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Everything posted by reds

  1. It does make you wonder. Three people were killed on the roads today because of the snow. What's 2 hours?
  2. reds

    Sad News

    Sorry Laura I lost a friend to suicide too this year, 'open verdict'. It's hard to accept that they felt they had nothing left to live for. Their pain is over.
  3. Alex Just know we're with you.
  4. Alex (x many for your pain) Swim to your hearts content Milly and send us all a special 'face'
  5. Just to rule out the obvious, have you checked his hearing?
  6. Glad she ate her chicken Your vet sounds wonderful. I think Milly would have to be very very poorly before she ever stopped fighting and just being herself. The decision changes from ending too much existing suffering to preventing it from beginning. Harder in one way, easier in another. You must be drained emotionally yet still so srong . Wishing you both the most fantastic Christmas Day and if there's anything that Fugee power can do for you or the Magnificent Milly, please say! Yummy thoughts for the fish and butter sauce.
  7. Good question. If they are cycling to get to work then it's the employers who should be taking responsibility. They should be advising staff not to travel in whilst the weather is bad. I would argue that the onus is on car drivers to be extra cautious and to always be aware of other road users, regardless of the weather. You are quite right though and have a very valid argument because safety should always come first and not enough people prioritise that. If it's not necessary to take the risk when roads are badly affected, then we simply shouldn't
  8. All my thoughts Sarah Credit to you for bringing her back home. Look down in peace Molly
  9. As parentage is a little unknown she could be a cross? I've not heard of any issues associated with the blue colour. The colours are fascinating but given all the other factors involved in personality and character, I wouldn't be tieing too much to it I now red owners for instance who say they are nuts and red owners who say they are the exact opposite! There are so many other influences and genes.
  10. I'd completely forgotten about Owen!!
  11. Boo Hoo to Stacey going last night, she was definitely my favourite. Not an Ollie fan as he only ever does swing style songs which I've never been especially fond of. Joe I think will win but also worry he'll end up like Leon - nice guy but no real 'spark'(Rhydian SO should have won that year!!!) Anyone remember who came 3rd last year by the way? 'cause for the life of me I can't!
  12. A donation to the charity of your choice if you really can't think of anything? I used to ask for a cheque to the local dogs home where 2 of my bridge babies came from, but no-one took me seriously and they never did Would love a new camera this year that a) works more often than not, and b) is better at pics of moving animals! Not holding out much hope though but socks are ALWAYS good
  13. Wow to the Stags, very rarely see them just the babies and ladies usually and definitely not that close!!! When you said moor, my first thought was (was it not muddy?) One of the very best ways to spend a Saturday and don't Kiera and Sparks look a great contented pair Really must meet up for a hill walk Billy (aka - you navigate, I follow)
  14. LOVE it (and actually a great definition of friendship!!!!!!)
  15. £200's a bit steep! Might have to skip that idea too Do you now have a trailer? (fingers crossed you do) Sorry Pablo has lost weight, always a worry. Hope Dr Green of Cheshire will soon see to that Had a fab ride today, re-visiting old rides I was never that familiar with the first time around . They've built a housing estate and closed a road off right through the middle of my best hack since Duke retired (the things that can happen when you stop riding ) so have to be more adventurous now. He is a really lovely boy Please may I just say though that as someone who hasn't ridden regularly for a few years and as someone who rode with legs "off" pretty much always, riding is blooming good exercise. My leg muscles are still telling me about it Feels good though
  16. Beautiful face Where's the rest of her though! We have to see what the monster pup grew into to!!
  17. Welcome to England Pablo and Welina!!!! You're only the next county up from us as well. Pleased the journey is over for all of you
  18. Brilliant news Jayne 'Good lesson' thoughts for Thursday to you. Come back and tell us! Have you sorted out anyone to hack out with? Pendlewith you and Wanda are a funny pair When's your next competition? Clare, Loki doesn't look underweight at all!! Fingers crossed for the trailer, incredibly exciting. I still haven't dared tow but am thinking about taking one of those towing courses. I don't need to license wise but would really like to because the fear of reversing is a pretty big obstacle Plus the issue of a tow bar for my car! Am going to have to bite the bullet though because I'm too old to be relying on my Dad to drive us places and wait for us. How do you do his mane by the way, it looks fab. I thought about thinning scissors for Cornish but it's not thick at all, just needs trimming and with it being fine I don't really want to use scissors (in the vertical way not horizontal I should add!). Time off work tomorrow so can't wait to ride Cornish now he's shod and hopefully foot mended. There's still been some heat in it so have been a little worried but seems fine.
  19. Olly to go tonight please. Much as I don't particularly like Danyl, Olly is out of his depth a bit vocally. If Joe doesn't win I will gobsmacked but I would still rather Stacey did because she makes me
  20. Oh bless, he hasn't quite mastered the graceful bit yet has he
  21. Good for you Clare! Hope the right one with a more genuine seller comes along very soon. Have been thinking the same about taking Cornish somewhere for a lesson. I could manage once a month. I love my farrier! He's only going to charge me £35 to shoe Cornish I say 'only', it costs twice as much just to trim Duke's feet, with no shoes at all! Boys with extra special feet club C will be very happy to get out tomorrow and Duke will be very happy to not have to babysit him in the stable
  22. reds


    At least they know it won't be tolerated Laura Not challenging unacceptable behaviour, simply makes it acceptable.
  23. reds


    I would also have to intervene, I couldn't let that go by. There was an older man 'training' one of his ESS's on the Chase. The dog was ignoring his whistles and signals. As I walked up the path, I got mine close to me because the one dog was on the path and didn't look 'right' at all, very anxious. The dog on the path was a JRT and I soon saw whey he was looking so wary. The man was thrashing the spaniel with a thin leather lead and after he put on the said lead, proceeded to belt the dog around the face. I told him to stop hurting his dog and he went into a rant about 'don't you tell me how to train dogs...' His last comment was, 'I've tried everything else'. So what was he going to do? Keep going until he nearly killed his dog - because that was the only other option left to him on that train of thought I'm quite sure he didn't pay any attention to me but at least it might make him stop and think before he acts like that again (at least in front of people). If the dog warden is no help then I would walk up to him and ask him if you can have a chat. It's not age, it's knowledge and perspective.
  24. Sorry, had a 505 and was looking at 510's (luckily the stolen one was insured!) but Bateson seemed the better design. Have sent you a link Clare.
  25. Your local vet practices? Might have new vets/nurses looking for somewhere to rent. Sounds like heaven!
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