything posted by kittycat

  1. Tis mucho scorchio I have cleaned the whole house, bathed my Mother, hosed down the dogs and now I am going to chill inside with my fan because I am wuss in the sun (null)
  2. sorry about your Nan Griff. I love this weather I also love the AC at work (null)
  3. Erm no can't say I've ever even heard of them and err I don't think I'll be trying it out either Think I'll stick to periton and the inhaler. The sun has yet to come out here, just very muggy at the moment.
  4. Lovely pics Hope there is a positive outcome regarding Martyn's job Very glad Joss found his way to your Aunt Morning My hayfever is being really mean today (null)
  5. Hope your doc finds out the cause Suzeanna Our place pull stuff like that all the time Alex, can't give bonuses or time and half anymore but still get emails saying how well the company is doing (null)
  6. Hope you get some answers at the doctors Michelle Yes! Summer is finally here i love it, light mornings, light nights and now we have warmth and sunshine to go with it. Better get the dogs out before it gets too warm though. (null)
  7. Alex, there are some vile people in this world, how they could do that is just disgusting, I'd be demanding my money back and spending it on some luxuries for myself!! What a total bell end!! Good luck with online sales Amy Last day off work for my OH so we've been out with dogs and ate dinner in the park (null)
  8. Good luck Jo and Bed. Have a fab weekend Marge. We went for a walk somewhere new today and Gypsy became very neurotic and cried, bounced, played up the whole time think we'll stick to our regular walks in future. Got a bargain off EBay today, refurbed Dyson vacuum for £45 my floors were filthy don't know what my old Hoover thought it was doing (null)
  9. I'm not sure how I'll manage I might spend more time at work my mother lives downstairs so the living room is unusable by anyone else as its full of equipment, there's gonna be five adults, one baby and three dogs living here they can't afford to get their own place and the council waiting list is long. All I can do is hope my sister finds a house for them all soon. I hate living in my bedroom it's not very big and the dogs take over, it's not ideal for them either but they just take advantage of the of the situation and get on the bed (normally I don't allow them on the bed because they malt something rotten). (null)
  10. Hi Julia Hope Rob gets the job. Another saga unfolds in The Mad House my niece has lost her job so the whole family are moving back to the UK. I love my niece but they will be living in my office / living room so I can't work on my art anymore and back to living full time in my bedroom hopefully it's just for a few months until my sister finds a house for them all to live in but it's gonna be stressful in the meantime. (null)
  11. Well done Martyn We went West Kirby, Michelle, never been to formby is it dog friendly? Sounds like you need to prime your slapping hand Alex :p (null)
  12. Happy belated birthday Archie (null)
  13. Glad Scoobs is doing better I bet there will be some car enthusiast who'd buy it off you for more Snow We went to the beach today and apart from the OH making a boo boo by letting Gyp and Phe out on the car park we all had a good day. Next door rejected our offer on the house but I didn't think we'd get it anyway, if we wanted to buy somewhere else we'd need swat gear to live there on our budget so we're giving up on the idea for now. One day when I'm not taking care of someone I might get a real job and have some actual money (null)
  14. Well done Mags Griff, hopefully she won't buy, I worry about new neighbours, but in all honesty the dogs are the least of their problems, it's like a mad house I think about putting a sign in the window that says "dogs, cats, cripples, gays, blacks and teenagers live here" just so they know what to expect! Though the PC police might take offence to such a sign (null)
  15. Morning I cannot wait till 5pm my manager made a faux pas of my holiday so i have to work today but then I am off for two weeks instead of one which suits me fine because it's audit season again! If I have to sit through one more meeting of year on year sales figures, forecasts and budgets my head may just blow up !! (null)
  16. I don't know why it says "null" I'm guessing it has something to do with the app I use. Suzeanna, I can't see your post about your birthday weekend or the action group I had a stall at the Gap show murtle it went very well but was counter productive as we bought so much from the stalls I hate this new app it's really annoying i cant pick up quotes, see what I'm typing after a certain point or use the smilies! (null)
  17. I have the same problem with my snooze button Alex :p I really don't want to go to work today, only because there are two other supervisors in which means there will be nothing to do and the day will drag! (null)
  18. Lovely pic Alex We have had a lazy day, after all the excitement of yesterday I think we needed it. I seem to have forgotten how to sleep correctly for the past four nights I've been waking up with dead arms, no idea why but it's very annoying (null)
  19. Hope you get to put your feet up over the weekend Amy that animation is similar to what happens when we are heading out for walks. We're all ready for the GAP show tomorrow but not looking forward to the early wake up (null)
  20. Morning Michelle time for you to take a break, you've done all you can for now, eventually her lies will come undone and everyone will see her for what she is Alex I think you should share your sunshine, it's grey skies here (null)
  21. Gypsy wasn't fond of the weather over the weekend, she was on high alert and quite unsettled. Up and down all night barking, crying and growling. Hope Charlie just wasn't too keen on the weather and it's nothing serious (null)
  22. happy birthday Bo (null)
  23. Morning. The new mobile app for this site is no good. Can't see what I'm writing hope Jacks eye is better soon. Sorry about Kayla San, and sorry the woman at rescue wasn't understanding either maybe she would have preferred the wrong home for her Happy birthday Amy, may today go swiftly and lead you to a nice glass of wine (or whatever your tipple) at the end of it hope you feel better soon as well I'm lost now sorry if I forgot anyone. I got lucky with the rota and I'm not in til Tuesday gives me plenty of time to get ready for the Gap show and maybe get some cleaning done if I can fit it in around the sofa time (null)
  24. Do you have a website we could link to? Hope you find the customers to build your portfolio
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