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  1. Laying of flowers for lives lost to BSL - London vigil
  2. Vigil for bruce - london Kathyw, I have a lovely pic of you with bishop if you would like copies email me at [email protected] and ill email them over to you We have had hundreds, possibly even hitting the thousand mark of pictures of the worldwide vigils. hoping to put them to music and video over the weekend. Will post links as they are done
  3. Thank you so much for coming Kathy. Was an honour to finally meet you! Allie x
  4. Thank you SO much to everyone who took a picture for bruce. I have been downloading for over an hour and still going! Thank you!
  6. NCRC issue statement on Bruce - A Good dog
  7. Update: Bruce's execution has been postponed! It WILL still be carried out however and at the moment we have no idea when that will be, it could be a day later or a week. Please keep emailing!
  8. A must read for anyone who cares about the welfare of seized dogs
  9. Mel, It is not misleading as this is follow up to a previous FOI showing dogs died in police care (as mentioned and link given in article) The second reply shows more dogs have died so "More dogs die in police care" is correct.
  10. It doesnt say 4.5 thousands died while in police care, it explains at which stage they died so its not misleading. But thanks for the bump
  11. For more see here:
  12. Its not a petition its simply a way for people to sign and say they disagree with BSL. No tricks no catches just simply say they dont agree with and they think it should be repealed.
  13. Yes. C-Fidos is a sub group of the Pet Owners Parliament.
  14. Due to a moron publishing the piece the comments facility was turned off. It has now been turned back on again. Do feel free to comment particually if you agree with a repeal. The more that speak out the better!
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