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Everything posted by Gemstone

  1. I am tired after a busy day with the kids including an afternoon visit to the swimming baths. I am going to lie on the sofa and watch Xfactor to recover Hope Martyn has had a happy birthday
  2. Laura Andrea I have been to Nandos but I didn't have wings sorry. Adam had wings but I don't know if they were proper ones or not The food there is very yummy anyway
  3. I had fishfingers and chips for tea, made me feel about 10 again Poor Misty has a poorly paw and showed me up by wetting herself at the vets again
  4. Just been to Manchester to buy a roof box, camping tonight I did wave to you as I went past Alex
  5. Morning Lou Jazz Welcome back from hols and glad everyone had a good time Danny is back in school on Friday!! Where did the summer holidays go?
  6. Awww I love frogs but when I went camping the other week, I was just about to pick up a dog poo when a frog decided to bounce up at my face I jumped out of my skin! Happy Anniversary Mel
  7. Just back from walking the dogs, nearly got blown away and couldn't see where I was going through my hair Adam has been away this week but should be home soon I missed him Might have helped if he had phoned home once or twice....
  8. I am most proud of Matty Six As, four Bs and a C He doesn't take after me
  9. Morning MrBogangles Good luck owl Matty gets his GCSE results today
  10. Morning Mel I have been absent for the weekend, went camping and walking on Friday and Saturday and to church and my nephew's birthday party yesterday. The house is even messier than usual and I haven't even been in it!!
  11. Morning Yay! That is fab news Sam Awww Jazz :GroupHug: Take it easy Alex!! You will make yourself more hurty
  12. Good luck Suzeanna Griff Jazz I am cooking sausage casserole with jacket spuds for tea. It is great cos it is just looking after itself and just gave me an hour off to watch my first ever episode of CSI with Adam
  13. So glad to hear she is improving :hug:
  14. Morning I am very slow to get moving in the mornings when the boys are off school
  15. Ooohhh I do need a couple of things
  16. Awww Where is that scaredy cat boy now? You have done wonders with him
  17. Morning Awww Michelle Marge Thinking of you xxx We are taking foster baby to the zoo today
  18. Do it!! It was much better than I remembered Yes lots! On the video, Darren says "Say hello camping Julia" and I say "Hello camping Julia" and he says "Right". It is the way that he says "Right" that lets me know that he thinks I am bonkers Even though it was him who was saying "Say hello camping Julia" in the first place
  19. I like it as it is and <------ and have never tried vegemite
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