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Everything posted by houndzrus

  1. ooohh, makes me itchy just thinking about it. One spider at a time is enough to cope with. Hope you've got your pants on the right way today.
  2. My decorator is no oil painting either Ok, I'll make do with good plumbing and no six pack
  3. Morning everyone for those who need them. Alex, can I swap my plumber for some of yours? Mine doesn't have a six pack I will need something to relieve the boredom when he's here tomorrow.
  4. Morning Wendy, Not long now till you get to go home
  5. Glad it's all over now Hope everything works out ok
  6. RMF: I've come back from a weekend away and found loads of wasps in the bathroom They've been coming through the airbrick. Can't see a nest anywhere though.
  7. I like you're style right, that's it, I'm definitely going now. TTFN Well I got bored and then came on here, so I didn't get much done
  8. aaww thanks, that is indeed the trophy. (And Cherry is still very happy with the honking duck)
  9. The best I've ever looked is on the picture thread. That's because I've been transplanted onto someone else's body
  10. I'm only just ironing my clothes ready to pack and I've got nothing else done! I'm leaving tomorrow afternoon for a lovely long weekend, and look forward to meeting lots of lovely fugees on Sunday I will try to get there quite early on Sunday and help out where I can. See you all soon ps, I have packed the trophy ready for the next best in show winner. Good luck everyone.
  11. I am very happy today. I have booked a bungalow in the Isle of Wight for a week in October. (recommended by someone on here). and I have booked an extra night for my long weekend in Rutland because my OH has managed to get Friday afternoon off .
  12. I will be coming too. I have volunteered for Aly on the stall, but I am also available for anything else as required. Just give me a shout if you need help.
  13. Morning everyone, I'm just leaving for a community event celebrating cultural diversity. Should be interesing, if I can find my way there I'm represrenting my company, and helping run a stall. The staff are sharing the time, about 1-2 hrs each and I will get next Friday afternoon off in leiu. Have a good day, whatever you are up to.
  14. Nite Nite, I'm off to bed now as well. so much for being wide awake
  15. Cyber tea on it's way Glad you know where Mint is cyber coffee on it's way to you too Enjoy!
  16. I should be able to, thing is, it's quite local but in an area I don't normally go to. RMF: I feel wide awake now, might go and make some tea. Would you like a coffee Wendy and Ramsey, while I've got the kettle on?
  17. Morning anyone who is still up, I've volunteered to run a stall at an event for work today, and can't remember how to get to the venue This wouldn't be so bad, but I am giving someone a lift and I have all the stuff to set up the stall! Why do things always seem worse in the wee small hours? Hope you find her soon
  18. I have now finished the DIY for today. This afternoon I have put together 2 x 1000mm wall cabinets, 1 x 300mm wall cabinet and 1x 600mm bridging unit. OH has been busy plastering in the kitchen and has made a hell of a mess, but I don't care because at least the work is getting done. My living room is getting hot now so I'm off to shower and then I will sit out in the garden with a nice bottle of wine that's cooling in the fridge Have a good evening everyone hope your throat gets better and your bum soon moulds
  19. Morning everyone, to all who need them. Off to shops for now for food, tiles and wallpaper, pay some bills etc, and then back home to make kitchen cabinets. Deep Joy Have a good day everyone, and don't get sunburnt
  20. so sorry about Sammie and Greys mum
  21. Morning everyone Another day of DIY ahead. On the plus side, it's going to be a lovely sunny day
  22. So sorry Cindy, sleep well Tango
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