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Everything posted by Rileyroo

  1. Good luck with the vet visit
  2. oooh that sounds promising. I'll suggest she looks on agility net and contacts her local club - she was worried about them thinking she was a fool for even wanting to try it
  3. Her terrier cross (medium size) only has one front leg - but she's very fast and energetic and doesn't let it bother her. Is it possible for her to do agility? Are their clubs that would allow a 3 legged dog to be introduced to be basics?
  4. There's a really good leaflet / short book by Patricia McConnell called I'll Be Home Soon! We've followed its basic principles and it now means that we can leave Riley for approx 45 minutes on her own - we're still at the stage of gradually increasing the time. When we first got her we couldn't even leave the room without her howling - even if one of us was still with her.
  5. Riley had bad roundworms too - we had a 3 day course of panacur followed by milbemax which seemed to do the trick. Our vet has said to do the next course in the next couple of weeks. It sounds like either Finn's never got rid of them all, or is somehow getting re-infested. Is he a good weight etc - when Riley had them she just couldn't keep her weight on at all. To be honest, I'd be guided by my vet on this one - and perhaps look at things like adding pro-biotics to his food so that his gut / immune system is better able to fight off any larvae that do make it into his system.
  6. I'll try and add pictures of the cats later - can't do so from work. Thanks for the welcome, everyone
  7. Oooh, I love vizlas - I think we need pictures!
  8. Hello Scampy's very handsome
  9. Hello, again - good to see you here
  10. There seem to be people I know already here - good to see you all. To the people I don't yet know, I hope that changes soon This is Riley, and I also share my life with a husband and two cats (Paddy, Billy and Holly respectively).
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