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Everything posted by Natpants

  1. Can you email a photo? ideally with all TEN cats curled up with your dogs
  2. I've got one like that. Purdie managed to get into an "out of reach" zipped up leather bag and eat a bumper pack of chewing gum last week Luckily it hasn't caused a blockage. She also ate my Clinique facial soap last week (and seemed to enjoy it - I should think so for £13). My experiences with Purdie-goat has taught me that if a dog is determined to eat something they will probably find a way so I just don't buy things like chewing gum anymore (or corn on the cob, raisins etc) and obviously Purdie is muzzled anyway when out - she used to eat cigarette butts and old chewing gum stuck to the pavement, and lord knows what else though. The good news is that my goatdog has passed a whole variety of things like toys, bits of blanket, a condom , plastic bags, candles and other things she shouldn't so hopefully Jess will be the same Let us know how she gets on.
  3. Yes it is that one - if you know which one it is please don't put the name on here as I could be in a lot of trouble (as the staff don't know the kennels are being sold yet as it could take a while), thanks
  4. Hope that helps
  5. Do we have any TTouch practitioners in Essex on here? I think I may have found you a client if there are, or could anyone recommend someone who would see a client in Colchester? My college principal has a 15 year old dog who has dodgy back legs and he was really interested in what I had to say about TTouch and thinks if it could help he'd like to see someone.
  6. Purdie is in love Is he single?
  7. That's really common in dallies so I expect you've tried the dalmatian forums...? there's quite a lot of good stuff online about diet and purines etc if you google.
  8. I'll find out for you on Monday
  9. My boss runs another business of a boarding kennels in Warwickshire (near Rugby) and they have 3/4 acre, grooming facilities and a big 4 bed house to go along with it which they have just put on the market. Sadly I don't appear to have won the lottery therefore can't buy them and start up my own rescue but I thought it was worth mentioning on here as I don't suppose boarding kennels come up for sale very often in case anyone is looking to buy premises for boarding/rescue.
  10. She's a dote Teeny-tiny for just a collie x GSD so I think there's something else delicious lurking in there but who cares what? I got her out of the crate where she'd spent a bewildered hour in the car and we had a snuggle while she sat on my lap and LOTS of slurpy snogs while waiting for Amy to pick her up for the next bit of the run! She really is a poppet and her sad confused face really tugged at my heartstrings (although in all fairness they ALL tug at my heartstrings ) This one was quite special though
  11. Aw, thanks for being interested Fraid I don't have a digital camera so haven't been any taken in a while! And she looks manky as she's always got bleeding ears these days - although a small child did take a photo of her when we were out walking the other day - even though she had blood all over her head (where she shakes her ears) and had her muzzle on and looked distinctly Hannibal-like So it's not just me that thinks she's beautiful still She's actually just had a bath so will take one of her and her lishus bone later from my phone
  12. Fabulous, thanks so much! She has 3 huge ones so am going to freeze 2 for another time and the 3rd will be to keep her quiet during our Eurovision party tonight!
  13. My parents have bought Purdie some bones which they think are beef rib bones. I'm not sure they are safe to feed her - does anyone know whether it would be? It's not knuckle and are square/triangular in shape and very big so I think must be rib
  14. Me too, I don't venture in here often. So very sorry for your loss
  15. The answer is of course, yes. But then she doesn't get to go out at all, because we don't get much past my doorstep. She is also smart enough to be aware of what's a training situation and will perform with a new person, or in a training environment. So the headcollar has to go on or she doesn't get to go out and we all know how much I got flamed when she was kept in. Oh and she has managed to pull over my fifteen stone ex boyfriend when not walked on the headcollar
  16. Thanks Fiona, what a lovely post That means a lot to me.
  17. I've been trying to lead train my dog for 3.5 years. She's only 25 kilos (4 stone) but stronger than her size and muscular and determined, and I'm less than 9 stone so it takes its toll. I've done the training with forum advice, training classes, and the help of a famous behaviourist, so not half hearted. Purdie pulled particularly hard on a walk, on the best stop-pull harness I have found, this week, and as a result I am off work with a bad back, can't turn or bend or sleep, or drive, and now obviously can't walk or play with my dog, it was all I could do to let her out for a wee this morning and feed her. Back to the headcollar - I have to keep us both safe afterall. I accept that my dog may be an exception as she is particularly strong-willed but that doesn't mean I haven't worked hard or am taking an easy option. Walk a mile in my shoes. In fact, borrow her and prove me wrong, I would like that I would love to not have to use a headcollar as my dog throws herself to the ground if we walk near grass, to try to remove it, and I worry about her damaging her neck
  18. Gorgeous pics I am as ever very jealous. get well soon Loki.
  19. Aw I'm sad I won't get to see Jess next weekend Pickle's got so big too!
  20. I understand both sides so I suppose I sit on the fence. But I always feel with situations like this (as the transport thread) that the real culprits are the ones we should focus on, i.e. people who breed indiscriminantly for a quick buck or discard dogs like they are used toys, not those who are doing what they can for rescue or to try to improve a breed and do it for the love of the dog. Obviously I have an issue with any rescue breeding from the dogs they rehome but from their own lines, properly bred, why not?
  21. Natpants


    Twiggy You've worked miracles with her - you've done that and quite right you should be proud!
  22. Sorry I have no help to offer, sounds like hard work for you, hope you get lots of good ideas on here
  23. Aw Kazz Thinking of you both.
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