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Everything posted by Kimbas_mum

  1. Just so everyone knows for future, by law the dog tag must have: Surname, first line of address, postcode and phone number Anything you add after that is up to you, you can get away with just the house number rather than full first line of address. I have surname, house number, postcode, mobile number and on other side vet name and number.
  2. Kimbas_mum


    Son't know what you were worried about, I heard you did very well and that Eddie the supersub was indeed super. If you manage to find those shin pads could you lend them to me please, not for my perfectly well behaved boys of course, cos I'm getting to play with Charlie the loooooonnnnaaatic this weekend!!!
  3. Fab piccies Anne, she obviously loves it (and her Daddy!!!)
  4. Kimbas_mum


    Looks like fun, well done on winning the div. See you tomorrow.
  5. Thanks Anne, I knew someone more useful than me would be along soon, I bought a load from them and the dogs loved me!!
  6. you can actually but it ready made as well if you are a wimp from, I think it is someone on here who has it as their signature.
  7. Thanks for telling me that bit, so I have to avoid getting 126 points before the end of the season - I don't want him out of starters this year cos there is not a place for him in the team at the moment.
  8. I'm really proud of Kimba, this weekend he had his first competition without netting. It was our home show and I had been asked to run him in the starters as usual and in the 2nd multi-breed team. Cue big panic and being absolutely convinced that we were going to let the team down and he was going to run out of the jumps (we had only really done one practice without netting and he had to have a couple of wings and a person to convince him to jump the first jump after getting the ball, he just turned too wide and didn't see the point in pulling himself back in). So I arrived at the ground on Friday night having just about come to terms with him running in that one only to be told he was also running in a team that we had hastily put together to run in division 4 on the Saturday cos one of our other teams had dropped out. So that meant that in 1 weekend Kmba was running in starters on Saturday, open team on Saturday and multi-breed on Monday. Well I needn't have worried, he was an absolute star, managed really well with the higher jumps and only ran out a couple of times in the whole weekend and that was right at the end of Monday when it had started raining (he hates the rain), we were using a different box cos ours had broken and he kept fumbling the ball and he was really tired. I am so proud of my boy
  9. I'm so sorry Gemstone. Good luck at the vets Dudley. Your good thoughts seem to have worked, just got some better news about William, update in non-doggy chat. Thank you all for your help and thoughts
  10. update about how William is getting on in non-doggy chat, please keep the healing coming, he really needs it today.
  11. Please can you all look at William's new thread in non-doggie chatter cos he could really go with everyone behind him today. Thanks K
  12. No but when I get there tomorrow we can have a drink and be ridiculous to celebrate!!!
  13. Kimba has his first go out of starters on Monday in the multibreed at our home show, sould be interesting to see what he does without the netting, but I don't care really, I'm proud of him anyway.
  14. My yearling William has injured his knee and is currently at the equine hospital in Liverpool and could really do with any help he can get to get this to heal well and as quickly as possible so that he can come home as soon as possible. Here he is: Thanks a lot. K
  15. Thinking of Mel and family and of course Sid, it is so hard when their time comes but it is the kindest thing for him. Hope Nala feels better soon, Maddie had a really nasty wound on the inside of her thigh which needed a skin graft in the end cos it just wasn't healing and kept getting infected and the wound edges were breaking down, as soon as she had the skin graft she healed in no time and is 100% fine now (although she does have 2 nipples down her leg as a souvenir!!) Kimba send Dobie snogs to make her feel better.
  16. Fab, well done Jayne and Eddie
  17. I am a beautiful motherf***er who will rock your world
  18. Come on Martin, we neeeeeed Indy pictures. Glad Indy had fun at agility again.
  19. Big brag to add to this now. Last weekend was my boys first flyball competition, and they were both brilliant. Jayne (Gooster) ran Kimba for me and I ran Jasper. We were in a team of my 2 and 2 collies, none of which had ever raced before, and Jasper had only had 4 practices and we managed to come 4th in our division despite one of the collies being partially blind and the other one deciding it would be much more fun to jump the netting and join the other team on several occasions. Kimba was a star and did every run perfect and pretty quick. Jasper was also really good, he picked the ball up if he dropped it on the way back and went as fast as his little legs could carry him (not very quick), and by the end of the day was absolutely pooped, as soon as we stopped, he flopped onto the floor and was dead to the world for the next 2 hours!!! Not only was Jasper fab for the flyball, it was also a massive achievement for him to be there at all, one that I wasn't sure he was going to make. He has had a lot of problems and came to me absolutely terrified of people 8 months ago, he couldn't cope with people being anywhere near him and was terrified of me leaving him. So for him to go to a show with hundreds of people around and even let a couple of complete strangers give him treats, he lay down with people around and really relaxed despite the manic atmosphere right next to the ring. I am so proud of both my boys, but especially Jasper, my scared little dog has come good
  20. Good morning new fred, how are you today?
  21. That sounds fantastic Martin, well done to all of you for doing so much for Dexter. ANNOUNCEMENT I have just bought a new horse (I is very excited) There are more details in Non doggie chat.
  22. Another definite Pro Choice here too.
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