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Everything posted by gemini60

  1. gemini60

    Too Old?

    It is so lovely to see some new photos of these lovely gents. Don rings us regularly to update us on Ben's progress and you can tell how close they are to each other. They really are a match made in heaven When Don told us about his visit from the RSPCA we were totally dumbfounded, how anyone could think that Ben wasn't loved and cared for is totally unbelievable. You only have to see them together and their bond with each other shine through. thank you nanvan for making that first request that made this possible for these 2 lovely gents and making them both so happy Pauline
  2. gemini60

    Too Old?

    Quick Update for you Don and Ben's story is now featured on the Four Paws Animal Rescue Website Don and Ben We are all so very happy for the two of them and not forgetting that this wonderful happy ending is all because of nanvan
  3. gemini60

    Too Old?

    We are both very proud to have had a part in getting these two lovely gentlemen together, Don is just what Ben needs, someone to share his latter years with and give him the one to one companionship he deserves, once Ben has settled in they will be very happy together. As we came to leave Ben went straight over to Don, as if to say I'm not coming with you I want to stay here with Don. It was well worth the long drive just to see the scenery around Don's village, ohhh! all those beautiful thatched roofs, Ben is very lucky to have such beautiful countryside to go for his walks. We wish the two of them many happy years together. Pauline and Phil
  4. gemini60

    Too Old?

    Have PM'd you nanvan Ben taken in the garden today with my mobile (so not very good), he is very camera shy and walks off if he sees my camera come out
  5. She must be keeping him all to herself now so just to keep you going here's 2 of many I took yesterday, he's so photogenic once you start you cant stop. Whoever gets to adopt this boy will be very lucky ( if Libby doesn't fail, that is )
  6. This old gent is a darling, He's a liitle unsure of whats happening to him, but is settling in slowly. He arrived here with us last night to stay until transport could be arranged for him to Libby's in Kent. By an amazing stroke of luck our son is off to Gillingham very early tomorrow and has offered to take him along, if libby can collect him from there, so With a bit of luck our grand gent could be in his foster home by this time tomorrow.
  7. gemini60


    Jessie (14) passed peacefully in my arms on monday at the vets Jessie came to us as a foster on 14th Feb 2006 along with her lifelong companion Sammie, they had spent 7 months in kennels waiting for their elderly gentleman owner to come out of hospital, sadly for them all he had to go into sheltered housing and couldn't take the girls. So he signed them over to Eileen (FOAS) in the hope that they could be re-homed, they came to us while they were waiting to see the vet for healthchecks, but they never left. The strain of months in kennels had taken it's toll on them both. Jessie was having fits and sammie was suffering from dementia, so they stayed with us. Sammie (then 14) passed away last september after suffering a series of strokes. Jessie continued to enjoy life with us as a companion to our poodle Robbie (now 13). She gradually had more trouble with her joints, despite painkillers and then she also showed demetia so the vet put her on vivitonin at Easter allowing her to enjoy her last trip to Kent with us. But as the weeks have gone by she has declined, she was telling us in her own way she had had enough, so we made the heartbreaking decision to allow her to join Sammie at the bridge. Both girls were such wonderful characters and will always be remembered by our family. Run free together now darlings we are very proud to have known you both. Pauline and Phil and Robbie and Diesel A very special thank you to Eileen for allowing us to foster the girls.
  8. A man and his wife were sitting in the living room and he said to her, "Just so you know, I never want to live in a vegetative state, dependent on some machine and fluids from a bottle. If that ever happens, just pull the plug." His wife got up, unplugged the TV and threw out all of his beer.
  9. gemini60


    Hi Guys and Gals, I'm trying to sell my new bed. I've just ordered it over the Internet. As my room is only tiny and I miss judged the size of the bed compared to the size of the gap it had to fit in but I cant send it back for some reason. The bed frame is 100% hand carved and imported from India, the mattress Is high quality too. I thought I would give you guys first offers, but if you know of anyone else who might be interested please forward this on as I'd like to sell it ASAP. I haven't named a price but if you're interested let me know. Anyway I have attached a picture.
  10. Upon hearing that her elderly grandfather had just passed away, Katie went    straight to her grandparent's house to visit her 95-year-old grandmother    and comfort her.      When she asked how her grandfather had died, her grandmother replied, "He     had a heart attack while we were making love on Sunday morning."     Horrified, Katie told her grandmother that two people nearly 100 years old having sex     surely be asking for trouble.     "Oh, no, my dear," replied granny. "Many years ago, realizing our advanced     age, we figured out the best time to do it was when the church bells would     start to ring. It was just the right rhythm. Nice and slow and even.     Nothing too strenuous, simply in on the Ding and out on the Dong."     She paused to wipe away a tear, and continued, "and if the damned ice    cream truck hadn't come along, he'd still be alive today."
  11. HOW TO SHOWER LIKE A WOMAN! 1. Take off clothing and place it in a sectioned laundry hamper according to lights, darks, whites, man made or natural. 2. Walk to bathroom wearing long dressing gown. If husband seen along the way cover up any exposed flesh and rush to the bathroom. 3. Look at womanly physique in the mirror and stick out belly.Complain and whine about getting fat. 4. Get in shower. 5. Look for facecloth, armcloth, loin cloth, long loofah, wide loofah and pumice stone. 6. Wash hair once with Cucumber and Lamphrey shampoo with 83 added vitamins. Wash hair again with Cucumber and Lamphrey shampoo with 83 added vitamins. Condition hair with cucumber and lamphrey conditioner with enhanced natural crocus oil. Leave on hair for 15 minutes. 7. Wash face with crushed apricot facial scrub for ten minutes until red raw. 8. Wash entire rest of body with Ginger Nut and Jaffa Cake body wash. 9. Rinse conditioner off hair taking at least 15 minutes to make sure that it's all come off. 10. Shave armpits and legs. Consider shaving bikini area but decide toget it waxed instead. 11. Scream loudly when husband flushes toilet and water loses pressure and turns red hot. 12. Turn off shower. 13. Squeegee all wet surfaces in shower. 14. Spray mould spots with Tilex. 15. Get out of shower. 16. Dry with towel the size of small African country. 17. Wrap hair in super absorbent second towel. 18. Check entire body for remotest sign of spots. 19. Attack with nails/tweezers (if you can find them). 20. Return to bedroom wearing long dressing gown and towel on head. If husband seen, cover up any exposed areas and then rush to bedroom to spend hour and a half getting dressed. HOW TO SHOWER LIKE A MAN! 1. Take off clothes while sitting on bed and leave them in a pile on floor. 2. Walk naked to bathroom. If wife seen, shake knob at her whileshouting "Way, Hey!!" 3. Look in mirror and suck in gut to see your manly physique. Admire size of knob in mirror, scratch balls and smell fingers for one last whiff. 4. Get in shower. 5. Don't bother to look for wash cloth - don't need one. 6. Wash face. 7. Wash armpits. 8. Laugh at how loud farts sound in the shower. 9. Wash balls and the surrounding area. 10. Wash bum, leaving hair on soap. 11. Shampoo hair but do not use conditioner. 12. Make Mohican hairstyle with shampoo. 13. Pull back curtain to see self in mirror. 14. Rinse off and get out of shower. 15. Fail to notice water on floor because the shower curtain was outside bath for whole shower time. 16. Partially dry off. 17. Look at self in mirror, flex muscles and admire size of knob again. 18. Leave shower curtain open and wet bath mat on floor. 19. Leave bathroom light and fan on. 20. Return to bedroom with towel around waist. If you pass wife, pull off towel, grab knob, go "Yeah baby" and thrust pelvi at her. 21. Put on yesterday's clothes.
  12. click on need a login copy and paste username and password then login then type in your registration number to see where you have been caught speeding then view picture
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