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Everything posted by Careli

  1. Arrived this morning: 1 X kinky-dog-magnet. Love it. I can see why you were tempted to keep it Jazz 1 X Louise Hay book from ReikiAnge. Really looking forward to reading this. Thank you
  2. Hope everything has gone ok It breaks your heart to leave them doesn't it! Loads of positive thoughts still being sent for Charlie
  3. Just back from the Drs and I do not have diabetes Blood pressure fine as well. I is a happy bunny. Haven't been on all day so no way am I gonna catch up so to all that need them. Off to have a cup of tea and some Mcvities Chocolate Caramel bickies.
  4. OMG Are you sure Max hasn't got an itch or summut?
  5. We have to be very careful around here as we have a lot of Crows and Magpies and they sometimes drop bones and other rubish into the garden as they fly over.
  6. Oh no! Now your scaring me. Would that be hyper or hypo thyroidism? (scuttles off to google thyroid)
  7. Thanks guys The thing is I don't feel unwell. Extremely tired yes but nout unwell. When they suggested it yesterday I just poo-pooed the idea. However, the more I think about it the more I realise I do actually have the majority of symptoms apart from weight loss. For the last few months I've been hungry all the time, have been eating like a horse and have actually put on a fair bit of weight But like I said, I can attribute all the symptoms to to other possible causes. Deep down I'm sure I haven't got diabetes. Hopefully will know more tomorrow.
  8. Bruno has just recently had his anal glands removed. He was experiencing the same as ollie - glands kept getting infected, discharging blood and puss. He had three courses of antibiotics, but everytime the ABs stopped the infection returned. Owing to his Lymphosarcoma, Lyndon did not want to risk 'missing' any new tunors, so he went in for anal gland biopsies. However, once in, the anal glands were so bad (one looked as if it had ruptured at some point) and there was so much scar tissue, he removed them. This was a bit of a surprise as apart from the smelly discharge, Bruno had no other symptoms. It is not a nice op - and obviously it is very painful for them for a few days after. Bruno being Bruno had complications. He got an infection which resulted in him being in so much pain that he couldn't go to poo. The operation was done on the Weds and on the Sat he was admitted as an emergency as 3 days worth of poo had compacted and needed to be removed manually. Saying all that, it always amazes me how quick dogs recover from surgery. Following his depooing, on the sat, by Tuesday he was back to normal.
  9. I had my yearly optician check yesterday. My eyes have really deteriorated over the last year. I am short sighted so need glasses/contact lenses for distance. There is a .25 deterioration in both eyes. Apparently, at my age this is very unusual. Soooooo, they think I might have Diabetes. It was not until the optician started running through all the possible symptoms that I began to get worried. I've been very tired lately - put that down to work laod Have been drinking a lot more - put that down to warm weather Have been having to get up in the night to have a wee - put down to increase in drinking due to hot weather Dizzy spells - I suffer from labrynthitis so thought it was that Night sweats - well it has been warm hasn't it My Mum had diabetes. I have an appointment to see my doctor tomorrow PM. I hope they are wrong and I just have dodgy eyes. I don't want diabetes - I likes my sweeties and chocolat and nice stuffs too much
  10. Wishing Foodog all the best today and hope the GA and biopsy go well. Will be thinking of you
  11. Hope you had a wonderful Birthday Catherine
  12. I despair of human nature sometimes. How on earth can anyone give up a dog after 16 years
  13. Happy 5th Gotcha Day Princess Chloe
  14. It depends how quickly you start to snore and dribble on your documents!
  15. I want to reply to agilitymad's thread but don't know what to say
  16. Bruno used to do this. We have managed to stop him through clicker training, though it took two of us. When one person was mowing the lawn, the other had Bruno on a lead. When he started to bark or go towards the lawn mower, we just told him 'No' fairly firmly, but with no pulling or yanking on the lead. As soon as he was quite we would 'click and treat'. All the time he sat quitely he would get his reward. We then built up to an alternative behaviour such as a Sit. This would again be clicked and treated. Then we built up to a down. Now he is quite happy to lay on the patio and just watch the majority of the time. However, there are occasions, when the mower first starts up that he has a little bark, but we just tell him No and usually goes and sits on the patio.
  17. How exciting. Hope it is a nice job, where you can use your brains and earn a decent wage doing it. Good well wishes for Tommy. There are a lot of tummy bugs going round at the moment. Hope he feels better soon Oh no! Good thoughts being sent for Khyra. Am feeling a bit left out as my foof is perfectly fit and healthy. In fact I can say I have a fit foof
  18. Happy Birthday Andrea. Hope you have a wonderful day
  19. Oh well done Dolly. Thats brilliant!
  20. Totally agree! Sam and Mark you have my utmost admiration and respect. I would be proud to offer support and be able to follow progress. Like Melp said, it feels more personal. I think I will feel, well, part of it somehow.
  21. Excellent, couldn't have put it better myself Red Rotties. I would be more than happy to contribute.
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