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Everything posted by phoenix21

  1. I was googling and found this - horse mag have just been trying some of those exercises out!
  2. i felt it when i got off - was walking like john wayne lol I was a happy hacker but slowly getting addicted to schooling and dressage now...... nothing beats a good hack however
  3. nice to hear everyones news and pics and look forward to pics of rolo and his new saddle I had an individual lesson today as my friend was away so after about 14 yrs of riding i had my first lunge lesson really shows up your faults!!! had to ride without reins or stirrups and concentrate on legs to slow down, stop, go forward etc and do sitting trot and rising trot without stirrups wasnt actually too hard but just now have to practise. Aparantly i need to open my hips more i dont know if anyone has any exercises that are good for that? It was a really hot morning and ash (who i rode - and incidently got in the 70s% for his last dressage test!) is quite lazy so it was really hard work. By the end of it off the lunge my canter had gone to pot but i was sooooo knackered! rode with spurs for the first time as well just so i could be more precise when asking for aids etc am slowly getting there - its funny because you think you are pretty confident and ok in the saddle until you get proper intense lessons then it all suddenly clicks and you have so much to work on!! am loving it and really seeing an improvement - just wish i could get my legs right all of the time
  4. Sounds like hes doing well - and he looks lovely
  5. eeek loki is a big lad! nice to hear everyones news and good luck with all the competitions coming up
  6. oooooo you jammy person so jealous!!!!! will be needing lots and lots and lots of pics as he grows up...hes gorgeous
  7. lots of good thoughts for Parci and i hope bear throughly enjoyed his treat also just on a side - whats sashas blend? does it have good results?
  8. ooo how exciting - please tell us.......please.......
  9. wandas the bay isnt she? she is lovely - but also her buddy is rather scrummy yummy I've just emailed a girl who is looking for someone to ride her IDXTB in glasgow a couple of days a week. Am moving up there in a month working part time 3 days/wk to begin with until i finish my degree but am soo going to miss riding everyday - hopefully this will work out riding her horse - we'll see :-) fingers crossed. Took bud on advanced today - hes a big 16hh cob but such a wuss - he nearly had heart failure when we were cantering along old railway line bridleway and a deer decided to run along side us! had to stop and let the deer hopp off into the forest before continuing! we then met the scarey black bag monster which was way too scarey to pass - you never know when these things will jump up and bite you - always er on the side of caution and let brian (the even bigger wuss) act all brave and walk past without a care in the world.
  10. Ill second that- gave the wonky old lady molly a new lease of life when i first gave it to her. She actually started running on walks!!!
  11. only just seen this - phoenix is exactly the same - she boings after pheasants, deer, rabbits allsorts in the woods and comes back with raised bumps , lumps and then after a few days gets puss filled spots on her belly and inside of legs. She then gets the grey flaky skin stuff - i put dermosol on which clears it up pretty quick - hope aggie is ok its very satisfying getting all the puss out of the spots thou.........thats not something i should admit to is it.....
  12. so sorry - run free Ice
  13. yeay kane pics!!! he looks lovely - hes got a big bum hasnt he! and i really want to steal barney and fred - love 'em oo and rolo looks lovely as ever
  14. our vet is also great. When albert decide to land on our doorstep as a stray- he needed a major op - vets cost for that were £250 but he didnt charge for vaccinations, flea treatment, wormer or check ups after we should really organise a refuge lakes walk sometime (not that i want to gatecrash on things either.....although i may be in glasgow on those dates not sure )
  15. A family friends cat - daisy may has just been pts as had cat AIDS The lady who owns her took her to one vet (who is mainly large animal) and didnt really find anything wrong and gave her her vaccinations anyway. However her owner was still really concerned as she was dropping weight and normally is a pudding shaped cat! So we recommended our vet who is always superb. He suspected cat AIDS straight away and did a blood test. Came back positive and said her organs would soon go into failure so she was pts - aged nine. She was born to a stray female at a farm so we suspect she picked it up from there and shes had problems with her breathing all through her life which now is probably attributed to aids. Am slightly concerned about the risks of passing it on to other cats has she has stayed at our house with our cats lots of times oh at wet dog does pong - the inside of my car proves it - its not nice!! Hope everyone is okay
  16. WOW - stunning horses anne!! good luck with the behaviourist jacky - and where are those kane pics??
  17. Social class refers to the hierarchical distinctions between individuals or groups in societies or cultures. Anthropologists, historians and sociologists identify class as universal, although what determines class varies widely from one society to another. Even within a society, different people or groups may have very different ideas about what makes one "high" or "low" in the hierarchy. The most basic class distinction between the two groups is between the powerful and the powerless. Social classes with more power usually subordinate classes with less power, while attempting to cement their own power positions in society. Social classes with a great deal of power are usually viewed as elites, at least within their own societies. In the simplest societies, power is closely linked to the ability to assert one's status through physical strength; thus age, gender, and physical health are often common delineators of class in rudimentary tribes. However, spiritual charisma and religious vision can be at least as important. Also, because different livelihoods are so closely intertwined in simple societies, morality often ensures that the old, the young, the weak, and the sick maintain a relatively equal standard of living despite low class status. As societies expand and become more complex, economic power replaces physical power as the defender of the class status quo, so that one's class is determined largely by: occupation education and qualifications income, personal, household and per capita wealth or net worth including the ownership of land,, property, means of production, ... Those who can attain a position of power in a society will often adopt distinctive lifestyles to emphasize their prestige and to further rank themselves within the powerful class. Often the adoption of these stylistic traits are as important as one's wealth in determining class status, at least at the higher levels: costume and grooming manners and cultural refinement. For example, Bourdieu suggests a notion of high and low classes with a distinction between bourgeois tastes and sensitivities and the working class tastes and sensitivities. political standing vis-Ã -vis the church, government, and/or social clubs, as well as the use of honorary titles reputation of honor or disgrace language, the distinction between elaborate code, which is seen as a criterion for "upper-class", and the restricted code, which is associated with "lower classes" Finally, fluid notions such as race can have widely varying degrees of influence on class standing. Having characteristics of a particular ethnic group may improve one's class status in many societies. However, what is considered "racially superior" in one society can often be exactly the opposite in another. Also in situations where such factors are an issue, a minority ethnicity has often been hidden, or discreetly ignored if the person in question has otherwise attained the requirements to be of a higher class. Ethnicity is still often the single most overarching issue of class status in some societies (see the articles on apartheid, the Caste system in Africa, and the Japanese Burakumin ethnic minority for examples). However, a distinction should be made between causation and correlation when it comes to race and class. Some societies have a high correlation between particular classes and race, but this is not necessarily an indication that race is a factor in the determination of class. thats the definition of class that i found - does it really matter about class nowadays? it seems very old fashioned and with the diversity of people - cultures, religions, races in our society i dont think defining people by class is particularly applicable to todays world. It was much more significant in the past and i think - as this thread seems to conclude - that its difficult to define your place within the class system and in the end - does it really matter? i dont care if people are working class, middle class, upper class or whatever - we are all the same in the end. I couldnt really give a stuff what class im in
  18. WOW Loki looks amazing!!! looks like hes going to be a crackin jumper, bet you r one proud mummy
  19. aw what a cutie love his markings on his face poor fred! hope hes not too bothered about loosing them
  20. ooo i dont know how i missed this ealier - she is scrummy - i love her chestnutty eyes
  21. I was going to say that she had no control over her dog at all so she is partially to blame. These things happen i dont think you could have done any thing different to prevent it and prehaps if she hadnt been on her horse then she could have got to her dog quicker as well. Hope ria is ok
  22. oo jacky it looks nice there! well the little pony, cherry, i was talking about in the last post has anemia. shes already a lot better and eating well so thats good. One of the other ponies (who is a total prima dona) has been havin daily antibiotic injections this week. Its not her fav thing and i learnt later on today they have been holding her ear to keep her calm whilst they do it. That might explain why when i touched her ear putting her bridle on this morning she reared up, stomped on my foot (nice and bruised now) and pushed me over!!
  23. phoenix who was lying in the chair asleep sat up, pricked her ears and started watching it but being the rebel she is didnt respond to the commands... she was probably looking at the sheep thinking what a nice meal they would make thought it was a good programme and i did a bit when the handler handed holly over and at the awards bit when they walked past the handler and holly jumped on him.
  24. phoenix21


    run free twiggy you beautiful girly
  25. OO Lovely pics of Loki. Watching F Word at mo. Janet Street Porter has just gone to france to choose from some beautiful cobs in a field to be butchered and sent to England so they can cook it
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